
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasi
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106 Chs

Olympia fall : suicide mission

While the crowd was discussing their next move


I heard a strong crash coming from above

When I looked up, I saw that the giant glass dome had cracks due a large vehicle collided with it

"What is happening..."

"How did this vehicle break through the protection system and crash into the dome?..."

The crowd became confused and the voices started to get louder

Atlas looked at the glass dome, then looked at the crowd, and shouted at the top of his voice, "They want to flood the city, run away, all of you...."

The crowd panicked and people started running

I'm still looking at the vehicle that hit the dome


Suddenly, a huge explosion occurred, destroying the glass dome

Water started entering the city , and the buildings were flooded with water

I suffered from the explosion and the water fell directly on me, I felt pain in all my bones

I held my breath and tried to find a place where I could breathe, but where can I find this place?

I'm under thousands of meters underwater

I saw dead bodies scattered everywhere, but the body of a specific person caught my attention

It was the body of Atlas

I started swimming towards him, and when I reached his body, I saw his eyes open, and he was struggling to hold his breath.

I saw lights approaching us, and it only took me a few seconds to see the source of these lights

It was a gigantic vehicle. One of the doors of that vehicle opened, I saw someone through the window who was pointing for us to enter the vehicle through the door

But Atlas stayed where he was, It appears that he was badly injured by the explosion

I approached Atlas, and dragged him into the vehicle before we ran out of oxygen

After we entered through the door, we found ourselves in a small room filled with water


The door closed, I heard motors, and the water was drawn, we could finally breathe

"Ha, dammit, I want to go home...." I cursed as I tried to get my oxygen

"Hahaha, I understand your feeling…" Atlas laughed when he heard me.

I looked at Atlas. "You're lucky..."

Atlas became sad, "But tens of thousands of innocent people died...."

"But who did it?..."

"It's Andrew Ryan..." Atlas said hatefully, "In order to destroy me, he destroyed this part of the city..."

Did Ryan kill all those people just to get rid of Atlas? I was looking at the vehicle that crashed into the dome, and I am sure that it exploded because there were explosives inside it, this means that someone wanted to destroy this part of the city, and Andrew Ryan is the main suspect

A door opened and several men entered carrying blankets. These men helped Atlas get up and put a blanket over his shoulder.

They also helped me and put a blanket over my shoulder

Atlas approached me and extended his hand, "I am Atlas Forex, thanks for saving my life..."

I shook his hand and smiled at him, "I'm Joe, You don't need to thank me, I did the right thing..."

Atlas smiled and wanted to talk, but one of the men interrupted him

"Atlas, we have a problem…."

The men followed us to the front of the vehicle

There were windows on the sides of the vehicle. I could see dead bodies floating in the sea. It was painful to see this sight.

A screen was turned on, and on it appeared a gigantic arena filled with people in different clothes who were fighting uniformed soldiers, I think they were the regular forces inside the city.

Atlas frowned as he looked at the screen, "What is the situation?…."

There was a blond man sitting on one of the chairs and pressing computer buttons with his eyes on his computer screen "Andrew Ryan's forces are attacking Fontaine's men, they are arresting and killing everyone, and Fontaine's men started to defend themselves, The city center turned into a battlefield.."

"Then we have no other choice..." Atlas looked at the woman driving the vehicle. "Cassandra, point the vehicle toward the center of town..."

A bald man with a long white beard stood up. "what do you want to do..."

Atlas smiled, "We will take advantage of this chaos and infiltrate Andrew Ryan's mansion and assassinate him..."

We were all shocked, that the attempt to assassinate the city's chief was a suicidal idea

I looked at Atlas. "Isn't it dangerous?..."

"Of course, this is a suicide mission, but this is our only option, Andrew Ryan won't stop until he kills all of us..." Atlas looked at me, "Sorry to get you involved in this, Joe, I..."

But I interrupted him. "Don't apologize, I plan to help you take over this city…"

Atlas put his hand on my shoulder, "Thank you, my friend..."

Cassandra smiled. "Looks like we've made a new comrade in our Suicide Squad..."

"Haha, I don't think we should be pessimistic..." Atlas laughed

Everyone smiled and greeted me when I made the decision to participate with them

I know this is a dangerous decision

But there was a crazy idea in my mind

What if I change the future?

Olympia City is destroyed by a conflict between Andrew Ryan and Frank Fontaine's men

If I can kill Andrew and make Atlas lead this city, I'm sure the future will change

I don't know Atlas very well, it might be a wolf in sheep's clothing, but as Alexander once said to me

Sometimes the fateful decisions must be taken quickly

I have two options, the first is to let the war continue, and thus the city will be destroyed

And the second option is to help Atlas

So I decided to bet on Atlas, and I hope my choice is not wrong

But I was worried about what would happen if I died in this place

Will I really die and my soul disappear? Or I will return to Elia's body

I doubt the orb would let me die so easily

So I decided to rush with all my might to save this city