
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasy
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106 Chs

A MACHINE FOR PIGS : the temple

A man with a skinny body entered a huge tent in the middle of the jungle. This man was dressed in brown clothes like those worn by explorers and with a big hat on his head. He looked at a dark-skinned man who was concentrating on a map lying on the table, "Wilson, I don't know what we got ourselves into, at first I thought he was a rich European man who wanted To go out on a tourist trip, but this man has completely lost his mind...."

The dark-skinned man whose name is Wilson, was looking at the map, furrowing his eyebrows and a look of annoyance on his face. "I know what you mean, George, but I can't convince him to go back to his country no matter how hard I try. The problem is that he had a fever while he is here. I told him that he should go to a doctor. But he refused"

George seemed uncomfortable with their current situation. "We have to send him back to Britain. If something happens to him, the British forces will not let us escape so easily..."

Wilson drank some water and his face was sweating profusely, "Hah, the problem is that he has children with him, who brings his children to a deserted land like Mexico?..."

"Are you planning on continuing to help him search for that pyramid?"

"I have traveled in this country for more than ten years, and I have seen various sites in it, and I assure you that there is no pyramid or temple in this area…."

"But he insists that there is a temple in this place…."

"I think he started raving because of the fever. He talks about a pyramid built by the ancients, and that he will fulfill his destiny. I get worried every time I talk to him. It's like I'm talking to a crazy person...."

The two remained silent, expressions of concern on their faces

Wilson broke the silence. "I'm going to tell him we're not going on this journey..."

There was a bitter look on George's face, "But he paid a fortune for us to accompany him on this trip...."

Wilson raised an eyebrow. "Do you want to continue the journey with this maniac?"

George was silent for a moment, but at the end he sighed, "No, I want to finish this job and go home..."

"Then it is decided, I will tell him at sunset, and bring him back to Britain in the nearest ship..."

"What if he refuses..."

"I will inform the British forces that Mandus has a high fever and that he has begun to rave, endangering his life and the lives of his children. By this we will not be responsible for what happens to him and his children..."

"Wilsooon...". The two of them heard someone shouting from outside the tent

Wilson and George ran outside, and saw a man who was running towards them as fast as he could

The man stumbled and fell on his face, Wilson and George ran to the man and helped him up

"What's going on, Josh?..." Wilson asked worriedly

Josh was panting, trying to catch his breath. "Mandus... huff... escape... huff..."

"What? What the hell are you talking about..." George grabbed Josh's shoulders

"Mandus ran into the woods with the two kids..." Josh was terrified

"What?…" Wilson grabbed Josh by his shirt. "How can you let him run away like this, he's a sick man, he'll hurt himself and hurt the kids..."

"We tried to stop him..." Josh's tone was desperate. "But he had a gun, and he threatened us that he would shoot us... We didn't dare to stop him..."

"Damn..." Wilson let go of Josh's shirt, and tried to calm himself down, seconds later, he looked at Josh, "Where did they go?..."

"East… It's been twenty minutes since they left…"

George looked east. "East? Is he trying to find the temple himself?…"

"I told him over and over again that there is no temple in that area…." Wilson became furious.

George became worried. "Mandus' health is very bad. If they lose their way, it will be the end of them..."

"Damn it...George, gather the men and tell them, we have to find them before it's too late..."


A middle-aged man is walking in the woods with two children walking behind him with signs of worry on their faces

The man was looking at the map while walking, his face was red with fever and he was panting heavily

The little boy was anxiously looking at his father while holding his frightened sister's hand, "Father, you have a fever, why don't we go back to the camp now, and we can search for the temple after you are well..."

The man did not respond to his son's calls, he was looking at the map and there seemed to be something haunting him, "It's close, I'm sure...."

The little girl tripped and fell to the ground, the little girl started crying while holding her sprained ankle

Freud looked at his father and screamed. "Father, please wait a moment…"

But Mandus did not stop and continued walking forward as if he could not hear his daughter's cries and his son's screames

When Freud saw that his father wouldn't stop, he tried to lift his sister onto his back and started running after Mandus

Freud knew he would be in trouble if he separated from his father

The three of them passed a group of bushes and came to a place devoid of trees

This area contained a gigantic stone building, emitting an ancient and majestic aura from it

Mandus threw the map and laughed madly. "True…it's true, those idiots didn't believe me, but here he is in front of me now, hahaha…"

The two children looked at the stone temple with fear and awe, with signs of concern on their faces