

Daddy Wen, single hostess, dog food is a bit sweet] Lu Yun Qihun walked into a parallel world almost exactly the same as the earth. After three years of traveling, suddenly one day. Goddess President: Go, marry me! Just when he hesitated, suddenly his mind sounded: [Ding, Dad sign-in system is starting…] [Congratulations to the host for completing the signing of the marriage agreement with the beautiful president and obtaining life skills (God-level cooking skills)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the initiative to get the daughter’s kiss task for the first time, and get rewards (mysterious planting space)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the parent-child game with the daughter, and get a reward: face value +1] [Congratulations to the host, complete the task of emotional sublimation of husband and wife, get reward: perfect singing voice] A year later, the female president Jiao Didi said: Husband, you are great! Lu Yunqi: What? I just turned over?

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Chapter 42: : Wife, I will take you to a place

Chapter 42: : Wife, I will take you to a place

Qi Xuanxuan took the phone and came to the yard.

"Hey, Xuan Xuan, what are you doing? Let me tell you, I am now in this paradise, and the scenery here is beautiful, haha!"

As soon as the phone was connected, I heard a crisp laughter from the other end of the phone.

"Oh? Then?" Qi Xuanxuan asked impatiently.

At this time, when you were a daughter-in-law and you should behave well in front of your parents-in-law, you actually called and told me, where did you go to play?

The anger value in his heart has soared to 70.

"You're not curious about what it is? I remember you said several times that you wanted to find a place with better air and take a family out for a relaxing time. How about? Would you like me to take a few photos and send them to you? ?"

White Tea said proudly.

This is the first time she has participated in a variety show after her comeback, and she has also come to a place with very beautiful scenery, so she naturally wants to share it with her good girlfriends!

"You send me WeChat to see, I have something right now!" Qi Xuanxuan said lightly and hung up the phone.

What kind of place can have a good view here? Moreover, this is still my husband's hometown, so I can come back often in the future...

Thinking of this, Qi Xuanxuan glanced at the house where Lu Yun started, and suddenly an idea came up in her heart.

Qi Xuanxuan clicked the corner of her mouth as she was about to turn around and enter the house, when she received a message from Bai Cha on WeChat.

It was the picture of the peach tree on the opposite mountain that was taken in the new yard a little lower right of Lu Yunqi's home.

There are three photos taken from different angles.

Baicha also sent a voice: "How about it, is the scenery here beautiful? Would you like me to send you a location?"

Qi Xuanxuan laughed uncontrollably when she listened to Bai Cha's slightly meaningful look on WeChat.

It turned out that the program that Bai Cha participated in was called "Longing for Life", and the filming location of this issue was in Taohuayuan Village, where Lu Yunqi's hometown is located.

If Bai Cha knew that where Qi Xuanxuan was standing now, the scenery she saw was better than what she had seen, and she didn't know what she would feel in her heart.

Putting away the phone, when Qi Xuanxuan returned to the house, the two little babies had already eaten, and Zhou Huiying had been clinging to her.

Lu Kun was teasing for a long time, wanting to hear his two granddaughters call him grandpa, and finally, Tangtang and Guoguo directly called him "Monster Grandpa".

After playing the monster game at noon, the two little princesses did not resist Lu Kun so much.

This makes Lu Kun very happy.

Lu Yunqi was responsible for tidying up the table. Qi Xuanxuan went up to help when she saw it, but Zhou Huiying called her to accompany the child with her.

Zhou Huiying told her that a man should go to the hall and the kitchen. This kind of work should be done by a man.

Fortunately, Lu Yunqi was not here, otherwise he could be directly **** off by his mother's remarks.

Although he cooks every day in Yudu, he never washes the dishes!

Just now, when Qi Xuanxuan was outside to answer the phone, Zhou Huiying told Lu Yunqi that her daughter-in-law, Jinzhiyuye, must not do such greasy things after washing. As a man, he should love his wife more.


In the afternoon, Zhou Huiying and Lu Kun took their two baby granddaughters to play in the yard and saw a lot of poultry.

Lu Yunqi brought Qi Xuanxuan to the orchard behind the house.

In addition to peach trees, some other fruit trees are planted here. In the interval of fruit trees, some seasonal vegetables are planted.

"This orchard belongs to our family, but now there is no fruit to eat!" When he came to the orchard, Lu Yunqi said.

"Wow, these vegetables are grown by my parents. It's amazing. I actually thought of growing vegetables in the orchard!" Qi Xuanxuan stepped on the soil in the orchard, breathing the fragrance of vegetables from the orchard.

"Yes, this orchard is converted from farmland to forest. Our family doesn't have much private land, so we grow vegetables in the orchard. Of course, the most important thing is that it is close to home." Lu Yun took Qi Xuanxuan's hand and asked. Said: "How is it, do you feel that the countryside also has a special flavor?"

"Well, breathing the fresh air here makes people feel very comfortable, picturesque, and feast for the eyes!" Qi Xuanxuan said with a smile.

As the daughter of the Qi family, Qi Xuanxuan has been to the countryside for more than 20 years, and this is the first time she has seen such a beautiful countryside.

Subtract BxW*x. co汜. Seeing Qi Xuanxuan like it here, Lu Yunqi was also very happy, especially after coming back this time, seeing such a beautiful hometown, a lot of inspiration flashed in his mind.

The couple, holding hands, strolled in the orchard.

"Husband, I have an idea, listen to it!" Qi Xuanxuan said suddenly.

"Well, what do you think?" Lu Yun turned his head and looked at her tenderly.

"The scenery here is so beautiful. We are here to build a villa for our parents. We can also come back to live for a period of time every summer and winter vacation. What do you think?"

Qi Xuanxuan said seriously.

She originally wanted to buy a villa for her parents-in-law in the county seat of Yuncheng, but when she came here, especially when she saw the small courtyard of the variety show, she felt that here, build a villa for them, maybe The second elder will prefer it.

In fact, she doesn't know that for the elderly, she thinks about her hometown more, because she is surrounded by familiar neighbors who have lived together for decades.

If you really move to the county seat at once, you will be surrounded by unfamiliar people, but the two old people are not used to it.

The main reason why Qi Xuanxuan has this idea is that she also likes this place, and now the house seems to be a little old.

Lu Yunqi let go of Qi Xuanxuan's hand~www.readwn.com~ and turned around to hug her waist branch from behind, and said softly, "My wife, thank you, it is my greatest happiness to marry you in this life!"

Lu Yunqi himself had this idea, and he had already prepared the manuscript fee and copyright fee. He planned to return this time to his parents and let them build a villa in his hometown.

Unexpectedly, his wife's ideas coincided with her.

"Husband..." Qi Xuanxuan looked back at Lu Yunqi's eyes.


The two kissed naturally.

Long lip points!

"Go, wife, I'll take you to a good place, you will definitely like it." Lu Yunqi suddenly thought of something and said with a mysterious smile.

Sacrifice such as kenshuju.com sacrifice such as. "Ah? Where are you going? It's too dirty and it's about to fall!"

Qi Xuanxuan was very curious, but at the same time she had some expectations in her heart.

Mi He Mi. "Come with me, set off now~~~" Lu Yun picked up Qi Xuanxuan and walked out of the orchard, singing happily.

The two returned to the yard hand in hand, and after talking to Zhou Huiying and his wife, they walked towards the mountain behind the house.

At this time, the other side of the village.

In that newly built small courtyard, Teacher Huang was sitting in the courtyard, adding firewood to the small stove, smiling and asking the man next to him:

"Teacher He, can you still eat bamboo shoots tonight?"

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