
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasy
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106 Chs

First day

Today is my first day as an official student at this damned academy

I stand in front of the mirror and I check my appearance

I put my hand on my chin and I smile in front of the mirror

Alexander: | What the hell are you doing?...|

Kepler: | Looks like Daniel is back in his teenage years, haha...|

I was so embarrassed. 'Shut up...'

Kepler: | Don't tell me you're trying to seduce that little princess...|

I ignored their sarcasm and continued adjusting my outfit

Of course, I haven't forgotten my favorite perfume

It seems that this is the last time I can use it, because there is nothing left in the bottle

Goodbye , I will make sure to buy a new bottle when I get some money

I left my room and headed to class

The class was noisy and I could hear the students' voices from the door, but when I entered, all the voices fell silent

All the students looked at me, as I scanned the entire room, I could find some familiar faces

Sia and Ren were there

Sia was smiling her usual smile, while Ren smiled softly at me as he waved to greet me

There were three people I knew too

Seraphina and Layla, they were staring at me, I felt uncomfortable with their stare

And the third person is Lily Frost, she was a girl with long silver hair and blue eyes, I know her appearance from the pictures on TV, as her image spread after the murder that took place inside the academy, because the heads of the victims were found inside her room

And she is the same girl that I saw inside one of the training halls the night I decided to train

Unlike the rest of the students, Lily was looking at her book, and she didn't look at me. A calm and cold air emanated from her, making everyone reluctant to approach her.

"Are you going to block the road all day?…" I heard a female voice behind me

When I turned behind me to see a woman in her twenties, with brown hair arranged in a ponytail, and dressed in formal black clothes

"Sorry..." I apologized and walked into the classroom

Sia motioned for me to sit next to them, but I pretended not to see her and sat in the back, as there was no one on my side.

The woman stood on the podium and looked at the students in front of her, "I am Professor Mihara, after the unfortunate accident that happened to Professor Katarina, it was decided that I will teach this class..."

When Mihara spoke about Katarina's death, some of the students started looking at me

I rubbed my forehead because of my headache

Mihara wasted no time and started explaining the fighting skills that warriors learn

After two hours of explanation, the theoretical part ended. "Now we will move on to the practical part. Go to the training hall…"

The students left the classroom, and moved into a huge training hall that could accommodate hundreds of students

All students wore training clothes, although they are comfortable, and it is possible to move easily when wearing them but it is a bit narrow

The students stood in ten rows, they were standing with their backs straight, their hands at the sides and they were looking forward, as if they were trained soldiers.

Although I thought it was all nonsense , I imitated them, because I didn't want problems with Professor mihara the first day I signed up for the academy.

Mihara stood in front of us wearing her black training clothes, she was holding a training sword in her hand. "Okay, now we are going to start the basic movements that are used to hone your skills in using weapons..."

Mihara began to perform a series of movements, and the students focused on her movements, and tried to imprint these movements in their minds.

My eyebrows knitted as I looked at Mihara, I am not an expert in using weapons, but her moves seem shallow compared to the moves I learned from the warlord , and she says that these moves are used to master all kinds of weapons, but the warlord designed moves for each weapon, I think this is the difference in experience between Mihara and Warlord

Will I benefit from this lesson? I decided to suppress my doubts and continue watching Mihara's moves