
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasi
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106 Chs


Sia walked through the corridor when someone grabbed her shoulder and pushed her against a wall

"Ouch…Big Brother, you should be nicer to women, that's why you're not popular with girls…" Sia sneered at the young man in front of her.

"As if I care…" the young man exclaimed, he had hair and eyes like Sia , he was wearing casual clothes but of a high-quality type, "I'm not here to chat, you should justify yourself right now…."

"I justify what?.." Sia smiled indifferently

The young man became angry at her position, "I heard from some of my followers that they saw you with Elia Gracefield, what are you trying to do, you know the harm of your actions very well..."

"I know my behavior might get me into trouble…" Sia shook her head approvingly, "But, Brother Charles, think about it for a moment, why would such important figures in the central government support someone like Elia Gracefield? There must be something special...."

Charles frowned, "Did you take such a dangerous step just to satisfy your curiosity?…"

"Of course not, if i can win Elia as an ally, it will be worth the effort…."

"Do you really think it's worth it?"

"He brought a complete result in the exam. I tried to solve the questions that the academy published. I was able to know only 62 points. This is after I used the Internet and references. As for the rest of the questionsI couldn't solve a single point of it..."

"I heard you helped him study, he must be a smart person…"

Sia laughed, "Haha, smart? You must be talking about someone else. His level was so low that I had to teach him the basics of seven-year-olds…."

Charles looked at Sia in confusion. "Then how did he get 100 points in the exam?…"

Sia bit her lip, "This is what confuses me. I suspected at first that he cheated, but they re-tested him, and he was able to get a complete result again. This is definitely proof that he didn't cheat..."

"What kind of person is Elia?…."

"He… actually, he's a good person…"

Charles raised an eyebrow, "Be more specific..."

"I mean, he's a normal person, but he acts very strange sometimes..."

An interest appeared on Charles' face, "What do you mean by that?..."

Sia furrowed her eyebrows, "You know most guys my age would try to win over the good side of me, but even when I showed him some interest he was trying to put some distance between us...."

Charles looked at Sia with a blank face, "Did you try to use your beauty? That's too vulgar..."

Sia hit his chest while shouting, "I didn't say that, but he was acting mature that doesn't suit his age, I don't mean he's pretending to be mature like some idiots I know..." Sia smiled purposefully as she looked at Charles.

"Why are you looking at me like that?!..."

"I do not know what you mean...."

"No, of course you were talking about me..."

"Of course not…" Sia waved her hands while smiling, "The important thing is that he is very mature, he was acting like a middle-aged man, he wasn't pretending, he was just acting himself…."

"Hmmm, he has a mature personality, that seems like a positive thing…."

----------- ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------ --------

Christopher's POV

I knocked on the Vice Principal's door three times

Nobody answered, so I opened the door and entered

The room was spacious, but the only furniture there was a simple wooden desk, a sofa, a chair, and a wooden table for guests

Edward was looking through the window that overlooked the academy

I approached him and stood next to him, the view was wonderful, you could see all the buildings of the academy from this height, the administration building was the tallest building in the academy

I looked at Edward, he looked calm but I could tell he looked like a volcano about to erupt

We stayed like this for some time

Edward took a deep breath then exhaled. He headed towards the coffee machine. This man is addicted to coffee. I still remember how he brought the coffee machine to the front during the war.

I sat on the sofa and waited for him to finish making his coffee

Edward put a cup of coffee in front of me and went to his desk while holding his cup, "I made the coffee you like..."

I picked up the cup and smelled the aroma of the coffee. "I'm surprised you still remember my favorite taste even after all these years..."

We drank our coffee quietly

I was concentrating on the coffee in the cup, but my mind was thinking about a lot of things, "How are the investigations going?"

"Nothing, no evidence of combat, no fingerprints, no camera records, no footprints, it's like a ghost..." Edward's voice was furious.

I looked at Edward, "Then why do you want to meet me here?..."

Edward looked at me, and our eyes met, "It's about that boy..."

"Elia?… He passed all the exams so there shouldn't be a problem…."

"Actually, I made ten questions from the second test…"

I was surprised. "I thought it was the Frost family who put all the questions..."

"I persuaded them to give me ten points, and told them that I would ask difficult questions, so that no one could answer them..."

I became more confused, "But , why?!..."

"One of the questions in the test was about a monster called the Armored Spider, and the question was about the weak point of this monster…"

" It's probably his eyes..."

"wrong answer...."

I quickly replied, Well, This is the first answer that comes to mind

I thought a lot, but I couldn't remember this monster

Edward looked at me sarcastically, "I advise you to surrender, this type is very rare, and the monster that I encountered was the first in several centuries, we thought it had been extinct for a long time, so when we faced it we had a lot of problems, some soldiers thought like you and they attacked his eyes, But they ended up dying..... After a lot of fighting, we were able to tell that his weak point is his lower abdomen...."

"What are you aiming at?..."

"This information is not found in any references , not on the Internet, and even the professors do not know about this rare beast, and therefore they do not know the answer to this question, so how could Elia know the answer?..."

I remained silent, I also became confused

Edward was silent for a moment as he looked at the table, then looked at me and said in a deep voice, "I have always relied on my sense, I have survived many situations, and I saved the people with me using my senses. You can say that it is something like the sixth sense.... "

Edward leaned back in the chair. "And I always have this strange feeling when I see Elia Gracefield. It feels very uncomfortable..."

"Don't you think you're making prejudices, he's not such a bad person as the rumors say..."

"I don't care about rumors, I'm talking about my impression of him, he seems like a good person, but there's just something uncomfortable about him, but I can't get my hands on that..." Edward frowned severely

Edward plunged into thought as he stared in front of him, "Since this boy arrived at the academy, I haven't been able to get a peaceful night's sleep…."

I was embarrassed, as if he was saying we are not welcome here. "It's not fair to blame Elia , the bastards of the Frost family are the reason for the fuss…."

Edward's frown increased at the mention of the Frost family, "And now we have the case of Katarina's and Sylvia's murder. The uproar caused by this incident is beyond our imagination. All channels, newspapers, and websites are publishing this news. They begin to question the academy's ability to protect the studentsof dangers...."

The burden that Edward had to bear as the vice president of the academy was just too heavy

So I understood the difficult situation he was in right now. "The academy protected the students from attacks by demons and vampires, so it's not fair for them to blame the academy...."

"No, they are right. We failed for the first time, and we don't know when such an incident will happen again. The murderer is still free, and everyone is afraid of his next move...."

I took a sip of the sweet coffee. "The killer's identity is still a mystery. The media has accused demons and vampires of being behind this incident, but they have denied it...."

"This is also strange. If it was demons or vampires who committed this crime, they would cause a stir, spreading news everywhere, especially after all the sabotage they had previously planned had failed. This incident would have restored their dignity… ."

Edward looked up at the ceiling as he leaned back on the chair. "I have a feeling this incident is related to Elia…."

"Seriously, Edward, do you think a first-year student killed a professor?…"

"I didn't say he killed Katarina himself, but there must be a connection between them…."

"I see that you have a biased opinion against Elia..."