
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasy
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106 Chs


"I think you know that the Gracefield family has abandoned me..." Alexander drew a line between himself and the Gracefield family

He didn't want to be involved in that family's problems

Oliver sighed, his eyes showing fatigue and sadness. "I was trying all the time to maintain balance. I did not want the Magmire family to become too powerful, because this could lead to disastrous consequences..."

Alexander nodded. "I understand what you mean. Maxwell is a unique leader, but if he gets absolute power, there is a possibility that he will turn into a tyrant."

Oliver smiled when he realized that the boy in front of him was well aware of what he was implying, this would shorten a lot of the conversation.

"So, Mr. Oliver, how about you stop reminiscing about the past and get to the heart of the matter..." There was an urgent look on Alexander's face

"I want you to join my side." Oliver stated frankly

"Huh?..". Alexander was shocked

He didn't expect that Oliver would come here himself to invite him to his party

"You want me to turn against the Gracefield family?.."

"Let me ask you something, do you consider yourself a member of the Gracefield family?..."

" no..". Alexander answered without the slightest hesitation

"Do you understand now? I'm not here to make you betray the Gracefield family. You don't consider yourself part of the Gracefield family in the first place. In my opinion, you are a talented young man who does not belong to any faction, so I planned to recruit you..."

" talented?..". Alexander looked strangely at Oliver

Oliver smiled slyly

Suddenly a small screen appeared in front of Alexander

This screen showed Elia training inside one of the training units while steam came out of his body, then he began to practice movements for different weapons.

" this...". Alexander was shocked

"Let me guess, you were expecting that there were no surveillance cameras inside the training units? Unfortunately for you, there are hidden cameras in every corner of the academy..."

Kepler: | Even in the bathroom?...|

Alexander remained silent, he knew he was in an unfavorable position

" Don't worry...". Oliver's tone became softer. "I don't plan to target you, all I want is for us to cooperate with each other."

"Do you want to cooperate with me because of some of the videos and reports you obtained? Don't you think it is a reckless move?"

Oliver's gaze became thoughtful. "I wondered what secret you held, Elia, what was so special about your body that made someone as obsessed as Thomas Weir care about you so much."

Oliver pressed a button on the table, and it only took moments for a man wearing a black formal suit to enter with a stack of files. The new visitor placed the stack of documents on the table and left quietly.

Oliver opened one of these documents and placed it in front of Alexander. Alexander picked up the file and began reading it

It was a file about a serial killer with a small picture in the top corner

| It seems we are in a big problem...|. Thomas's tone was panicked, like a child who had been caught doing something bad

' what are you talking about?..'. Alexander realized that there was something wrong with this situation

Oliver placed his hand on the stack of files. "This is information about the victims of Thomas's experiments."

" experiments?..". Alexander's eyes widened and he became confused

"That's right, it seems that our genius friend was trying to use a type of energy stronger than the aura energy, and for that he needed lab rats..."

"And where did he get them from?" Although Alexander could guess, he decided to ask

"He was making agreements with the Magmaeir family to provide them with weapons that he invented, in exchange for them providing prisoners sentenced to death so that he could conduct his experiments on them..." Oliver explained

"And did he succeed?" Alexander tried to find out how much Oliver knew about this topic

Alexander realized that Thomas was trying to find someone capable of using Vitae energy in this world, so if the truth about Vitae energy was revealed to the public, he would be in great danger.

Oliver shook his head. "I don't know, he suddenly disappeared and even the Magmaeir family doesn't know where he went..."

Then a sly smile appeared on Oliver's face. "Until you showed up."

"Do you suspect that I am one of Thomas's experiments?" Alexander's expression hardened

" I'm sure about that..". Oliver was confident

"What makes you confident?"

"There are a lot of suspicious things, like you being the last person to meet Thomas before he disappeared, as well as the aura disappearing from your body despite being able to use the aura before you disappeared, your strange victory against Sylvia, and the strange steam coming out of your body."

And there is your amazing physical ability. This physical ability cannot be obtained without the presence of some kind of energy, and since you are unable to use aura, it is not difficult to conclude that you are using another type of energy..."

"Do you think Thomas Weir would risk experimenting on the eldest son of the Gracefield family?"

"It is likely that you are the one who volunteered to have these experiments conducted on you. It was not difficult to know that you were trying to attract the attention of your family, who neglected you after they discovered that you had no talent in using aura energy.

Apparently Thomas's experiments with a different type of energy have given you some hope of obtaining power that you did not obtain from aura energy..." Oliver explained his theory about what happened.

Alexander did not respond, he was surrounded from all sides. "Do you want the secret of the energy that Thomas discovered?.."

" no...". Oliver pointed his finger at Elia. " I want you..."

"Don't you think that torturing me to obtain the secret of this energy is a better option than recruiting me?.."

"This is an option, but there is no guarantee that I will get a satisfactory result. You are just a successful experiment. You probably do not know much information about how to obtain this energy. I mean, even Thomas Weir wasted several decades searching for this energy. Unfortunately, he disappeared. I was planning to arrest him and interrogate him." Oliver sighed with obvious remorse

| Argh...|. Thomas was terrified just imagining his fate if Oliver caught him

"You are like a mechanical machine that no one knows how it works. If I try to take you apart and discover how you work, there is a possibility that I will not know how to build a machine like you, and at the same time I will not know how to reassemble you."

" That's logical...". Alexander nodded, not seeming bothered by the fact that he was being treated like an object and not a human being. "So, Mr. Oliver, what exactly do you want from me and what will I get in return?"

Oliver smiled as he pressed the table. The man who had delivered the files before entered, but this time he was carrying a silver plate.

He put the silver plate on the table and left quietly, the plate contained a black card with gold lines

Oliver picked up the card. "I heard that the Gracefield family has frozen your bank account and that you are living on food provided by Agent Christopher."

Oliver placed the card in front of Alexander. "This card contains one million coins..."

Oliver waited for a reaction from the boy in front of him

But Alexander remained unmoved, and did not seem interested in the money before him

| We are rich, yoohoo..|. Kepler shouted happily. He was the happiest person with this wealth that had descended upon him from heaven