
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasy
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106 Chs

Think about the situation

"Look at those hats..." Sia pointed to another shop

But I stood in front of her and stopped her, "Oh no, the shopping frenzy has to stop...."

Sia frowned and looked at me with teary eyes, "Just this..."

"No, let's go to a restaurant, I'm hungry, due of walking around all day and carrying your luggage...." I was unaffected by her sad face and said mercilessly.

But Sia was looking at the sky and pretending she didn't hear me

Only Ren smiled as if he was saved

We went to a restaurant. I visited this restaurant several times with Christopher. Their food impressed me a lot, especially the pizza.

We were waiting for food , I looked at Sia who was playing with her phone "By the way..." When Sia looked at me, I continued "Wouldn't this cause trouble for your family?..."

Sia smiled as she put her phone down, "Hmm, what do you mean?..."

My voice became deep, "You know well, I'm talking about touring with me, why do you want to be my friend in the first place?…"

It's rude to ask such a question, but I can't keep playing with this girl

After the conversation with Thomas, Kepler and Alexander, I realized that there was no one I could count as an ally

Sia is a royal princess, members of the royal family are trained and taught from a young age, how can she commit such a stupid act, and expose herself to criticism

So I'm sure there is a purpose in her actions, I'm not stupid to think that she wants to be friends with me because I helped Ren when he was injured

Sia put her hand on her chin, looking down. Moments later, she opened her mouth, "I initially wanted to know the truth about that notorious person, it was just curiosity."

curiousity? really?

Sia smiled when she saw the blank expression on my face. "And you didn't disappoint me. You are really an interesting person. You always shock me…."

I looked at Sia silently, it's hard to believe her, do you want me to be convinced of such an excuse?

I smiled at her, "Do you think that satisfying your curiosity is worth the attack you will face from the enemies of your family?"

"You don't seem to believe me, but I want to satisfy my curiosity , besides, Ren wants to spend time with you but he can't because he has to serve me, so if the three of us are together, Ren can hang out with you..."

Ren was surprised by her words, and became embarrassed when I looked at him

Well, it's still hard to believe her words

The food was served, and we began eating our food quietly

"Actually, I consider you a friend…" Sia smiled as she took a sip of her juice

"Being a friend of a royal princess is an honor..." I smiled at her, not hiding my sarcasm

"Now you're being rude...." Sia didn't seem bothered by my sarcasm

I looked at Sia while remembering my conversation with Thomas

It's hard to think you're surrounded by people who care about you, but eventually you realize you're on your own

Those words kept ringing in my head like a bell

I don't want to live in delusion, I know that if I depend on others, sooner or later they will abandon me.

Then my fate will be no different from the real Elia , The kid everyone gave up on

So having someone pretending to be my friend is something I don't want

This girl is smiling at me now, but she could turn her face and stab me in the back at any moment if I trusted her too much.

I don't want to be manipulated any further, I still remember how I couldn't argue with Alexander because of my helplessness and weakness.

I was afraid of Alexander's reaction. I thought a lot about it, and the conclusion I reached was that the fragile alliance between Alexander on the one hand, and Thomas and Kepler on the other hand was based on a balance of power.

Alexander has a powerful secret weapon

Thomas and Kepler also have a powerful weapon that they can use

The two sides realize that if they fight, they will lose a lot, and they will not gain anything

Therefore, the alliance between them was the best option

But what do I have? Nothing but that I can control this body better than them, that's a good advantage, but compared to the strength and knowledge that Alexander, Thomas and Kepler possess, I'm lacking a lot.

If I decided to confront them head-on, I'm sure I'd lose, even my soul might be destroyed

I began to suspect that it was Alexander who destroyed Elia's soul so that he could control this body

"Are you going to stare at the food and not eat it?…" Sia's voice pulled me out of my thoughts

Sia was staring at my juice as if to say she wanted to take it

"..." This girl has several cars to transport her purchases, but she wants to steal my drink, this is the first time I see such a shameless person

I sighed and pushed the juice towards her, Sia's smile widened

"Thank you…." Sia took in the juice like a kid getting candy

I started eating my food while thinking about my next steps

But I am uncomfortable in this place

I looked around, the tables around us were full of Sia's minions, they were all around us, even kicking out the people who were sitting at those tables.

Are they some kind of gang? Aren't they supposed to be nobles

"You'll get used to it...." Sia noticed my behavior, and she used a handkerchief to wipe her mouth and tossed it in the air.

But before the handkerchief could reach the ground, one of Sia's followers grabbed the handkerchief at a frantic speed, and threw it in the trash.

"..." The restaurant staff and I looked at this strange scene in front of us in shock

We can easily tell that this person belongs to a prestigious family from the exquisite clothes he wears

How could he have done this humiliating act?

The rest of the followers were raising their thumbs at this boy and looking at him with a look of pride

As for Sia, she didn't even look at them, got up from the chair, "Well, it was a great party but I guess it's time to leave..."

You dare say it's a party even though you ate most of the food?

Sia ignored my gaze and started walking

"Oh, look who we have here..." I heard someone's voice behind me and when I turned I saw Christopher

This is the first time I see him wearing casual clothes, he always wears a formal suit, I even thought he only owned this suit

He still wore the big black glasses he always wears

Christopher threw a black bag at me

I grabbed the bag and looked at him. "This…"

"These are your Academic uniform , Apprentice Elia…."

"You could have called me so I could take it myself..."

"I was bored so I decided to go out and deliver the outfit to you..."

"Thank you..."

Christopher looked at Sia, "Sorry to interrupt your party...."

"Actually we just finished…." Sia smiled , After that Sia looked at me. "Looks like Mr. Christopher has something to say to you. We'll leave now..."

"Bye..." Ren said goodbye to me too, and they left in a limousine

How many limousines does this girl own?

"Are you going back to your room..." Christopher stood next to me as we watched the limo leave


"Okay, let's go for a walk…."

He really seems to have something to say to me

We started walking, and there was silence between us the whole way

As we approached the Student residences Christopher spoke while looking ahead, "There is someone who wants to meet you...."

"Who is he?..."

"I can't tell who it is..."


"No date has been set, but it will probably come this week..."

I became worried, is it possible that their patience is running out

I didn't give them much important information, but they continue to support me till now

So I think they sent someone important to interrogate me

Christopher left when we got to my room

I entered the room and started training