
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasi
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106 Chs

family (2)

"Elia, Elia... Elia," I heard Alex shout my name

"Yes.... Is there a problem, uncle?"

"It should have been me asking this question…. You looked so distracted, you didn't even touch your food…"

"I'm just a little tired..."

"Tired? Well, you're having trouble sleeping so I understand your annoyance... but it seems like you're in a bad mood today, did something bother you today?..."

"No, it's just that these nightmares bother me and nothing else...."

"Sigh, we searched everywhere for that castle and stone dungeons, but we did not find such descriptions. Most of the historical places were destroyed during the wars, and even the places that escaped destruction are tourist places and are protected by the central government and Many people visit these places every day, so it's unlikely it's the same place you were."

"Uncle, you don't have to bother with this anymore, it's just dreams, it has nothing to do with the case..."

"This… I don't want to miss out on any possibility of finding a clue as to where you disappeared, especially now that we know you were involved in Thomas Weir's disappearance…"

I did not bother to answer him, for I was worried that I might say something I should not say, and I continued eating my food quietly.

"…" Alex seemed to notice my unwillingness to speak, so he decided not to talk to me any further.

After eating, I went back to my room, and did a new search on the Internet, but this time my goal was to get information about the Gracefield family.

It's been more than a week since I lived here, but I don't know anything about this family, and what worried me most was the attitude of the servants, who show fear whenever they meet me.

And the behavior of Alfred and Alex was also suspicious. Whenever I tried to ask them why the servants were afraid of me, they made lame excuses, and then they changed the subject, and they avoided talking about my family.

I felt that they isolate me from my surroundings, it was a disturbing feeling for sure, as if they were hiding something from me, I don't know what it is, but I feel that I have to find out.

I found a lot of information about the Gracefield family, it seems to be a famous family, and one of the search results was a report about the talented brother and sister of the Gracefield family, it was a report about my older sister Elena and my younger brother Conrad.

Elder sister Elena, it seems that my parents are not creative when it comes to naming their children, because my name and hers are almost the same, and the report earned that she has a talent of the rank (SS+) and was able to reach the level (C+) when she is only twenty years old. She was one of the most talented young women in the human race, and she had inherited the family's secret art of using the spear.

As for the younger brother Conrad, he had a bad start, as he was facing some difficulties because he did not show his talents in martial arts or education like me or Elena, but when his talent was revealed, it was a shock to the world because he was a talent of the level (SSS), This talent made him stand at the top of the elite in this world, and many predicted that he would reach the SSS+ level and become a protector of the human race.

My father, Richard, is the king of the North. He is a level (SS+) person. He protects the northern part of the human domain from attacks by demons and vampires. He is the current head of the family.

My mother Melissa, she is an elf and seems to be from a noble family related to the royal family of the elf race, and she is of the (-SS) level, she is not the strongest but she should not be underestimated, because the elves are the best at using natural elements, and The more pure their blood was, the more they were able to use the elements of nature, so there is a strict hierarchy in this race, and they respect those of noble blood and the powerful.

And there is a member of the family that I have not heard of before, the grandfather Theodore Gracefield, he is a person of the (-SSS) level, and this level guaranteed him an important position within the central government, in the end he is one of the most powerful people alive, but there is little information about him, And everything on the Internet is just general information, it seems that people with high positions in the government are keeping their information confidential.

As for Alex and Alfred, I also found information about them, but it was not useful, because their military leave was not important.

Alex manages the family's affairs because my father was busy with the war, so he often stays in the palace, and his achievements in the war are very limited, so the media did not focus on him as much as what happened with my father, and the same with Alfred.

when I decided to search for information about myself, I did not find anything important, it was just general information such as my age and date of birth, but nothing else, this was strange, according to Alex's words, I was a person everyone focused on before my talent was revealed, So there must be some news about me, there is even no news that my talent is of the rank (B), isn't the news that a member of the Gracefield family has a talent of (B) a topic that can bring them quite a number of readers? .

It seems that if someone erased all the news about me, I do not rule out that my family had a hand in this matter, because they might feel that I have brought shame on the family.

Well, it may be sad to think about it, our relationship may not have been good even before I lost my memory.

Now it is time to search for the Central Academy. It is the most important gathering place for geniuses all over the world. All races can enter. Even in one year, students from the race of demons and vampires were received. It was when there was peace between them and humans , But I guess they stopped accepting them in the academy because of the war, I mean, who would do such a stupid thing as training their enemy's son?

What is interesting is that this academy has rankings for students, and in second place there was a name I knew

Elena Gracefield

My older sister seemed to be doing well there, in fact I was glad, because when I entered the academy, I could then ask for my older sister's help when needed, she had an important position as a representative of the academy students, and a member of the Gracefield family.

And when I was in the midst of searching the Internet, there was a knock on the door

"You may enter..."

Alfred entered with the expressionless face as usual

"Young master, master Alex wants to see you…"

"Is there a problem? This is the first time he's called me at a time other than mealtime..."

"You'd better hear it from him..." Alfred replied, looking down.

Am I imagining or is Alfred trying to hold back his laughter?

I went with Alfred to the library, and there I found Alex standing smiling, but there was something in his smile that made me uncomfortable.

" Uncle.... Is there a reason…"

But before I could finish, Alex interrupted me, "Elia , it seems that I should teach you how to manage your money, because you will go bankrupt if you continue to waste your money like this…"

Then he pointed to a pile of things that were in the corner of the room.

"This…" i approached the corner of the room, and when i met one of those little boxes, my eyes widened and froze for a moment.

Moments later, I turned to Alex and smiled nervously, "Uncle, this..."

"Elia you spent all your money on perfumes, what the hell were you thinking.." Alex yelled as if he lost all his money

well, his anger is justified

"But... I like perfumes..." i tried to make an excuse with an innocent face

"But you spent ten thousand coins to buy it... That's exaggerated even if you love perfumes," Alex said harshly, and it seemed that he wasn't affected by my innocent face.

"Well, it seems there is no other choice.... You can take this perfume..." I picked up one of the perfumes and gave it to Alex.


It seems that he did not realize my good intentions, because he tried to throw that perfume at me, but Alfred managed to stop him.

Why is he angry? this is one of the best perfume even in this group, I'm sure it will be great when going out on a date.

"I will return these perfumes..."

" what! why! ..."

"And you have the audacity to even ask, If you want to keep these perfumes, you must sell your kidney in order to pay for it…"

"…" I can't argue with him, I know buying all these perfumes was too much, but I love perfumes, is there anything wrong with that?

"Okay, I'll bring it back myself..."

"Good..." Alex seemed satisfied with my answer and headed towards the door.

But before he left, he turned to me, "I almost forgot to tell you. It seems that the investigators will come back tomorrow to inform us of the central government's decision..."

"I will make sure that I am ready to receive them."

" good..."