
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasi
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106 Chs

Strange person

Sia's POV

Today was the second day after the return of studies after the curfew

What happened was shocking to everyone, whether they were enemies or allies

No one claimed responsibility for this attack, leaving the case unsolved. The government found no one to blame. All they could do was accuse Trinity.

But people in higher positions realize that it is just an empty accusation, because there is no evidence that Trinity committed this crime

I was sitting on the chair waiting for the lesson to start, and Emilia was sitting next to me

I saw a young man with white hair entering the classroom, and it seemed that he was trying to sneak in, and when he discovered that no one was looking at him, he sighed with relief and started walking towards his place.

I smiled when I saw his strange behaviour

This boy, Elia Gracefield

I heard about this boy from the rumors circulating around him, but I heard some things about him from someone else

She's my little maid, Emilia Brandon

She told me that some noble students attacked her and injured her leg

She was lying in a garden unable to move, but suddenly Elia appeared and carried her to the clinic, and stayed there until he was sure of her safety.

Why the notorious boy helped a stranger he doesn't know

I wanted to discover his goals

It's not that I'm curious or anything

I watched the match between Elia and Sylvia, I thought that Elia would be crushed and beaten, but the opposite happened, Sylvia was the one who got hit

I still remember how he hit her head on the ground hard, which made her lose consciousness

This boy is definitely fierce

His fighting skills were commendable, I think I can make use of him if I make him stand by my side

Knowing that Elia has another exam, I decided to use this opportunity to get close to him

I noticed Emilia wanted to thank him, but this girl is very shy and does not have the courage to approach strangers, and as a gentle princess, I decided to help her get close to him

I arranged a meeting with Elia in a coffee shop, of course, I didn't tell him I was coming, he might get scared and run away when he hears about my presence

He was a little shocked when he saw me there, but he didn't seem to recognize my identity

Did he live in a cave? Who does not know the members of the royal family who come with him to the academy

Everyone took care to remember the appearance of important persons, so as not to offend them by mistake

But I was not deceived by his appearance, as a member of the royal family, it was natural for me to have the ability to act and pretend, in order to achieve my goal

His actions may be just a mask to hide his twisted personality

But I did not see that cruel person who beat Sylvia

He's just an ordinary boy, he acts normal, though he acts mature for his age at times

But gradually I discovered that there is a problem with this boy

He had severe emotional fluctuations, and may amount to schizophrenia

I saw him depressed and crying over something trivial

And the next day, he was laughing and joking with the others

"....." this is very strange

But the biggest shock is the test result

complete result

I thought he cheated, or someone leaked the questions

But the test was repeated again, and he got the same result

There's no way he can cheat with all these people watching him

There were security cameras in the room as well as ten professors watching him

Is he a genius?

Even Su Yan, who is called the genius of the century, did not achieve this result

He even beat Maxwell Magmaier, which was an unexpected and interesting result

This increased my interest in him

I decided to keep watching him

The three of us went out to celebrate Elia's success. Emilia was happy when I told her that I was going to take Elia to a restaurant.

I was glad that this girl had come out of her loneliness and found someone to care about

Is it possible that she cares for him in a romantic way? It would be great if I could help her find a boyfriend

Although she is committed to serving me, it's okay to go out with him sometimes

Don't worry little Emilia, your master will catch this man for you

When academy came back, I was upset because I would go back to these annoying classes

It seems that the new professor who will supervise us is a strict person and difficult to deal with

She asked us to run a hundred laps around the field, which is easy for people like us.

Most of the students were able to finish running easily

However, there were some students who couldn't resist to the end

But Elia was the worst of them. He didn't even finish one lap. Professor Mihara was furious

Is Elia trying to annoy Professor Mihara? Or he can't really complete one lap?

Students who did not complete this task were penalized by running twice as many laps

Emilia and I sat looking at Elia who was running and muttering something

I thought he was cursing Professor Mihara

Most of the students finished the task before sunset

But Elia kept running until the evening, it was as if he was carrying weights on his back

There were four people in the field

Me, Emilia, Elia.....and Seraphina Midgar, daughter of the King of the East

She was watching Elia quietly the whole time, and when Elia finished running, Seraphina walked up to him and gave him some water.

I watched anxiously what was happening, Seraphina was a beautiful girl, and I heard that she was Elia's childhood friend

They are no longer close, but Seraphina seems to want to mend her relationship with Elia

This will put Emilia in a difficult position, as she will not be able to compete with Seraphina

So I decided to attack Seraphina, and make her stay away from Elia

But Elia intervened and tried to calm the situation

He seemed to want to speak with Seraphina privately, so I quietly left with Emilia

The next day, I saw Seraphina sitting on her seat at the front of the class, she is always the first person to arrive in class, but something seems to be on her mind, she was frowning all the time and looking absent-minded

Some of her friends noticed her strange behavior and decided to ask her, but she was telling them that she was fine

Even her best friend Layla couldn't figure out what caused Seraphina's sadness

But I know, it seems that the conversation with Elia did not go well

I kept myself from smiling, but I'm glad her plan didn't work out

When Elia got to class, I approached him and asked him what happened after I left

He told me what happened, but I was shocked by his words, that was harsh, although I don't want Seraphina to get close to Elia , but Seraphina is not a bad person, she doesn't deserve these harsh words

Even Elia seemed to be in a bad mood, staring into air, as if something was on his mind