
The Goddess Of War

WSA participation From birth, she had a purpose she had to achieve and Nehora was determined to do so...but not all things don't go as planned as her world she knew crumbled to pieces and she lost everything,her family and pack. With that, she now seeks vengeance but first she had to start some way and that's what she did. Nehora,the soon be goddess will become the greatest. To know more, come and read. If you see an error/grammar please inform me as English is my 4th language. The image is not mine just found it in google and edited it. An update will happen 2 times a week *100 Power stone- one bonus chapter* follow my Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100070358316993

bloodyrose7676 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
47 Chs

Chapter 42: The Protector's organization

A day has passed since the command Nehora gave. She was now with Raphael, her beta and were heading to the training facility. Nehora was informed that Rebecca requested for her presence in the lab.

Upon arriving to the lab where it was located, she saw the Crystal Moon Scientist Team or CMST for short in the lab when the door slid open. Rebecca, Rico, Veronica and Belbin were all occupied with work in the lab.

Everyone noticed the both of them and Rebecca enthusiastically welcomed them inside. "Alpha Rosa and Beta Raphael welcome!" Rebecca uttered, excitement visible in her voice. She then frantically but excitedly grabbed a strange device from table that had other tools there as well, probably junk.

Rebecca walked up to them, "We are finally done with the device that could be of great help in detection. It's able to detect their movement as they invade our realm. It can be considered a tracking device. Let me demonstrate how to make use of it."

Rebecca then pressed a red button on the device and it released a beeping sound as it scanned around. The device showed nothing as it scanned.

" You really created it quickly and it seems it costed something... " Raphael uttered, trailing off, as he chuckled seeing their tired faces. He quickly snatched the device to see it up close and examing it. Rebecca looked at him annoyingly.

There were dark circles around their eyes. They must have pulled all nighters.

"Of course. It had to be done immediately. Aren't we in war?" Rebecca said as she rolled her green eyes while the others nodded in agreement. Rebecca snatched the device back as she huffed in anger before clearing her throat and focusing at Nehora as she began to speak:

"To explain further more, it will continuously scan the surroundings for about 24 hours at most and if detecting a shift in space. It will make an even louder beeping sound and show you where the space cracking is occurring when dots appear on this device. The dots represent figures or objects. Understand. "

Nehora nodded her head slowly in understanding."Yes, that is quite to easy to grasp. Impressive team." Nehora said as she gave a small smile. Rebecca smiled happily as well seeing her Alpha smiling after that incident.

"We also made duplications of this device so that it can be used by several people." Rico uttered as he held several more of these devices.

"Now we can distribute these devices to commanders and scouts. However, there is still one thing that concerns me.Is there anywhere we can make more for others... humans?" Raphael said solemnly.

"Don't worry about that. Your team gave me the formula to make such devices and it was sent each of the Protector's headquarters scattered across the world. We also did the same thing with the tech suits."

Everyone turned to the source of the voice and it was other than Mark, the beta to the Lycan king, who stood in front of the door.

" Ah! Beta Mark, wait just a moment. " Rebecca said as she went to the table where the devices were. Together with her team, they took the devices and packed them into several heavy protective cases.

They stacked them together and without effort Rico, Rebecca's mate, carried them sensing that his mate tried to carry it instead but he won't allow it. He walked up to Mark and handed them to Mark. Mark carried them without effort. It was impossible for a human as the cases made a tower.

"Here you go, Beta Mark. You can hand those to the selected commanders, scouts and the Zeta." Rico uttered.

He nodded and he looked at Nehora, "Alpha Marquis, we will be heading to one of the Protector's headquarters with the troops. The other troops will head to other countries."

Nehora stared at him coldly while her head tilted slightly, not even fazed by the news. It was expected. "When exactly?"

"Later today... In an hour mostly since your team completed the task." Mark said.

"Which headquarters are we heading to?" Nehora inquired solemnly.

"To the nearest one, but the other Alphas who will be appointed as the commanders will head to other countries as the other selected commanders. They will only head to countries where the Miskyras will most likely appear...where there are crowded cities. As for smaller countries, there will be local soldiers defending. The tech suits will fairly help to counter the Miskyras since the formula was distributed to their forces."

" Thank you Beta Mark. " Nehora said with a nod.

Mark nodded before exiting the lab.


Helicopters and all sorts of aircrafts were present. Troops boarded the aircrafts, equipped with the tech suits, in unison as they marched.

Nehora along with the CMST, Raphael and others boarded the helicopter and took off to one of the Protector's headquarters.

The Protector's organization, the most secretive and secure place, was located at the outskirts, where civilians were restricted entrance or even near the premises. Only the government and the supernatural world knew of its existence. It was created in order to secure harmonial peace between the supernatural beings and humans. They are the ones who also clear out rogues in the forest in order to prevent disaster. However, they won't be doing that as of now because of the war.












Authoress's note:

Thank you for reading this chapter event hough it was shorter than usual.

If you did enjoy please vote, it will really help support me.

Have a great day/night.

Peace out.