
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasy
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106 Chs

Victoria Planck

The curfew is finally over

The authorities are still trying to find the killer, but to no avail

I kept training all night and I was able to make some progress. The first time I couldn't practice these moves or rotate the vitae energy in my body for more than twenty minutes.

But last night I was able to go on for about an hour, and that was remarkable progress

When I wake up in the morning, after breakfast and shower, my body feels energized

I decided to go out and think about my current situation

I walked around Central Park , the views of this place are soothing

I think of what happened at my last meeting with Alexander

He was right , the Frost Family would never stop targeting me

But killing someone as important as Katarina Frost was enough to paralyze their movements for a while

But at the same time, I was upset about killing Sylvia , but , was what Alexander did wrong?

Even after thinking for a long time, I couldn't come up with a definitive answer

At first I was angry and upset

But after I calmed down and thought about it, I realized that Sylvia was my enemy, and she must hate me and consider me her eternal enemy after her humiliating defeat, and I wouldn't be surprised if she wanted to kill me if the Frost family told her to.

All Alexander did was kill her before she tried to kill me

I decided to leave this aside and think about the information Alexander was giving me

Alexander was taking advantage of the silence of Kepler and Thomas and giving me information that might be wrong or have some distortion

He is taking advantage of the fact that he is my only source of information , this forced me to obey him completely

He can make me hate or love whoever he wants

This is because I do not know the past or what happened while my soul was in hibernation

I don't know what happened with Elia and how his soul disappeared

I do not know what happened inside Olympia city , and how it was destroyed

Can I trust the information Alexander told me?

I doubt it, but do I have another choice? Thomas and Kepler are afraid that Alexander will turn against them , so they don't want to make him their enemy, so I can't count on them.

Should I ask seraphina or Layla?

I thought about that for a moment, but quickly dismissed it

What if these girls try to twist the events taking advantage of my memory loss and make themselves the victim and that they didn't mean to harm Elia , I don't think I can count on them to get information after they abandoned Elia , so they probably don't know what happened to him during that period, and I also felt disgusted with these girls

There is another important issue

It was related to the last dream that I saw , this dream was about a person named Bridget, and I heard them mention the names of Germany and Britain

This meant that woman was from my original world

I was happy when I found out information about my previous world, but I became anxious when I remembered that there was a war going on there

And it seems that it is a huge war and not just a war between two countries

Is there a connection between me and that woman?

Thomas said that I gained Andrew Ryan's memories because I injected myself with the Adam that was extracted from Andrew Ryan's body.

But Bridget's from my previous world so there's no way I'll ever get her DNA

I haven't fully recovered my memory, so this woman may be related to me in some way

But after some thought, I remembered that I had seen the date on one of the newspapers when Killian and Bridget were walking around

25 June 1941

I remember the year was 1897 when I was in that world, and then the shadow killed me

This means that there is a difference of more than fifty years between my death and these memories of Bridget, and therefore it is impossible that there is a connection between us.

Suddenly I felt a look directed at me

I looked around, there were a lot of students in the place

But I could easily find the person who was watching me, because he didn't bother hiding himself

It was a woman in her twenties, who looked familiar

I'm sure I've never met her, but I know someone who looks like her, and that person was Victor Planck

This woman was a copy of Victor Planck

She has long Chestnut reddish hair arranged in a bun, and amber eyes. She wears a red dress similar to the dresses of the Victorian era.

I have to admit, she looks amazing in this dress

What caught my attention was the lens she was wearing. I remember that Victor Planck was wearing a lens in his right eye, but this woman was wearing a lens in her left eye.

Her appearance was remarkable, but it was strange that no one was looking at her

Everyone passes by her, without even looking at her

If I see a beautiful person wearing such lacy clothes, I will look at her for a moment

That woman waved at me, and gestured with her hand to invite me to approach her

I approached her and greeted her, "Good morning..."

The woman stared at me before saying, "Good morning, Mr. Elia...."