
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasy
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106 Chs

loss of control

"Elia..." Alex tried to speak, but Christopher stopped him by placing his hand on Alex's shoulder

"Alex, I understand your concern for Elia, but he seems to need some privacy. You can talk to him after he calms down..."

"Well...." It seems that Alex was convinced of Christopher words and everyone started to leave, but Alex turned to me before leaving, I think he tried to say something but he gave up in the end and left quietly.

After I was alone, I began to focus on controlling my feelings, but it was useless, those feelings were like a tsunami that could not be stopped, fear and despair, and most of those feelings that overwhelmed me were hatred and anger.

Anger at that entity that targeted others drives Daniel to despair.

Pushes Daniel to despair? No, it was driving me to despair.

I realize now that I've been through this nightmare, that Daniel is me.

I am Daniel, not Elia.

I got out of bed and went to the mirror, I saw this pale face, gray hair , gray and blue eyes.

But when I looked at this face I was overwhelmed with disgust, why am I in this body? Where did the real Elia go? Is it possible he...?

I stopped thinking about this awful possibility that would drive me crazy especially since I'm not in a good state to think about it.

Anger began to increase gradually, and I felt my body heat up more and more, and I could not maintain my awareness, and dark thoughts flowed into my mind.

Why did you have to kill them?

Aren't I your target?

Did you kill everyone around me and the people who are important to me just to make me despair?

"You damned monster!" I shouted as I smashed the mirror with my hands, my hand was injured and blood began to flow from it.

I smashed the furniture in the room screaming

"Come to me, you monster, I'm not afraid of you..." I said, throwing a vase against the wall.

But the door of the room opened suddenly, Alex, Alfred, Mancera and Christopher entered.

"Elia, what the hell are you doing ..." Alex yelled as he approached Elia

But Christopher stopped him

"Wait, he's acting weird..."

"You… you… are trying to kill me? Do you think I will fall so easily…" Elia shouted like a madman as he looked at them.

Elia slowly approached Alex, then suddenly started running towards him, punching him while screaming.

"It won't end easily... I will drag you to hell with me," Elia shouted, as if he had lost all logic

"Stop, Elia, I'm your Uncle Alex, you have to come to your senses..." Alex noticed that Elia wasn't conscious.

Alex skillfully avoided elia's punches, while Elia continued to strike randomly while shouting incomprehensible words, Christopher grabbed Elia's hand and subdued him, then directed a light blow towards the back of Elia's neck, which made him lose consciousness


After I regained consciousness, I was summoned to the library, where I sat on a sofa covering myself with a thick blanket and drinking hot coffee. I started to feel very cold after that difficult experience, which I do not want to repeat.

"..." Everyone stared at me silently, but I ignored them and calmly continued drinking my coffee

Sigh, I wish this moment could last forever

"Elia...are you alright?" Alex broke the silence

"I'm fine..." I replied briefly

"But...what happened before..." Alex tried to figure out what had happened in the room earlier

"It was a nightmare…" This is the appropriate excuse for this situation, they all know that I have a lot of nightmares, so it is not surprising that it affected me even a little.

"Nightmare?...did I go crazy because of a nightmare..." Alex and the rest showed skeptical faces.

"Yes, and Mr. Mancera can confirm my words…"

Everyone looked towards Mancera, who directly said, "He is telling the truth…"

Mancera has the ability to detect lies, I don't know how this ability works, but as long as I tell the truth, this ability can be used to my advantage.

"But what did you see in the nightmare..." Alex was persistent, determined to find out why I attacked him.

"Uncle, this dream was very disturbing, and I don't want to talk about it. Can we change the subject..." I tried to change the subject, and made a frowning and annoyed face, to show him my desire not to talk about this nightmare.

"Okay...just try to calm down..." Alex responded to my hints, looking worried at me.

Poor guy, he's been so nice to me since the beginning because he thinks I'm Elia, I don't know what he'll do if he finds out I'm a different person in Elia's body.

'I have to get out of this place...' That was the first thought that crossed my mind when I found out I wasn't elia. Surely the Gracefields wouldn't let me go if they knew the truth.

"Hahaha, the atmosphere is tense in this place, but your bad mood will surely change if you hear the news we are carrying, …"

"Oh, and what is this news…" Although I asked, I could guess what that news was.

"You have been accepted into the Central Academy, and you will be enrolled in the elite class…" Mancera said in a solemn tone


"...." They seemed speechless due to my frosty reaction.

Well, I don't blame them, the elite class has the best talent, and being accepted into this class was something to celebrate.

Unfortunately, I am too tired to jump in and celebrate.

"When am I going..." I got to the main point

"Two days later.." Mancera replied, still feeling vexed from my cold reaction.

" this fast?.."

"You're already late. The academy started nearly a month ago, so you should join it as soon as possible.."

"Well…but it doesn't seem like you are here to just inform me about my admission to the academy…"

It was Christopher who answered me this time, "We're going to see if you remember anything useful that could help us in the investigation..."

It seems they still suspect I'm hiding something from them.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, Mr. Christopher, but apart from these damned nightmares I don't remember anything about Mr. Weir's disappearance..."

Mancera frowned at my answer.

Mancera's ability is powerful, but he has a fatal weakness, all I need is a wordplay

I have information that I am Daniel and I hid this information from them, but at the same time I do not know any information about the whereabouts of Thomas Weir

If I say that I am not hiding any information, Mancera will immediately discover that I am lying, because I know information about the underwater city, about Daniel, and about the shadow.

But if I specify my goal, and say that I do not know information about Thomas Weir , then in this case I am not lying, and therefore Mancera cannot discover anything.

"It's a pity..." said Christopher, getting up from his chair, and heading towards the door as Mancera followed him.

"Please tell us if you remember anything, Elia..." Christopher said before leaving the room with Mancera, as Alfred escorted them.

"..." I stayed with Alex in the room alone, it was uncomfortable, I wanted to go to my room and stay there until it was time for me to go to the academy

It was dangerous to stay with Alex in one place, I might say something wrong that would make him suspect that I wasn't elia, though I could use my memory loss as an excuse, but it's better not to risk it.

"I'm going to my room to rest a bit..."

"Sigh, try to get some rest, and if you have any problems, you should come directly to me…"

" Yes.."

_______________ __________________ ____________

"How is it that he doesn't know anything..." Mancera said in a confused voice

"he knows..." Christopher replied confidently.

"But my ability confirms that he does not know the whereabouts of Thomas Weir's disappearance yet…"

"That's right, he doesn't know any information about Mr. Weir, but he does know other information, which may be about his hiding place all these months..."

"You mean…." Mancera's eyes widened.

"You've been manipulated, Mancera..." Christopher smiled lightly

"This brat…" Mancera was very angry and wanted to rush in and teach Elia a lesson, but he resisted this urge.

"But his condition was strange..... We can't continue to investigate him now," said Christopher calmly