In a world where cultivation is the path to ultimate power, a young man named Liu Yang finds himself reincarnated into a new body in a universe where cultivation novels are a reality. However, unlike other cultivators who struggle and train for years to reach the pinnacle of power, Liu Yang's strength is unmatched, making him a godlike being in the eyes of others. But Liu Yang's invincibility leaves him feeling empty and unfulfilled, as no one can challenge him. He decides to embark on a journey to explore the universe, to discover the meaning of life, and to find worthy opponents who can push him to his limits. As Liu Yang travels the universe, he encounters various factions, sects, and powerful cultivators who seek to challenge him. Despite their best efforts, none can stand up to his incredible power. However, as Liu Yang continues on his journey, he discovers a sinister plot that threatens to destroy the balance of the universe, and he must use his godlike strength to protect those he cares about and prevent the looming catastrophe.