

Daddy Wen, single hostess, dog food is a bit sweet] Lu Yun Qihun walked into a parallel world almost exactly the same as the earth. After three years of traveling, suddenly one day. Goddess President: Go, marry me! Just when he hesitated, suddenly his mind sounded: [Ding, Dad sign-in system is starting…] [Congratulations to the host for completing the signing of the marriage agreement with the beautiful president and obtaining life skills (God-level cooking skills)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the initiative to get the daughter’s kiss task for the first time, and get rewards (mysterious planting space)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the parent-child game with the daughter, and get a reward: face value +1] [Congratulations to the host, complete the task of emotional sublimation of husband and wife, get reward: perfect singing voice] A year later, the female president Jiao Didi said: Husband, you are great! Lu Yunqi: What? I just turned over?

Zanebeal06 · Urban
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Chapter 41: Who owns the new yard?

Chapter 41: : Who owns the new yard?

Along the way, the two little babies were very excited and kept crooked at Zhou Huiying, while Qi Xuanxuan was listening to the close interaction between her two daughters and mother-in-law.

As for Lu Yunqi, the driver has one.

Lu Kun, who was directly ignored by his two precious granddaughters, sat in the co-pilot with envy, looking at the picture in the rearview mirror that made him jealous.

When the vehicle was about to arrive at the small courtyard where Lu Yun started, he found that there was a very novel courtyard not far from his own yard, and there were many people in the courtyard.

So he asked curiously: "Dad, whose yard is that? Why is it so lively?"

"Ah, you said that the yard was newly built two months ago. I heard that it is a TV station and what kind of scenes are going to be filmed there." Lu Kun knew which yard Lu Yunqi was asking about without watching.

Because of this Taohuayuan Village, no one in the whole village doesn't know that.

It is precisely because that after the yard was built, more and more people came from the whole village.

"Oh, it turned out to be the case, but the scenery in our village is really good. Unfortunately, we came back late and the peach blossoms are almost finished." Lu Yunqi said regretfully as he drove the car.

The origin of Taohuayuan Village is because there will be peach blossoms all over the mountains in March and April every year. When the peach blossoms are in full bloom, the whole village is like a paradise.

"They have been here for more than a month, and it is very lively there every day," Lu Kun said.

Lu Yun had no interest in what TV station. He was just curious and asked casually.

The car followed the cement road and came to the door of Lu Yunqi's house.

On the way, I heard my father say that before the TV station came, the county paid special money to repair it, and every household in the village had a cement road.

After getting out of the car, Qi Xuanxuan really saw the beautiful and picturesque scenery of this small village.汜减bX*wX*.C*O汜

Lu Yun started his home halfway up the mountain. Looking around, the terraced fields, from the mountain stream to the mountainside, are a large peach forest with a few unfading peach blossoms on the top.

When I look around, the green of nature is everywhere I look at. I take a deep breath, and the breath is fresh air without any pollution.

Qi Xuanxuan couldn't help but want to yell with this sense of comfort.

It's so beautiful, so beautiful that she has the urge to live here all the time.

"How about, we are not bad here!" Lu Yunqi walked over and asked with a smile.

Qi Xuanxuan nodded.

She really likes it here.

"Okay, let's go to the house. If we like it, we will come back for a short stay in the future!" Lu Yunqi was very satisfied with the enjoyment on Qi Xuanxuan's face now.

Don't say she is a woman, even Lu Yunqi herself likes it very much, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, living a carefree and speechless life like a fairy.

When Qi Xuanxuan recovered, the two little babies had already entered the yard to play with Zhou Huiying. Sacrifice like yuebiqu.com sacrifice like

With a wry smile, he ordered the security to move the contents of the two cars behind him into the yard.

Zhou Huiying, who had just walked into the yard, was stunned as she watched several capable female bodyguards moving various gifts into the yard one by one.

At this moment, Qi Xuanxuan also walked into the yard with gifts, and took a look at this old-fashioned two-story building. It was cleaned up and she was just about to speak.

"Xuan Xuan, why do you buy so many things!" Zhou Huiying asked with surprise.

Qi Xuanxuan smiled and explained: "Mom, these are all bought for relatives. The first meeting, a little bit of heart."

Zhou Huiying is very satisfied with Qi Xuanxuan's comprehensive work style.

At this time, Lu Yunqi also walked into the yard with a lot of gifts, and asked curiously: "Mom, did they not come second uncle?"

This is not like my mother's magpie character!

Zhou Huiying gave Lu Yunqi a white glance, and said, "You only came back today. Our own family will get together first, and we will call your uncle and second uncle tomorrow."

Lu Yun shrugged, it didn't matter if he continued to carry gifts.

It took about five minutes for several people to move all the gifts full of cars into the yard.

Qi Xuanxuan asked two bodyguards and drivers to drive to the county hotel, leaving behind a Phantom and a Mercedes-Benz S-Class at home.

She was going to give the Mercedes-Benz to her father-in-law.

When the adults were all busy, Tangtang and Guoguo pulled Zhou Huiying to fight monsters together.

For this requirement of her baby, Zhou Huiying unconditionally met.

Qi Xuanxuan played the role of a photographer, recording this precious video of the early human family taming dinosaurs.

Lu Yunqi is like a transparent person, there is no dare to exist, even the opportunity to be an audience.

Can only walk into the kitchen with a grimace.

Knowing that Lu Yunqi's family was coming back, Zhou Huiying and his wife had already bought a lot of ingredients, and he took out some vegetables from his own planting space.

after an hour.

A sumptuous table of lunch is ready.

"Dear hard-working actors, it's time for dinner!" Lu Yunqi yelled after putting the last bowl of rice on the table.

In the yard, I was having fun playing with candies and fruits, probably because I had consumed too many calories. As soon as I heard Lu Yun's voice, I quickly put down the "magic wand" in his hand and ran towards the house. .

Zhou Huiying also took off her costume, sweating profusely and walked to Qi Xuanxuan, "Xuan Xuan, I went to eat, it's been a long time since I had eaten the kid's cooking~www.readwn.com~ I don't know now. Is there any improvement in cooking?"

"Mom, Yunqi's cooking is delicious, you'll know after a while!" Qi Xuanxuan replied with a smile.

She is still very confident about her husband's cooking skills, and it is even more delicious than the seven-star restaurants she has eaten.

"Okay, then mom will taste it!"

Zhou Huiying's smile never stopped. She was even happier when she heard her daughter-in-law praise her son's meal.

Lu Kun, who was sorrowful, was finally able to take off his heavy dinosaur costume and go to eat.

The whole family gathered around the old-fashioned square table, and the tempting aroma of dishes made everyone's appetite greatly increased.

When eating, the two little babies were taken care of by Zhou Huiying in every possible way, while Lu Yunqi kept picking and feeding Qi Xuanxuan with great affection.

After feeding the two little babies, Zhou Huiying took a bite with her chopsticks, and then praised: "Son, you have made progress in cooking. Have you studied it in the past few years?"

Zhou Huiying did not say in front of Qi Xuanxuan that before Lu Yun started cooking, he could only fill his stomach, either he added too much salt or he forgot to add salt.

The embarrassment of the son, of course, can't stand in front of the daughter-in-law, but now his son's cooking skills...

Well, it's not much worse than yourself!

"I watched the video online, otherwise how to make good food for your baby granddaughter!" Lu Yunqi said nonsense'truthfully'.

Zhou Huiying nodded when she heard it. Mi He Mi

In any case, the son cooks deliciously, and the mother has a bright face.

It shows that I taught well at that time!

Towards the end of lunch, Qi Xuanxuan's cell phone suddenly rang.

I like the sign of the goddess house for one year, I turned it over, please collect it: () The sign of the goddess house for a year, I turned it over and update the fastest.