
The Goddess of Wisdom and creation (unedited and discontinued version)

Update:The finished version of this book is my other book with the same name. Somehow I ended up with two books. If you would like to read this book for free you can type in the name and click the one that says updating. If you have read some of this book you will unfortunately have to start from the beginning because half way through I changed a few things and now that I have a second book to go with this book I can’t stick with this version. I really do apologize and I hope that you will give both of my books a try since they are free. Also this is a dark war and romance book so reader’s discretion is advised. Mazaya(masaya) is the goddess of wisdom and creation she's anything but normal. she's emotionally unstable because She holds too much power. She's the only God that was born with a dark god and light God parent. It was never heard of before her. So that explains why she is the most powerful God in existence. Right? Not really because nothing is as it seems. Gods are manipulating each other left and right to prevent complete control. Things you think you know turn out to be a spell caused to protect the world. The only truth is the what they are living now. The past could be lies and there's only one way to find out the truth, to go along Mazaya's journey. One thing is true though She only has one weakness and when the most powerful Gods find it out they work to exploit it so they can control everything. The person who possesses her rules all. Will Mazaya be a pawn in this war against Gods or will she be able to free herself from some of the most ruthless Gods in existence. It' starts off slow but once you get into it it heats up and gets intense. nothing is as it seems in a world full of the most powerful gods. There will be sex scenes and at times it will seem out of there but this is a world of Dark Gods not weak mortals. And what is the way to ones soul? sex and manipulation. Don't be offended by how out of there this book can get. I was trying to be realistic. If a completely dark God was anything but what a dark God truly is would it be real. The light Gods are good Gods and you see it. But there's manipulation everywhere. This is a Dark Gods novel. Only a few Gods are based off of mythology this is a world I created and copy righted myself. (Warning turn back if you are looking for a happy ending. I can't promise that evil will not come out on top. This is war between gods so anything can happen. Conflicts will be high and anything can happen. worlds may be destroyed, important characters may die. read at your own risk because Mazaya is the only God that I can say for sure is completely immortal).

Ashley_loo · Fantasi
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168 Chs


Millions of failed attempts of dark and light procreating together. I was the first and last success story. My father made sure of it. He had me use my magic to make sure no baby was able to be conceived through mixed gods. It was very rare anyways but my dad wanted to make sure.

He had tricked my mom into believing he was light and by the time she found out I was already born. The God of fate gave my dad the path to take, to achieve greatness. He followed that path to a tee and Now he is the ruler of Gods but my mother is nowhere to be found. She's been missing for along time and I can't locate her.

My mother told me the story when I was little but my dad was there before she could finish. He explained to me that The God of Fate seen good things in the future for all of us. I was special. Even though I was an abomination. I was meant for great things. He kept me sheltered most of my childhood and didn't let me go to school until I was a teen.

That's when I touched dark magic. The school for gods is mixed, dark and light. I have both, so I wanted to be friends with everyone. I decided to show people my dark powers even though it was forbidden. My father was furious at me and made me reset everything. After that I was not allowed to have many friends. I have a few friends. Not many because most just want something from me.

My father always kept me sheltered anyways until Luther. He told Luther right away that I was an abomination and that my emotions got out of control sometimes. Luther was okay with that. I remember sitting in my fathers office while he told me he arranged a marriage for me. I was so excited until Luther walked in and sat down.

I had looked at my dad like he lost his mind. Luther was the ruler of the dark gods. He couldn't be serious. I thought he would want me to be with someone like the God of light. Yes my dad was a dark god but he loved me. Right? That day didn't go good. I..

"Mazaya." I was brought out of my head by my father. shoot. "Yes daddy." He looked at me for a second and Shook his head. "I was making sure you were listening but it seems like you find this meeting boring." My dad stated while looking over the papers in this hand. Why did this always happen to me. So many flaws for the most powerful Goddess. My emotions wer.....

"She's not ignoring you on purpose. The drink I gave her distracts her so she won't be lost in her emotions that's all." Luther said defending me. My dad seemed to accept what Luther said. I can't believe he would defend me like this without even knowing me. He didn't even ask me for anything. I could feel the butterflies and it made me miss my husband more.

"Could I get another one of them drinks? I don't need it I just think it would help." I lied. I definitely needed to reel in whatever was going on in my mind. There's a chance that since I tapped into the source I would have to find a more permanent fix, otherwise I would be a ticking time bomb. I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked up. It happened again my mind was always wondering.

Luther was holding out the drink and my mind was everywhere right now. Right along with my emotions. I took the drink and drank it faster than the last one. It wasn't bland like the last one. It had a extremely bitter taste to it. I didn't question it though because I did drink this one faster. I probably didn't let it sit long enough. "Thank you." I said while giving Luther the biggest smile I could.

He winked at me and it made me melt right in my seat. Whatever He gave me worked instantly my mind was clear. I was only thinking about one thing at a time. I looked at him and got the courage to ask "Are you dating?" He turned to me and raised one of his eyebrows again. I turned crimson instantly. He gave me a gorgeous smile.

"Would you like to go on a date? If so than the answer will be yes." He said while smirking. I could go on one date, it wouldn't hurt. "I would love to." I replied without giving it a second though. Well that's until I remembered my arranged marriage.

"Actually I can't. I kind of am getting Married to the God of war. You and my father came to an agreement on my behalf." I guess that was the end of that. I smiled apologetically. Whatever he gave me was working wonders. I was emotionally stable.

He looked at me thoughtfully. I already had my resolve for marriage with The God of war so I wasn't worried about it. I would reset time to prevent it from happening.