
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
106 Chs


The nurse came back with an old woman, I knew this old woman very well

It was Adriana Falk, a professor specializing in medicine. She had a lot of achievements in medicine, especially in the field of manufacturing medical potions that are used until now, and she was one of the members of the council who decided to expel me.

Adriana looked at Ren, then used the bracelet on her wrist to take a picture of him, "Hmmm, you are the apprentice Ren....Tell me what happened..."

I did not know that there is a device that can show information about the student using a picture, but it is a useful thing for those who work here

Ren remained silent for a moment before raising his head, "I fell from the stairs..."

"...." I wanted to hit my forehead, does he think anyone would believe such a stupid excuse

Adriana and the nurse stared at Elia suspiciously

"I didn't…."

Adriana directed her gaze towards Ren, "Apprentice Ren, you can tell us everything and you are assured, I will make sure to punish the person who injured you..." The last campaign said while looking at me sideways

"...." I was speechless

Christopher came forward and stood in front of me, "Professor Adriana, this is just a misunderstanding. Elia found this boy injured and took him to the clinic..."

"He brought him to the clinic?…" Adriana looked at the nurse with a confused look

"That's right, ma'am. Mister Elia carried apprentice Ren to the clinic…"

"Yes, Mister Elia didn't hurt me, he helped me…" Ren spoke in a low voice.

Adriana looked suspiciously at Ren, "Then why are you hesitant to tell us who injured you.."

Christopher stood beside Adriana as he stared at Ren, "This child is of the elf race, and I'm sure you know that there are some problems between the noble families right now, so it's not surprising that there is conflict between the younger generation…"

There was a pensive look on Adriana's face, "I think you're right..."

There was a hard look on Ren's face as he looked at the ground and didn't dare to look at Adriana

Then Adriana looked at me, "Elia Gracefield, I must thank you for carrying this injured man here..."

Her tone was lighter than before, and it seemed that she no longer looked at me negatively

I smiled, "There is no need to thank me, it was my duty to help an injured person..."

Adriana shook her head with a slight smile on her face, "You can leave, you have a lot of things to do..."

It seems to refer to the duel that will take place the day after tomorrow

She's right that I shouldn't waste my time, but no, I don't know what to do

I went back to my room after saying goodbye to Christopher

But my mind was preoccupied with the goosebumps I felt after Ren held my hand, it might just be something transient and normal.

But this was a strange feeling, as if something had entered my body and was still there somewhere

I took a meditation position on the bed, which is the most popular position when collecting aura

There are people who can collect auras while they are asleep, although this is a very rare case but it still exists. Just sleeping, moving, or even sitting still, his body can collect aura. These people are geniuses.

But for me and for most people, we have to take a meditation position to collect the auras, because it requires intense focusing during this process.

During previous attempts to collect aura , I focused on my surroundings. This is the natural thing in this process because people search for aura from the surroundings and collect them.

But this time, I was focusing on my body, not my surroundings

I could feel something inside my body, it was like a faint candle flame, as if it would go out at any time.

When I felt this thing, my body began to feel numb, there was an ominous feeling that came over me, because I felt this numbness when I took the injection in the vehicle, and I still remember the intense pain

The numbness began to increase gradually until I lost all feeling in my entire body, and my consciousness began to become blurry, I tried to move my body, but it was useless, in the end I lost consciousness

After I lost consciousness I found myself in a strange place, at first I thought it was another nightmare, but it was different this time.

In front of me was a square table and there were three people sitting on chairs around the table

The strange thing is that these three were similar to Elia's formation

No, it wasn't just a similarity, they were identical copies of Elia

The three of them were looking at me, although they looked alike, but the atmosphere and aura around them was completely different.

The person seated in the middle was emitting a cold air, he had a look of calm and indifference but he did not hide his arrogance, but the aura he emitted was noble and condescending as if he was a noble looking at the common people.

As for the person sitting on the right, he was smiling broadly while looking at me. The atmosphere around him was friendly and peaceful.

Finally, the person sitting on the left was, unlike the two of them, looking at the table and had not looked at me since I arrived at this place and until now, there were no feelings on his face, I even suspected that he was just a statue that looked like Elia

The one on the right got up from his chair and still smiling at me as he spread his arms "Daniel, my dear friend and my savior, you don't know how happy I am to see you..." He walked up to me and hugged me

I was shocked by this sudden embrace, but it didn't seem like he intended to hurt me, so I didn't resist him

He looked at me with amusement, "Do you recognize me or are you still confused?..."

"You are…." No matter how hard I try, I can't understand what's going on here

I remembered that I passed out after trying to examine my body because of that thing inside my body

And then I found myself here, so I didn't know what was going on

That person put his hand on my shoulder, "Hahaha, I understand. Our first meeting was very strange. In the end, I was trapped inside that corpse because of that person." He said the last sentence as he looked coldly and annoyed at the person sitting in the middle.

But the person sitting in the middle didn't seem to mind his gaze and still looked at us coldly

"I am Heinrich Cornelius Kepler." He turned to me and said in a solemn tone

"What..." My eyes opened wide as I looked at him

Finally I was able to meet one of the people I was looking for

But if this person is Kepler, does that mean that the other two people are?...

I looked at the two people who were still sitting at the table

The person sitting in the middle got up and headed towards us, standing in front of us, "You're acting strange, Daniel..."

"Who are you?.." A name was in my mind but I wanted to be sure

"Me?…" He approached me, leaving only a few inches between us. "I am Alexander Bernenberg…"

Although I expected it, I was shocked to hear that name

Kepler dismisses Alexander, "What do you think you're doing, Alexander?..."

Alexander doesn't seem bothered by Kepler's behaviour. "I'm not doing anything, I'm just happy to see Daniel after such a long time..."

"Are you glad to see Daniel? Hahaha, I've known you for a long time, but I didn't know you were so good at telling jokes..." Kepler laughed as he looked at Alexander sarcastically.

I moved forward until I was between them and coughed, "KUh... can someone explain what's going on here?..."

Alexander looked at me sarcastically, "You don't know what happened, although you are the reason for this situation..."

"Alexander, stop, Daniel's spirit was weak, so he doesn't remember anything that happened after the ritual…"

ritual? I have heard them mention rituals many times, but what was the point of those rituals?

I looked at them puzzled, "But what are these rituals?..."

"..." Alexander and Kepler looked at me in shock, and even the third person who remained sitting on the chair glanced at me for the first time since I got here.

Kepler grabbed my shoulder with a worried look, "Daniel, is there a problem, how come you don't remember the ritual..."

"I don't remember anything about the rituals, nor about you... I lost my memory..." I preferred to tell them the truth of the situation, they are people who have the information I need so I better tell them about my memory loss, so that they give me information about my past

This was the safest option, because obtaining the memories of my previous life from the nightmare had side effects and consequences that I could not bear, but if I could obtain these memories from these people, I might be able to avoid those nightmares and their side effects.

Kepler grabbed my shoulder and started shaking, "What are you talking about, how can you forget everything that happened..."

I freed myself from him and took a few steps away from him, "I also don't know what happened. All I know is that I woke up inside that underwater city, then I got to the surface after I got the syringe and the audio recording of Alexander..."

Alexander looked at me insistently, "Did you inject yourself with that injection?..."

But Kepler shouted hysterically, "What happened, Alexander, you said that there would be no side effects during the soul transfer and that Daniel's soul would retain its essence..."

Alexander put his hand on his chin, "I also don't know what's going on. A soul is a complicated thing. Despite all the knowledge I have, I can't say I know everything about a soul. But that might have something to do with the amnesia potion Daniel used on himself. "

I looked surprised at Alexander, "Amnesia potion? Is there such a thing? But why would I use it on myself?..."

Alexander did not answer me, and just looked at me coldly

When I turned my gaze toward Kepler, he avoided eye contact and looked down nervously

"What are you hiding from me?…" There was clearly something they didn't want to talk about