
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasi
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106 Chs

Sia Godwill

I entered the room and locked the door

I leaned against the door and closed my eyes thinking about the last dream

I am Daniel, so naturally I have memories of Daniel

So why the hell do I have memories of Andrew Ryan?

The more I thought about it the more confused I became

Daniel was from England from a world called Earth

As for Andrew Ryan, he lived in the Olympia city in this world

No matter how I think about it, I can't find any connection between them

They are people from different worlds, with personalities, thoughts, and feelings

Am I really Daniel?

I'm sure Kepler, Thomas and Alexander are hiding something from me

I have to find out what they're hiding

The time now is 17:30

My appointment with Ren was in thirty minutes

I decided to confront those three with my questions after I got back

I take a shower and change my clothes

I hardly looked at the perfume bottle, which didn't have much left

The Gracefield family prevented me from withdrawing money from my account, so I am now bankrupt

I had to sell most of the perfumes I brought with me

And I only have this fragrance left

I cursed them while I was spraying perfume

I went to the coffee shop where we agreed to meet

The entertainment and commercial areas became crowded, especially after sunset, after the lessons ended

I wore a hat, making sure to hide the color of my hair, and black glasses

I got to the coffee shop, and entered room number 3, which Ren told me he had booked

------------- -------------- ---------------- -------------- ------------

"...." I was sitting at a table with Ren in front of me

But there was another person

A sky-blue-haired girl whose hair was long and reached her waist

Her green eyes with vertical pupils resemble those of a snake, along with elegant clothes, making her a person who attracts attention wherever she goes.

"I'm Sia Godwill..." The girl smiled as she extended her hand

"Elia Gracefield…" I smiled at her as I shook her hand

We sat in our places

I looked at Ren questioningly, but he looked at me with apologetic looks

He looked like someone who had been forced to do something he didn't want to do

who is this girl? I cast a curious look at Sia

She was also looking at me smiling

Although anyone would be happy if a pretty girl smiled at him, I felt uncomfortable.

Her smile looked fake

I tried to inquire about her background, "Miss sia, what is your relationship with Ren…"

"Our relationship?.." She looked at Ren cheerfully, "He is my servant…"

"..." Is this his master?

I now understood why he was looking at me apologetically

If his master commanded him to take her with him, he could not oppose her

"But, Miss Sia, why would you come to such a boring meeting, we are here to study…"

A girl with her beauty and vitality must be popular and famous

Why not spend her time with her friends instead of wasting her time here

Sia took out a book from her bag, "I'm here to help you study, Ren told me about your problem so I volunteered to help you, you may not know it but I came second in the exam..." There was a smug look on her face as she raised her nose to the sky

So this girl is smart too

I think I can benefit from it

I looked at her gratefully, "Thank you for helping me, Miss Sia…"

"You are the one who helped Ren , so naturally I should help you, oh, you can call me Sia, I don't like formalities.."

I looked at Ren in surprise, I didn't expect him to tell anyone about this incident


Sia slammed the book on the table and exclaimed excitedly, "Let's get started..."

"..." It seems like it's going to be a stressful experience

My information about this world is very little

Progress and technology are advanced, and every day there is a new discovery

So it is difficult to study all of these things in the short time that I came to this world

I told Sia that I am not good at studying and that my knowledge is zero

She just smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll make you understand everything in one day..."

And we started studying, and surprisingly, I could understand the things Ren and Sia were explaining

They told me they knew I had amnesia, so they would start from the basics until I understood everything

Thanks to that I was able to grasp a few things

It is now 11 pm

I looked at my watch, "I think it's time to leave..."

I got up from a chair, but Sia grabbed me by the hand and prevented me from getting up

There was a frightening smile on her face "Where do you think you're going..."

"To...to my room..." i stammered because of her frightening look

"Do you think you have the right to rest? You've barely finished the basics, now we're going into advanced study. You'll stay with us until you learn everything..." Sia still held my hand, and didn't seem to plan to let me go.

"But the cafe will close soon..." I tried to find a way out

"Don't worry, I paid them a lot of money so the cafe will stay open until dawn..."

What? Is this even possible? How much money does this girl have to spend it like this?

And so the infernal study continued until dawn. I left the café leaning against the wall from fatigue

But Ren and Sia still kept their full activity

They seem to be used to studying for long periods

I have to leave this place before she suggest studying further