
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasi
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106 Chs

Celebrate with friends

Alexander : | I didn't expect Kepler to have such taste...|

Thomas : | I am very disappointed...|

Kepler : | Wait..wait a minute, it was a joke, just a joke, it's not like I care about that kind of thing...|

While these three were fighting inside my mind, I was trying to find an escape from this embarrassing situation

Damn you, Kepler

I smiled nervously as I looked at Sia, "Haha, how could someone like me be qualified to confess to the Royal Princess, it was just an inadvertent mistake… I'm sorry…"

"Oh….and I was the one who wanted to give you a chance…"

My smile froze upon hearing her words, what does this girl mean?

"Let's go celebrate, you got 100 points in the test. This achievement is worth celebrating..." Sia shouted excitedly, causing the people around us to look at us while whispering.

I covered my face with my hand and tried to get away, being with this girl was so embarrassing

I saw her act with elegance and sophistication as a princess is supposed to act when dealing with strangers

But why does this girl act like this when she is with me?

We started walking towards a coffee shop, but I noticed that we were being followed by a group of young men, and it seemed that they were all of the elf race.

I became more worried, they are not trying to attack me because I was walking with their princess, right?

Sia seemed to notice that I turned towards those young men, "Don't worry, they are my followers...."

"Your servants?..."

"Actually, they are from the noble families who are sent with the princes and princesses to go to the Central Academy, so that they can support the royal family when needed…."

"Are you united or is there some disagreement among the nobles…."

Sia stopped for a moment before speaking, "Well, it's not a great secret, the nobles are divided, and some of them are hostile towards the royal family now after that incident...."

I have heard about this incident a lot

The sacred tree of the elf race had been injured by a demon lord's attack

The world was shocked by this attack. The Sacred Tree was one of the strongest living beings in this world. This tree was on the same level as the Demon Emperor and Blood Ancestor.

So how was a Demon Lord much weaker than these powerful figures, able to injure the sacred tree?

This was still a secret that only the royal family of the elves race might know

"Look over there..." Sia pointed to one of the clothing stores, "Elia , wait here, we'll go in and buy some clothes, we'll come back quickly..." Sia ran towards the store, dragging Ren with her.

There was a desperate look on Ren's face

I waited outside for them


Alexander: | What?...|

'Are you sure you didn't see anyone beside me?...'

Alexander: | You can ask Thomas and Kepler if you don't believe me... |

Thomas: | He's right, no one was on your side...|

Kepler: | I thought you were talking to your imaginary friend, haha...|

"..." That bastard

'Shut up, lolicon...'

Alexander: | perverter...|

Kepler: | I'm sorry, I won't talk anymore...|

I learned a lot of new terms from this world, and it was the terms 'lolicon', 'yandere'

These terms were popular among young people these days to describe people who did certain strange behaviors

In fact, it is clear that these terms were designed to ridicule others, I did not expect that I would benefit from them

Alexander: | So, there is a strange woman that no one can see except Daniel...|

'I think that's the case...'

Thomas: | What do you know about this woman?..|

'This is the first time I've met her...but I met a person who looks like her, his name is Victor Planck, and according to her, they are twins...'

Alexander: | Let me guess, you don't know anything about Victor....|

I remained silent out of embarrassment

'You can't blame me, at first I thought they were agents of the central government, I met him by chance, just once and he didn't look suspicious....'

"We're done..." I heard Sia's voice

Finally, she said she would finish quickly, but she had been in the store for forty minutes

When I looked in Sia's direction, I was shocked by what I saw

"..." There was a pile of luxury boxes behind Sia

Do these boxes have legs? No, these are Ren's legs, But I couldn't see him because this pile of boxes is two meters high

I looked at Sia strangely, "Are you going to take all this?..."

"Of course not…." Sia smiled, "There is still a bunch of clothes inside the store, but poor Ren couldn't carry them, so I thought you could help us…"

I opened my mouth while trying to speak, but I am completely unable to speak

Aren't we supposed to go celebrate my success? Why am I now forced to carry Sia's collection of clothes?

Sia was walking in front, while Ren and I were walking in the back carrying boxes of fancy clothes, which Sia had bought

I was very upset, I looked at Ren pityingly, "You must be suffering because of your lady...."

Ren didn't speak but there was a bitter look on his face, he was clearly resigned to his fate, he seemed to be used to it.

"Well, this is your duty..." Sia turned her head back and laughed, "It is the duty of men to help women..."

I looked at her sarcastically, "I believe in equality between men and women..."

"This won't let you get away, hahaha..." Sia laughed

"Why don't you tell your little followers who follow us to carry these clothes, I'm sure they'll be very happy with that…"

She turned her head towards me, "I know that you are kind and will not refuse my request...."

This little girl is clearly taking advantage of me

We got to a limousine, two men got out of that car, they were wearing black suits and black glasses

Sia pointed her chin at the stack of boxes. "Take these clothes to my apartment…."

"Yes, Your highness…."

The two men took the boxes of clothes from us, put them in the trunk and drove straight away

I looked at the limousine, how much is this car?

Use a limousine to transport clothes, Those damn rich people

I remembered how penniless I was, and still depended on the help of the central government to provide me with my basic needs

Am I destined to live poor and penniless in this life

"Let's go party..." Sia exclaimed happily

"Can you stop yelling…" I covered my ear as I scolded this boisterous princess

Sia didn't even look at me and started walking briskly as we followed her silently

"Oh look…" Sia stood up and pointed in a certain direction

When we looked that way, we saw an accessories store

"....." Don't tell me she wants to start another round

Sia ran towards that store while dragging Ren, who had tears gathering in his eyes

I stood there and I couldn't even stop Sia

Are all girls her age obsessed with shopping?

She is lucky because she is from a royal family, because if she was born into an ordinary family, she would definitely make that family bankrupt

Thirty minutes later, Sia and Ren walked out of the store, and Ren was carrying loads of bags

Sia moved towards a sports car that was standing on the side of the road. A man got out of the car and took the bags from Ren and put them in the trunk.

"Take the bags to my apartment..." Sia ordered him

"Yes, Your highness…."

"...." Does this princess have an army of cars just to transport her purchases?