
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasy
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106 Chs

Murder incidents inside the academy

The human domain was shaken by two events that both happened in the Central Academy

The first event is a student obtaining 100 points in the admission test

Everyone knows that the highest score achieved is 93 points obtained by Maxwell Magmaier

Many people doubted this news, and some of them said that the questions were easy or that the questions were leaked

But the academy confirmed that it conducted the test twice, and in both tests the student got a perfect result

And the academy published the questions of the two exams, many students tried to solve these questions

But it was very difficult, so that some of the students who reached the top ten could not solve more than 60 points.

This forced everyone to accept the fact that there is a genius who was able to solve these difficult questions

The second news is the killing of a professor and a student inside the academy

This news shocked all parties, whether they were commoners, nobles, humans, elves, or dwarves.

The Central Academy was the place where the young elites of three races gathered. Every student within this academy was highly valued, and the Central Government did its best to nurture and provide resources for them.

Therefore, it was necessary to provide safety for these students so that they could focus on training

There were cameras scattered around every inch of the academy, even the council that ran the affairs of the academy didn't know how many there were in total

These cameras are linked to a security system that makes them difficult to hacked, and these cameras are managed by a committee appointed by the central government.

In addition, every professor in the academy was a strong fighter

Therefore, it is not easy to kill any of them, especially inside the academy where there is an army of these fighters. Anyone who dares to cause chaos within the academy will be surrounded and arrested directly.

Crime scene information and videos have been leaked

No one knows who leaked this information and what is its purpose

But the photos and videos he leaked were enough to give anyone goosebumps because of the brutality of the scene

According to information, student Sylvia Underwood was the first victim

Many of the students were familiar with the name Sylvia Underwood, as she was the student who participated in the duel against Elia Gracefield. This duel was the hot topic that occupied the academy for several days.

After Humiliating loss against Elia Gracefield, Sylvia became depressed and locked herself in her room.

But on the day of the crime, a group of her friends went to her room and took her out of the room

And after questioning Sylvia's friends, they said, that their goal was to entertain Sylvia and get her out of her depression.

The group of students went to some recreational areas and ate together in a restaurant

Then Sylvia returned to her room at 21:37

The group students was tracked through cameras spread throughout the academy, and no suspicious person was noticed chasing them

Nor was anyone seen entering or exiting Sylvia's room

The second victim is Katarina Frost

Professor teaches first class , her strength is at level (A+)

She is one of the most important members of the Frost family, she is considered the most important talent of her generation, and has reached such a high level despite being only twenty-seven years old.

On the night of the crime, Katarina was attending a meeting with some professors , then she went out with some of her friends, and returned to her room at 21:45 minutes.

No one followed her or entered her room, according to the recordings of her movements

The third crime scene was the room of student Lily Frost

Where the heads of the two victims were found tied together by hair

They were hung on the ceiling above Lily Frost's bed

When Lily Frost was questioned, it turned out that after she finished her lessons, she used to go to the training hall and not return to her room until 22:00.

After checking the cameras, it was found that she entered her room at 22:14

This means that the killer killed Katarina and Sylvia and taked their heads to Lily's room in twenty minutes

All cameras in those buildings were checked through which the rooms of the victims could be seen

But the investigators could not find anyone who had entered or exited those rooms

All rooms are equipped with a special lock that can only be opened with a card belonging to the owner of that room

And those cards were found with the bodies of Katarina and Sylvia, so it's unlikely that they were stolen

even if these cards are stolen, the killer must open the door to those rooms, and then the cameras of the corridors will capture him.

How did the killer get in? And how did he remove the heads and move them to a third room?

All questions baffled the investigators

The pictures taken of the condition of the bodies were horrific

The limbs of the bodies were cut off, and according to the forensic report, the killer cut off the limbs of the victims while they were still alive.

that means that the killer tortured them before killing them

The expressions on Katarina and Sylvia's faces were terrified, as if they had witnessed the most terrifying thing before they died.

When footage of the crime scenes was televised, a warning was issued of the bloody scenes to be shown

Everyone who saw these photos was shocked by the brutality and cruelty with which these bodies were dealt

People's shock increased when they learned that the victims were tortured before they were killed

How was a professor like Katarina tortured? Although she is not the strongest within the academy, she is stronger than most of the academy's residents

even if she couldn't escape from the killer's grasp, she could still make some noise, so as to attract the attention of the professors who lived in the nearby apartments.

However, all the people who lived in the apartments next to the victims said that they did not hear any noise from Katarina's or Sylvia's apartment.

And there were no traces of fighting inside the rooms, no broken furniture, not even a broken cup

Did the victims stand frozen and let the killer torture and kill them?