
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasy
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106 Chs

Amazing but scary

After a moment Alexander spoke, "You made this decision yourself, you preferred to forget everything, because you couldn't bear what you had done...."

I became more tense, "What did i do?..."

Alexander gave me a deep look. "I won't tell you..."

"Why?..." I became annoyed at their behavior

I worked a lot to get to this point

But now he says he won't tell me

Alexander smiled, looking at me with a frightening look, I don't know what's going on, but I shuddered when I saw him looking at me like this

Alexander walked over and stood right in front of me. "It's because you're afraid, Daniel... You decided to throw everything behind you and run away, so you don't deserve to know what happened.."

I didn't dare to look at him directly, So I avoided staring at him and looked down

"Alexander, don't hit Daniel like that, he didn't do anything wrong..." I heard Kepler's voice

Alexander turned to Kepler, who was standing behind him. "He didn't do anything wrong? All he did was make mistakes."

"He was confused by what happened to him... He didn't mean to hurt anyone, and don't pretend you didn't participate in it…."

After Kepler said that, he looked at me with a serious face and the bright smile on his face disappeared, "Daniel, you….. did some bad things, but you wanted to atone for your actions, so I don't blame you for what you did, you choose to forget everything in order to start over, but it seems that a loss memory potion had a side effect causing you to forget things that happened after drinking the potion. If you want to know the past, I can tell you... But sometimes the truth is a scary thing.. "

Kepler also seems Hesitant to tell me what happened in the past

But what did I do at that time to do something like take an amnesia potion

I was adamant about finding out the truth at first

But now I'm hesitating, I'm starting to dread finding out the things I've tried to forget with the potion

"I…I…" I muttered hesitantly

"He's obviously hesitant…" Alexander frowned

"Don't stress yourself, you'll know the truth as soon as you're ready..." Kepler's words were thoughtful, but he didn't seem to want to tell me what really happened.

------------ ----------- ----------- ------------- ----------------

We all sat down at the table, I started looking around, I don't know what this place is, everything was dark, even the ground I'm walking on I can't see it even though I can feel the solid ground under my feet, all that exists in this place is the elegant wooden table And luxurious wooden chairs

I sat across from Alexander with Kepler on my right and The other person is Thomas Weir on my left

I looked curiously at Thomas Weir , it looked like meeting a legend, but it was different from what I expected, from the time I got here until now he was behaving strangely, he was sitting at the table looking downcast and there was sadness on his face as if he was about to cry

Is this really the man who changed the world , allies and enemies are looking for him everywhere?

I learned from Christopher that even the race of demons and vampires were looking for Thomas Weir in order to assassinate him, because they knew that this would be a great victory for them.

So the central government still keeps secret the information regarding the fact that I know where Thomas Weir is

Because the enemies will plan to kidnap or kill me so that Thomas Weir's whereabouts remain unknown

Kepler seemed to notice that I was looking at Thomas Weir , so he approached me and whispered, "Tommy is depressed because his body has been destroyed, so he can't go back to his family."

"Tommy? Puff..." I struggled to hold back my laughter

"Hahaha, he gets annoyed when I call him that, even though it looks cute on him..."

Thomas slammed the table. "Master, stop embarrassing me. We agreed that you would never call me by that name again..."

"Hahaha, I'm sorry, I forgot..." Kepler laughed as he scratched his neck

Thomas turned to me "I'm sorry, Daniel, but I'm having some problems. I'm locked in here and I can't see my family.."

I smiled at him "No need to apologise, I know family is important to anyone....but what do you mean you are locked up here? What is this place?"

"We are inside the orb…" It was Alexander who answered my question, "The orb merged with Elia's body when we arrived in this world…"

"Then why can I use Elia's body while you guys are locked up here?"

"We don't know exactly why you could use this body.... All we can do is make assumptions..."


Alexander did not speak, and even Kepler and Thomas were silent

I wanted to ask them more questions, but Alexander interrupted me

"So Daniel, how is the situation in the academy? Were you able to obtain resources and increase your strength?"

I almost forgot about the duel

I told them all the details of the events I had experienced, even the nightmares

Surprisingly, Alexander knew about all the events I went through in my previous world

Beginning with the accident in Iraq and passing through the killing of my family at the hands of the shadow, ending with my being chased by the shadow in the forest

He even knows about me leaving the Hunters behind

"How do you know all this?..."

"Because you told me so…" Alexander still maintained his calm face and gentlemanly air

"Me? But why would I tell someone about these things?"

"Because you needed someone to whom you could tell your fears, Daniel. Humans are social beings who cannot live alone. You were isolated by everyone. You were going through the hardest kinds of experiences. You lived knowing that your life was threatened at all times and that you could die At any moment, you were even afraid to talk to others because you were worried that the shadow would target them…"

"Weren't you afraid of the shadow targeting you?..." I asked puzzled

"Targeting me? He couldn't penetrate my castle's defenses…" Alexander said sarcastically

I was amazed by his answer, the shadow in my imagination was the embodiment of power that has no limits, an entity that can kill whoever it wants

But Alexander Bernenberg says he can fortify his castle and prevent the shadow from entering it

But what is his secret? Does he have some kind of weapon he can use against the shadow?

"What should I do if the shadow comes after me again? You are now trapped in this place and you cannot help me.."

Kepler smiled as he reassured me, "Don't worry, Daniel. We have sealed the shadow. Currently, there is no direct danger from it."

"And what about nightmares?..."

"I believe it is a method used by the shadow to attack us, although it will not kill us, but it can affect the health of this body…" Alexander replied.

I was greatly relieved to learn that the shadow was imprisoned, but I must not let my guard down, for it might break free at any time.

"Well, what about this body not being able to use aura?…" I asked the most important point right now, because the duel is tomorrow and I have no time to waste.

Alexander frowned and looked at Thomas, "Thomas, you said that the combination of Vitae and the Adam will not cause any harm to this body, why can't this body collect aura…"

"I don't know..... I couldn't do enough experiments about the side effects of this mixture..." Thomas was also confused

Alexander's frown increased, "Do you think we were playing games? This is important. You should have made sure that everything was in its place. Aren't you the person who wants to be liberated the most so that you can return to your family, but because of your failure we are now in this difficult situation..."

Thomas exclaimed, "So it's my fault now? Aren't you the one who was in such a hurry to get the injection, you didn't leave me enough time..."

Kepler intervened to calm the situation down. "Okay guys, now we have a problem and we need to work together to find a solution to it, Daniel, when is the duel date?..."


Kepler frowned. "Tomorrow? We don't have much time..."

Alexander rested his cheek on his palm, "Why are you so confused, all it takes is one spell and I will annihilate the Frost Family..."

"...." This sounds amazing and scary at the same time

Keibler looked at Alexander with a sneer, "And you think others won't suspect the Gracefields and Elia..."