
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
106 Chs

Someone that others don't see

she knows who I am, my appearance changed after I moved to the dark world

And it's hard for many people to recognize me, unless they stare at me intently

But it seems that this woman knew my identity from the beginning, and was waiting for me here

She patted on the bench, and invited me to sit on the park bench.

I sat next to her, and looked at her sideways

She looked a lot like Victor, are they twins?

The woman was looking ahead, "I'm Victoria Planck , nice to meet you..."

Victoria? even their names are similar

I smiled at her, "Are you Victor's sister?..."

"We are twins...."

"I noticed that, for a moment I thought Victor was wearing a dress and walking around the garden, hahaha…"

"Actually he does this sometimes..."

"What?!…" My face turned pale, who would do such a strange thing, I should be careful when I meet him in the future

"I was kidding..." Victoria looked at me

"...." Who's joking with that serious expression on his face

Victoria was staring at me, "Do you know anything about the murders that happened..."

Since I met Victor Planck and suspected him of being an agent of the central government, this was just a possibility

Now it appears that his twin sister is also a government agent, but isn't she a bit direct? Did she expect to get information after we met for once? Some government agents seem to lack the skill necessary for such missions

I smiled faintly as I looked into her eyes. "How do I know anything about these crimes? I'm still waiting for the government to catch the criminal...."

"But I'm sure they won't catch him..." Victoria's tone was sure

"Why are you so sure…." I kept smiling but became restless inside

"Why do you ask something you already know, Mr.Elia …."

We stared at each other for a while, her face was devoid of emotion, but I was smiling while thinking about this woman's purpose.

Is it possible that Alexander left evidence behind?

No, he's not such a careless person, so why does this woman seem so sure I'm involved in the killings?

| what are you doing?...| I heard Alexander's voice in my mind

' What do you mean? I am talking with...'

Suddenly I felt a hand touch my shoulder, when I turned around, I saw Sia and Ren

Sia was wearing an elegant blue one-piece dress, while Ren was wearing a black shirt with jeans.

There was the usual smile on Sia's face, "Good morning , what are you doing?..."

I smiled at her, "Good morning, I was talking to my friend..." I looked to my side, but I didn't see Victoria.

I got up from the chair and looked left and right, but there was no sign of her

"Friend? But you were sitting alone the whole time..." Sia looked at me strangely

"What? She was sitting next to me a moment ago, a girl with bright red hair and a Ruffled red dress…"

Sia and Ren looked at each other, then looked at me

Ren looked worried. "Actually, we accidentally saw you sitting here, and the princess insisted that we watch you for a while, but you just kept sitting here and talking to yourself… We didn't see any girl sitting next to you, especially since a girl of such description is easy to notice…."

There was a blank look on my face as I looked at Ren

What the hell is going on here?

I'm sure I was talking to Victoria a moment ago

And I spoke with Victor earlier

But why is Ren telling me he couldn't see Victoria

| They are right, you sat on this bench and started talking to yourself, did you go crazy?...| Alexander spoke in a sarcastic tone

Thomas: | with whom you were speaking?...|

' With someone named Victoria, is it possible that you haven't seen her either....'

Alexander: | There is no way that someone was sitting next to you....|

I looked at Ren and sia "Hahaha, ignore what I said, I talk to myself sometimes..." I was embarrassed when I said those words, I looked like a lonely loser, but I had no other choice

I don't know what's going on, so I'd better try to change the topic so as not to arouse their suspicions

Sia looked at me pityfully as she put her hand over her mouth. "you lonely loser, if you wanted to meet a pretty girl you could tell me, I can introduce you to some…"

"...." This little brat

Sia grabbed me by the hand and dragged me, "Come on, let's go to some places to ease your miserable loneliness..."

Does she enjoy making fun of me?

I felt gazes directed at me

When I looked around, I saw all the boys looking at us

They were looking at Sia with admiration, while looking at me with a question, as if they were saying who is this boy, and how he has the audacity to walk with Princess Sia

Their gazes were piercing me like daggers, I must leave this place

"Let's go..." I started walking quickly

Ren was walking to my left and Sia to my right with a mischievous smile on her face as if she was enjoying what was happening.

This little princess is well aware of the hostile looks directed at me, and seems to enjoy seeing me in this situation

"You look embarrassed, Elia…" Sia's smile widened, "Where did your courage go? I still remember how cool you were trying to look when you confessed to me…."

I stood where I was, staring at Sia in shock

What? What the hell is this girl talking about?

| I think this happened because of me...| Kepler spoke embarrassed

'Did you really confess to Princess Sia?!...' My face turned pale