
He keeps coming closer

THE AIR AROUND HER STARTS TO THICKEN and Aubrey gets uncomfortable, being close-up with Kai. She reaches her hands behind, trying to loosen his grip once again, "What the hell are you doing? Let me go."

Kai only wraps his hands tighter on her small waist. The action makes her gasp, feeling tingles go up her spine; she can't tell if it's from the cold or his touch. She dares not look up into his eyes so she just stares at his hands, focusing on loosening his grip.

"Would it hurt to stay with me a little longer?"

After seconds of pathetic struggling, Kai speaks up and his calm, vulnerable voice makes Aubrey look him in the eyes. Her wet lips are parted open, staring perplexed in his dark eyes—she cannot deny the fact that she feels butterflies just by looking into his beautiful eyes. The gods are made out of pure perfection and it doesn't help Aubrey's mental health being up close with one and getting physical with him.