
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasi
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106 Chs

Memories of a Nazi Ghost: Ghost of War

I am now inside a dream

I am standing in the midst of a crowd of people gathered on a road and they were directing their eyes towards a shop that was surrounded by a group of young soldiers dressed in elegant military uniforms with their weapons slung on their shoulders.

These soldiers were preventing anyone from approaching that store

A few seconds later, two soldiers walked out, leading a handcuffed middle-aged man towards a prisoner transport vehicle that was parked a few meters away from the store , there is symbol on the vehicle , cross , the arms of the cross are of equal length and perpendicular to the adjacent arms, each bent midway at a right angle.

The handcuffed man was silent, his head hanging down

But when he raised his head and our eyes met for a second, I could see the despair in his eyes, as if he knew this was the end for him.

There were two women whispering among themselves near me

"Are the rumors true?…"

"Sure!.... Do you think the soldiers would arrest him if they weren't sure about that…."

An elegantly dressed old man sighed, "He should have realized the consequences of his actions, that committing a serious crime like hiding wanted criminals is unforgivable…"

After the old man said those words, the crowd stared at the handcuffed man with hostile looks that carried a lot of hatred

I felt a hand touch my shoulder, This body looked at the person who touched it

In front of me was a handsome young man he was wearing a hat and had brown hair. This young man looked around to make sure no one was eavesdropping on him, and whispered in a low voice, "Bridget, my dear, let's leave this place, I know you are bothered by such things..."

This body shook its head in response to the young man's whispers

Did he say Bridget? So I'm in a woman's body

This was a very strange feeling

The young man grabbed Bridget's hand and started to walk away from the crowd

When we came to a bend in the road, I saw the car they used to arrest that man pass by me

Bridget stopped, looking at that car

But the young man squeezed her hand and pulled it lightly, urging her to move

The young man was leading Bridget through the streets and would not let go of her hand

Bridget was staring at her surroundings. The streets were paved, the buildings were modern and elegant, and the people were smartly dressed and looking happy.

But there was a symbol pervading all the places we passed

A symbol of a cross With oblique ends perpendicularly angle

I saw this symbol on the military cars , there were flags with this symbol on all the buildings, and posters containing this symbol were spread all over the city.

When Bridget was looking at this symbol, she was feeling anxious and tense

This made me curious

I have seen this symbol previously while studying history in my home world, but it is a symbol of religions in the continent of Asia

Why is this symbol present in a European country?

The two reached a huge building, the young man released a breath of relief, and began to climb the stairs, Bridget followed him while she was silent

The two reached the third floor and stood in front of one of the apartments

The young man took out a key and opened the door, but before he entered, I heard the sound of the door next to us opening

An old woman came out of the next room. When the old woman saw us, she smiled at us, "Killian, Bridget, it's nice to meet you. I knocked on the door several times, but no one answered. It turns out that you were outside..."

The young man named Killian took off his hat and placed it on his chest as he greeted the old woman with a smile, "Aunt Adeline, it's nice to meet you this morning. You look energetic, like a young woman in your twenties..."

"Hoho, what a sweet tongue, no wonder you charmed a young lady like Bridget…" Adeline looked at Bridget.

Bridget was in a bad mood but she forced herself to smile, "Don't worry, Aunt Adeline, I made sure no woman could steal Killian from me..."



The two laughed at Bridget's words

Adeline went up to Bridget and gave her a small box. "These are some of the sweets I prepared. They were my son's favourite. I hope you like them...". There was some sadness on Lady Adeline's face when she spoke of her son

Killian approached Adeline, "Don't worry, I heard the Western Front is now stable, plus Leonard isn't fighting in the front lines, so I'm sure he's safe..."

Adeline held her hands together as if she was praying, "I pray to God to grant victory to our heroes, and I hope that all men return to their families safely..."



After Adeline leaves, Killian and Bridget enter their apartment

Killian hung up his hat and coat

While Bridget stood in the center of the room, staring at a picture hanging on the wall

Portrait of a young couple, Kilian with a young woman with shoulder-length curly blond hair and brown eyes

It appears that this woman is Bridget

Killian approached Bridget and hugged her from behind

But Bridget avoided him and looked at him, "You lied to me....You said you wouldn't go...."

There was a sad look on Killian's face, "I didn't expect them to summon me so quickly...."

"Where will you be sent?..."

"Eastern Front..."

Bridget felt unwell and collapsed onto the sofa behind her

Her eyes were running around the room as she tried to push the negative thoughts out of her mind

Killian sat down next to her, grabbed her head and made her look into his eyes

"Everything will be fine. We are achieving victories on the Eastern Front. The Soviet Union will collapse soon. So there is no danger to my life there..."

But Bridget was in a confused state and couldn't understand his words. she was so scared

She grabbed Killian's hand, "Run... Killian, let's run together..."

Killian smiled bitterly, "Run away? Where? Germany has dominated the center of Europe and North Africa, and sooner or later the Soviet Union and Britain will fall. If I run away from conscription, I will become wanted. What will happen to my family and yours?" ."

Bridget remained silent

Killian held her hand tightly, smiling, "Don't worry, my dear, after this mess is over, we will buy a house in the countryside as you wished and live there for the rest of our lives..."