
The Mortal Realm

Liu Yang had been away from the mortal realm for a long time, training and honing his skills in the Divine Realm. But now, he felt that it was time to return.

He had heard stories of a powerful sect of cultivators who were causing trouble in the mortal realm. They had been terrorizing the countryside, raiding villages and towns, and enslaving the people.

Liu Yang knew that he could not stand by and let this happen. He had to do something to stop them.

He made his way back to the mortal realm, taking care to avoid detection. He didn't want to draw attention to himself, not yet.

He arrived in a small village that had been recently raided by the cultivators. The people were scared and angry, and they welcomed Liu Yang with open arms when they learned who he was.

Liu Yang listened to their stories and heard about the devastation that the cultivators had caused. He knew that he had to act quickly.

He set out to track down the sect of cultivators, using his divine powers to search for their hideout.

It didn't take long for him to find them. They were holed up in a mountain fortress, protected by powerful wards and an army of cultivators.

Liu Yang knew that this was going to be a difficult fight, but he was ready for it. He had been training for this moment for a long time.

He made his way to the fortress, using his powers to remain undetected. He snuck past the guards and made his way into the heart of the fortress.

There, he found the leader of the cultivators, a powerful man with a twisted smile and a cruel streak.

The two men faced off, each sizing up the other. The leader of the cultivators laughed when he saw Liu Yang.

"You're just a mortal," he sneered. "What can you possibly do against me?"

Liu Yang didn't say a word. He just smiled and prepared to fight.

The two men clashed, their powers colliding in a fierce battle that shook the very foundations of the fortress.

Liu Yang fought with all his might, using his training and his divine powers to overwhelm the leader of the cultivators. But the man was powerful, and he fought back with everything he had.

The battle raged on for hours, with neither side gaining the upper hand.

But in the end, it was Liu Yang who emerged victorious. He struck the final blow, using his ultimate technique to obliterate the leader of the cultivators.

The fortress crumbled around them, but Liu Yang was unharmed. He had succeeded in his mission to stop the cultivators and protect the people of the mortal realm.

But he knew that there would always be new threats to the universe, new challenges to overcome.

And he was ready for them. He was the ultimate warrior, the god above the gods.

He was Liu Yang, and he was ready to face whatever came next.