
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
106 Chs


We started training today early in the morning

Of course, Professor Mihara would teach us some moves before each practice

And then you leave us to practice together or individually

Sia suggested that she help me train, but I refused

Because I know this girl wants to play, not practice

The other reason is that I am busy finishing the training schedule that Alexander has set for me

Every day I had to run a hundred laps around the field

And then start training on the katana and spear

Because there are lessons, I had to do all these rehearsals later in the afternoon and into the evening after I finished my lessons.

Sia and Ren were asking me why I was putting so much pressure on myself

I told them that my physical fitness and talent are low, so I try to compensate for this weakness with intensive training

Even Professor Mihara saw how I was running out of breath and told me to take a break, because the pressure on my body would cause me internal injuries.

Her tone was calm and considerate, and it seemed that her impression of me had become positive after seeing my efforts in training.

She is right, the training was getting more difficult every day, the Vitae energy that I used was increasing daily, and thus the weights that I run with increased, but I gradually got used to this matter, until I was able to run normally despite the presence of weights, of course I had to Training for two weeks until I achieve these results

"You will kill yourself if you continue training like this…." Sia put her hands on her waist and she looked at me with pity

I was lying on the ground panting after I finished my katana training

" But his effort is commendable..." Su Yan smiled as she complimented me

Su Yan and I became friends after Sia introduced us to each other, although I try to keep a certain distance between us, I don't know why, but I feel a little uncomfortable when I'm next to her

Is it because I know her father is dead? I think so

She is a very nice girl, quiet, but shy and antisocial, she only talked to Sia, and I didn't see her talking to anyone else in our class.

"But Princess Sia is right, if you overtrain, you will collapse sooner or later…." Su Yan said worriedly

"Su Yan, I told you to call me by my name, and you don't need to use honorifics…"

"Haha..". Su Yan laughed hesitantly as she looked at Sia. "Absolutely I can't, I'm just a commoner, I'll be criticized if someone hears me calling you by your name only..."

I saw Sia punching Ren with her elbow,

As if urging him to do something

Ren stepped forward and looked a bit hesitant, "Uhm, what do you think....we go out to a restaurant for dinner...."

Sia was standing behind Ren, and she pointed a finger at her neck

This is a threatening gesture that she will cut my throat if I refuse Ren's request

I looked at Ren's face, he was looking at me anxiously as he waited for my answer

"....." How could I refuse his request if he showed such a cute face

"Okay, let's go to the restaurant...". I shook my head in resignation

Alexander: | Are you going to waste your time playing with these kids instead of training?...|

'Shut up, it's not like I'd gain anything if I trained an extra hour...'

Sia shook her head satisfied with my answer, and Su Yan smiled as she looked at Ren.

We headed towards the entertainment area and we are looking for a restaurant to have dinner

"Look at those clothes...". Sia pointed to a store and ran towards the store entrance while dragging Ren

"..." It seems like I've been through this before

"Not again...". There was a helpless look on Su Yan's face as she looked at Sia

Su Yan seemed to suffer from Sia's obsession with shopping and buying things

We looked at each other and laughed when we found out we saw this weird side of Sia

"How about we go to the store with them?" Su Yan suggested

" Let's go...". I put my hand in my pocket and headed to the store

Sia was looking at the clothes on display, while a fat man was showing her the clothes, this man was tense and anxious, it seemed that this man knew Sia's identity

As for me, I was searching in the perfume section, I do not have the money to buy these perfumes, but there is no problem with searching and experimenting

|master, I have a question?...| I heard Creed's voice, and he seemed confused

'Is there a problem, Creed?...'

| Why is there a perfume called Creed?...|

"...." Oh no

'This is because the name Creed is very famous, and many people use it, and it seems that there is a famous perfume brand that bears this name as well...'

|So you didn't use the name of a perfume you know to name me...|

' What? Of course not, how could I do such a thing to my loyal vassal…'

| For a moment I thought you were so lazy that you didn't even bother to look up a name for me, hahaha...|

'How could I do such a cruel thing, hahaha...'

"...". Everyone was looking at me strangely, it seems that I forgot myself and suddenly started laughing