
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasy
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106 Chs

Memories of Daniel: The Murder Incidents

"Mr. Daniel, do you know why we called you to the police station..." said an officer with a thick mustache and his calm eyes focused on me.

"Because of…the…murder cases…" Daniel said in a choked voice as he was gathering all his strength to say each of those words

"It is true, Dr. William was found dead in his clinic, and after investigation, we found that he had suffered a heart attack…"

"I...." Daniel looked troubled as his eyes wandered around the room

"This was a natural death, but the abnormal thing is that his wife was found dead in their house and it seems that she was poisoned..."

Daniel stared at the officer after realizing there was no way out of having this conversation, Daniel meant what looked like a storm of negative emotions: fear, anger, despair, and unwillingness.

"The second case concerns Mr. Laurent, who hanged himself after killing his wife and young daughter, in their apartment..."

Daniel clenched his fist and sweat began to form on his forehead. Despite the cold weather, he was sweating as if he was in a steamy bath.

"And the last case concerns your parents in London, who killed themselves, by jumping from their apartment on the sixth floor..."

"But why are they..." Daniel whispered in a low voice and the officer didn't seem to hear him, because he was busy reading documents related to the cases.

"All these deaths occurred in one day, we cannot confirm that they are murders, because there is no trace of assault or resistance on the bodies, there is even no trace of a break-in in their apartments and nothing was stolen...but We found Laurent's diary, which led us to you."

" Diary?.."

"Correct…" The officer said as he took out a small notepad and started reading it out loud and clear

" November 10, the day after Daniel visited me, my little daughter Lily woke up crying, she started screaming that a monster was chasing her, we tried to calm her down, but she didn't sleep until sunrise

November 11th, my wife had a nightmare where a strange entity was chasing her, she looked terrified, even as I tried to calm her down, she told me this was not just a dream

November 13th, I witnessed this nightmare, and I can say that it was the worst experience I have been through so far, I was trapped in a gloomy stone labyrinth, and I was running like a madman to escape from that monster, all my instincts were telling me that it would be the end of me if he could catch me Even when I woke up, I couldn't erase that experience from my memory. It was something real, not just a dream.

November 14th, I tried to search all the historical records on this subject, but I couldn't find anything..

November 15th, Lily stopped going to school, we don't know when was the last time we got to sleep, my wife and my daughter are on the brink of falling apart.

16th of November, we no longer had the strength to get out of the apartment. I turned to the clergy, the Bible and religious books, but it was useless.

November 17th, my wife locked herself in the bedroom with my daughter. It seems they can't take these nightmares anymore..

On the 18th of November, my wife finally collapsed, she started crying and she asked me to end their suffering, I don't know what to do, Daniel was right, something has chased him from Iraq , and he will not target only Daniel...

November 19th, I'm sorry Daniel, but we can't take this anymore....bye"

"And here the notes ended..." The officer closed the notes, and continued, "All the deaths occurred on November 19th, in Paris, Lyon, and London... So the possibility that you were involved in these deaths has been ruled out, but these notes mentioned a lot of Information about something chasing you and starting to target those around you, I don't believe in mystical matters, but this issue needs a long investigation, so you should not leave the city until the investigation is completed, is there anything you want to say..."

"No…." Daniel let out this word from between his heavy breaths and I felt the wetness on his cheek. I could feel the sadness and anguish as he was overwhelmed. The calm face he was putting on in front of the officer collapsed and he started to cry.

"Sigh, I'll go out and come back in some time..." The officer put a handkerchief on the table and gave him a sympathetic look at Daniel.

After the officer left the room, Daniel was left alone. I could feel his confusion. He was like a lost child who didn't know what to do.

"I'm sorry... it's all my fault... I'm sorry," Daniel began whispering, holding his head in his hands, pulling his hair, tears streaming down his cheeks.


When I opened my eyes the first thing I saw was Alex's anxious face, I looked to the side and saw Alfred, Mancera, Christopher, and some servants all inside my room.

"Elia, are you okay..." Alex asked worriedly.

"I'm fine...." I didn't want to talk to anyone, Daniel's feelings still controlled me.

"Fine?...then why are you crying?.."

I extended my hand to touch my cheek and tears were falling from my eyes until now.

"I want to be alone for a while, everyone get out..." I said in the calmest possible voice.

"But..." Alex insisted on knowing why I was crying

"Everyone get out…" I shouted loudly, this conversation must not continue, or else it could get out of hand at any moment, I am in an unstable state right now.

Everyone was surprised by my screams, all the servants came out of the room terrified.