
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasi
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106 Chs


I walked out of the orb, because we agreed that I would summon that monster

Alexander revealed to us the type of power of this monster, but we were so shocked that we did not believe him. This power made its owner unbeatable.

Alexander said that he did not tell that monster about the orb or the infected spirits inside Elia's body, so that the monster would not take advantage of this weakness.

I looked at the bloody tattoo on the palm of my hand, I touched the mark and it started to glow bloody

The glow became stronger, and a figure appeared in front of me

He was a ten-year-old boy with gray hair and gray eyes

He looks like Elia when he was ten years old

'what the hell..."

Alexander: |He does not have a fixed appearance, but he can take the appearance of one being and keep his appearance for a period of time, and it seems that he chose the appearance of little Elia....|

The child smiled a strange smile. This provocative and frightening smile did not fit the cute little face. The child leaned slightly while placing one hand on his chest and the other behind his back. "It's great to see you again, master..."

Alexander: | Listen, Daniel, you must not show any weakness when dealing with him, so as not to make him suspect you...|

I became skeptical. 'You said you controlled this monster, why should we worry about it...'

Alexander: | I have control over him, but if he notices that we are in a weak state, he will attack us directly and try to devour us…."

devour us? I looked at the little boy in front of me, he still had that creepy smile on his face as he looked at me

I made my back straight, and looked at this monster calmly. "What is your name…"

"I don't have a name..."

I put my hand on my chin and closed my eyes for a moment, "Hmm, you should get a name so that it will be easier to communicate with you…" After some thought I found a suitable name, I pointed at the monster with my finger while smiling. "Your name will be Creed...."

"Creed…" The monster was surprised by this name and began to think deeply, but after a few moments he smiled, "I like this name, thank you , master…"

I smiled calmly, but I was a little embarrassed, the name Creed is the name of one of the perfume companies that I know, but it is a wonderful company and its perfumes are the most luxurious and famous in the world

So this beast is lucky to have such an upscale name

Alexander: | Alright Daniel, time to feed the monster... |

I followed Alexander's instructions, and started walking towards Creed and put my finger on his forehead, he did not resist or reject my movement

I started by activating my vitae core and transferring my vitae energy from my body to Creed's body

Alexander: |Creed needs Vitae energy to activate his strength, but when he doesn't get enough Vitae energy he becomes weak, so he agreed to create a contract with me in return for giving him Vitae energy....|

'Why doesn't he try to obtain the Vitae Energy himself, instead of relying on others...'

Alexander: | In the world from which Creed came, there were very strong beings, Creed is strong, but that does not mean that he is invincible, he has many enemies, Therefore, one of the conditions of the contract is that I help him get out of that world and provide him with the Vitae energy , in exchange for becoming my servant... |

Creed became excited when he felt the Vitae energy entering his body, his smile widened, "Thank you, master…."

I smiled at him, "As long as you serve me well, you will get more than that…"

'I know I've asked this many times, but does he really have this ability that you talked about..'

Alexander: | That's right, he has the ability to infiltrate anyone's subconscious and know their worst fears and nightmares, then change his appearance, and take the form of that nightmare, if someone is afraid of spiders, then Creed can know his fears, and He can change his appearance and become a spider.. |

Kepler: |This is a really scary ability...|

'I agree with Kepler...so can he transform into anyone I think of?...'

Alexander: | Of course not, he turns into your nightmares that are in the depths of your soul. Sometimes you yourself may not know what your nightmares are because you are trying to hide and bury them, but Creed is able to know them.And the reason he took on the appearance of little Elijah is that he can take on one form for a while, and he can't change that appearance until that period is over or until he takes the form of someone else's nightmare.... |

'It's a pity, I thought he could transform into Victoria so we could know her ability...'. I had created a picture of Victoria when I was inside the orb, but even if we knew what she looked like, we still didn't know her identity or her abilities.

Thomas: | Can Creed transform into powerful people like the Demon Emperor or Blood Ancestor?...|

Alexander:| He can, but two conditions must be met. The first is that there must be someone who considers the Demon Emperor to be his nightmare and fears him. The second condition is that Creed gets enough Vitae energy....|

'What will happen if you don't have enough Vitae energy?...'

Alexander: |The operation will fail...|

Thomas: | So simply, if we want Creed to turn into a strong person, he must obtain a large amount of Vitae energy equal to the strength of that person...|

Alexander: | exactly...|

'But that means Creed will become useless if he doesn't get enough Vitae..'. Creed's ability is very strong, but it has a serious weakness. It's like owning the latest and fastest type of car, but it will be useless if you don't get the fuel to run it.

Creed was standing still and looking at me the whole time

He was calm and smiling, though his smile was a little annoying, it was like he was mocking me.

Why isn't there a naturally smiling person around me

Alexander was smiling a creepy smile, Kepler had a goofy smile, and now Creed

'Can he only copy people's looks...'

Alexander: | He can copy their abilities too...|

'What about the memories of the character he's copying?...'

Alexander: | I don't know about this..|

I looked at Creed's face while frowning, and put my hand on my chin, "Creed, Do you get memories of the people you transform into?..."

"No, I just copy their looks and abilities.."

"Hmm, fine, you can return to my hand…"

Creed turned into a beam of light and returned to the form of the tattoo on the back of my hand

[Master, we can communicate through telepathy...]

I became anxious, and didn't dare use telepathy

Alexander reassured me. | Don't worry, we can hear him, but he can't hear us, so you can safely communicate with us...|

"Okay, Creed, we'll communicate through telepathy..." I let out a relaxed breath.