
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasy
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106 Chs

Olympia fall : suicide mission(2)

The vehicle arrived at what looked like a port

Weapons were distributed to everyone

I chose the spear

We got out of the vehicle and were ready to fight the enemies

But the place was empty

"The soldiers must be busy fighting Fontaine's men, this is our chance..." atlas shouted excitedly

We ran through the corridors, until we reached a hall that contains a group of giant tanks from which pipes come out from everywhere, and are connected to the roof and walls.

I remember this place

I passed this area when I walked around Olympia City for the first time, and I saw how Big Daddy killed two of those madmen.

Atlas lowered the black bag he was carrying. "We will split into two teams. Ron, you will lead the team that will control the ventilation system..."

Atlas looked at the bald man with the long beard

"Isn't our plan to assassinate Andrew Ryan?…" Ron looked at Atlas in confusion

"That's right..." Atlas shook his head. "Only two will sneak into Andrew Ryan's palace, so as not to attract attention, While the rest will take control of the central ventilation system room, and use the gas in these bottles, this gas has a narcotic and sedative effect and will make all the residents of the city pass out for a few hours.. This is how we will stop the war."

"Whoa, that's great..." Cassandra looked at the big black bag. "The central ventilation system within the city will spread this gas throughout the city. We will control the city while the others are asleep. Haha..."

Atlas smiled, "Did you think that I would come to this place without a plan…"

"Hahaha, of course not…" Cassandra laughed as she rubbed her cheek embarrassedly, then looked at Atlas seriously, "Who will go with you? It would have to be someone strong to help you take down Andrew Ryan…."

Atlas looked at me, "Joe...Joe will come with me..."

"Me?…" I pointed to myself

Why did he choose me instead of the expert fighters with him

Atlas smiled as he gave me a sniper, "Don't worry, I'll fight Andrew Ryan myself, while you hide in a high place and try to kill him with a sniper..."

"But… I don't know how to use a sniper…" I was a little hesitant

"Don't worry, this sniper's scope contains a special technology that can give you signals and guide you so that you can kill the target accurately. I'm sure you won't miss..."

We were divided into two parts, as Atlas commanded us

Atlas and I entered through one of the pipes. The place was narrow and we had to crawl on all fours.

"Hah…Damn, this place is stuffy…" I was sweating profusely as I tried to breathe hard.

"That's right, this area has the highest temperature, so it's stuffy, don't worry, we'll reach our destination soon..." Atlas was crawling in front of me.

"I hope we get there quickly, I don't want to keep staring at your ass...." I try to tease him

"Hahaha, I hope you don't have any weird hobbies…" Atlas laughed as he turned his head back to look at me.

"Don't worry, I'm a normal person, and I only care about women..."

I think that Atlas was trying to distract me from thinking about the hot and suffocating atmosphere through this conversation. His method was successful. The conversation with this man was quite interesting, as if I was talking to a friend I had known for a long time. He has the ability to get close to others even if he met With them for a short time, I now knew how he was able to gain the support of all these people

We reached the end of the road, and when we came out of this pipe , I heard a very loud sound, The sounds of the giant engines in this place were so loud that I couldn't even hear my own voice if I screamed

There were giant pipes stretching from floor to ceiling

Atlas motioned with his hand for me to follow

We walked through the tubes, for several minutes Atlas was moving in different directions

I even suspected for a moment that we had gotten lost in this maze

We eventually come to a wall containing a ladder, which leads to a hole in the wall

We climbed the ladder and entered that hole and started crawling again

When will we reach our damned destination?

After we moved away from that area, I was able to speak in a clear voice. "You seem to know this place well, Atlas..."

"That's right, one of my men was able to obtain the maps containing the secret passages in the central building..." Atlas said softly

I doubted all the time, isn't it easy?

We were able to pass through a lot of areas without anyone getting in our way

Is it really possible for us to sneak into the place where the most important person in this city lives so easily

And one more thing is fishy, ​​why did Atlas decide to trust me and ask me to accompany him on a fateful mission like this, even though we haven't met for a long time, I don't think Atlas is a careless person to trust someone he met only a few hours ago

I decided to suppress my doubts and see how this would turn out

We got out of the pipe, and came to a small storage room

We opened the door and left

I took a deep breath, finally some fresh air

Atlas looked at me cheerfully. "After we kill Andrew Ryan, let's head out the front door..."

I smiled upon hearing his words

It was weird that we joked about killing someone

Atlas started running and I followed behind

After we went a little further, we started to see dead bodies on the road

"Who are they…" I asked as I ran

"They're Frank Fontaine's men..." Atlas replied curtly

It appears Fontaine's men have killed the guards

Now I know why we got in so easily

"Isn't Frank Fontaine dead, why are these guys still fighting Andrew Ryan..."

"These men believe that Frank Fontaine is still alive....Fontaine is a terrifying person, that even after his death, none of his men would dare betray him..."

"This is commendable loyalty…" I was wondering why these men were so loyal

"It is not loyalty, it is fear. They would rather die, but they will not betray Fontaine, for they know that if Fontaine catches them, they will suffer a fate worse than death..."

I swallowed a mouthful of saliva thinking what kind of person Frank Fontaine was

I know Frank Fontaine is still alive, because he's the man who pushed me into the vehicle that took me out of Olympia.

I didn't think much of this guy

But after hearing what Atlas said, I realized that Frank Fontaine is a dangerous person and I should be wary of him

I became more worried when I thought about Fontaine, where was that man hiding?

If I can kill Andrew Ryan, I have to make sure I kill Frank Fontaine next

This is the only way to save Olympia