
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasi
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106 Chs

Oliver Roosevelt

| shit..|. Thomas couldn't help but curse when he saw the man's face

'Do you know this man?' '. Alexander noticed that Thomas's voice was panicked, this made him a little worried, because Thomas rarely loses his calm like this.

Judging by Thomas's reaction, Alexander could conclude that this man was dangerous

The man took off the mask from his face, and took off the robe that was covering his head and upper body

He was an old man whose hair had completely turned grey, and he had a thick mustache. Despite his age, he had a trained and strong body that surpassed even those of young men.

The old man sat quietly in his chair and began to drink tea slowly, without rushing

This gave Alexander enough time to get information about this old man from Thomas

Thomas: | I know this man well. His name is Oliver Roosevelt..|

Alexander sensed the discomfort in Thomas's words

Thomas continued. | You can consider him the second man in the central government. In fact, even Maxwell Magmaeir would not be able to challenge the authority of Oliver Roosevelt...|

'What is his position within the central government? '.

Thomas: | He is the Director of Central Intelligence. He has held this position for a long time, and no one can shake his position. Maxwell tried to get rid of him several times, but he failed...|

'Is he that strong?..' Alexander became worried. Alexander's contact with this world was small and for a short time, but this was enough for him to collect some information, which included information about the most important and powerful human being in this world.

Maxwell Magmaeir

But even Maxwell couldn't overcome this old man drinking tea in front of him

Thomas: | I don't know his level of strength. In fact, no one knows what this man's strength is. He is like a secret. No one has seen him fight anyone. Maxwell did not fight him. All he did was plan some conspiracies to implicate Oliver in some scandals so that Maxwell would have the right excuse to fire Oliver from om his position...|.

Thomas paused for a moment

'And what happened after that?'

Thomas: | Maxwell failed miserably. Oliver's men were almost everywhere, not only within Central Intelligence but also within other parts of the government. After that, neither Maxwell nor anyone else dared to challenge Oliver Roosevelt...|

'Hmm, interesting...'

Thomas: | The Director of Central Intelligence has what seems like absolute power. He can arrest and imprison whomever he wants, and even execute anyone. All he needs is a suitable excuse, such as that they are spies for demons or vampires, and no one will dare to question him... Some noble families and Maxwell were able to undermine his authority a little, but he is still strong..|

Alexander received all the information from Thomas and he is trying to analyze it and discover the goal of this dangerous man

Alexander showed a shocked expression on his face as he looked at Oliver's face. "I remembered..."

There was a strange look on Oliver's face. "Remember what?.."

"You are Oliver Roosevelt."

"You know me?...". This time Oliver was shocked, despite all the power he possessed he rarely appeared in public

"When I saw your face, I remembered a memory...." Elia's body was shaking with excitement

Kepler: | If there was an award for an actor, I would definitely give it to you...|

"What do these memories include?.."

"These are memories of a conversation I had with Thomas Weir, he was talking about you."

"Oh, what did Thomas Weir say about me?" Oliver became more curious

Although it seemed like a curious question, Alexander realized that Oliver was testing him

" this...". Elia showed some hesitation

Oliver smiled gently. "Don't worry, just tell me what you know..."

'Thomas...what kind of relationship do you have with this man...'. Alexander inquired

Thomas: | This scoundrel interrogated me for a long time, and he doubted me all the time. At the beginning of my appearance, I was a person with no background, my name was unknown, and I did not receive an education in any of the academies under the authority of the central government, but after the achievements and inventions I made, I got the support of a lot of politicians, but Oliver kept watching me, it was annoying me but because of the power difference between us all I could do was bear the bullying of this motherfucker..." Thomas explained as quickly as he could

Thomas was a calm and stern person, even when dealing with dangerous people like Alexander, but he seemed to have suffered so much that he couldn't maintain his composure when talking about Oliver.

Alexander blinked innocently and said frankly. "He said you were a scoundrel."

Oliver: "...."

Thomas: "....."

Kepler: "..."

Alexander continued. "He told me that you caused him a lot of problems because he has no background and you continued to monitor him at all times..."

Oliver leaned back on the chair and smiled. "He really is Thomas Weir... That man is the only one who dares to say such a bold statement. Did you remember anything else?"

Alexander smiled internally, it seemed that Oliver did not doubt his words at all

There was disappointment on Elia's face. "I'm sorry, but all I remember is the picture of you I saw with Thomas when he was talking about you."

"A picture? Why does he have a picture of me?.."

"He would take out that picture from time to time and then start cursing you.."

Oliver: "...."

The place was silent. Oliver was resting in his chair, while Alexander had an uncomfortable expression on his face

Alexander was trying to pretend to be afraid and confused. In front of such a strong person, the best option was to show weakness

The distance between them is less than a meter. If Oliver tries to attack him, it will be his end. He definitely won't be able to release the harvesters in time.

So Alexander felt like he was sitting on a chair made of needles

"I had an old friend..." Oliver suddenly spoke. "His name was Theodore..."

Alexander listened carefully to Oliver's speech, hoping to discover what Oliver wanted from him

Oliver said in an emotional tone. "I think you realize that I'm talking about your grandfather..." Oliver glanced at the boy sitting in front of him

Alexander nodded

Oliver continued. "We were together from the beginning. We climbed to the top of this world together, raised our strength together, and created our families together. He created the Gracefield family in the North, while I created a family consisting of my followers within the Central Intelligence..."

There was a longing look on old Oliver's face

Alexander was trying to understand what this man was alluding to, did he come here to gossip about his past with Theodore? Is it possible that Theodore sent him here for a specific reason?

But does Theodore have enough authority to send a man like Oliver here?

Alexander doubted this, so he ruled out the possibility that Oliver was here because Theodore had sent him

" but..". Oliver smiled angrily and crushed the cup of tea he was holding in his hand. "He stabbed me in the back. The man I considered to be my unborn brother betrayed me and joined the Magmaeir family party..."

".....". Alexander opened his eyes wide

He realized what this old man wanted from him

Oliver is here to take revenge on the Gracefield family