
The God System.

Shen Li woke up bound to the God System one day. She would have to go to various other worlds before she could have any wish of hers granted. Follow her on her journey as she discovers secrets from her past and finds true love in each of the worlds.

Reina_Black · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Save him

Meng Suyin looked at Li Huo flustered and said,' I have to do what?'

Li Huo looked at her amused and said," You have to seduce him and raise his affection level to 100. Right now it's at -20."

Meng Suyin glared at Li Huo and said,' You want me to seduce him when his affection level is already at a negative. Are you crazy?'

Li Huo shrugged and said," You're the one who triggered it. Besides you've already made some progress, when you first came his affection level was at -40. It went up and down a bit when he saw those photos but it finally stabilized at -20."

Meng Suyin was about to argue with him when suddenly the ground under her started vibrating. She looked at the ground and then back up towards the enemy soldiers that were nearing them.

At the front rode the enemies General, Jin Xiabo. He held the horse's reins in one hand and held a spear in the other. His expression was laced with killing intent as he spotted Feng Mingli who was standing beside her now.

Jin Xiabo gave a battle cry and he and his soldiers rushed up to them on their horses. The soldiers surrounded Feng Mingli and Meng Suyin and one of them slashed at her with his sword. Meng Suyin screamed and barely managed to dodge in time. Feng Mingli noticed the soldier and quickly grabbed his sword and blocked the next attack.

The other soldiers seeing this started to head to Feng Mingli but were stopped by their General.

Jin Xiabo put his hand down after stopping his soldiers and headed to Feng Mingli as he said," Why are you protecting this soldier when this soldier is meant to be protecting you?"

Feng Mingli didn't answer and just glared at Jin Xiabo.

Jin Xiabo just shrugged when he didn't get his answer and motioned for his men to attack.

The soldiers seeing this rushed to Feng Mingli completely ignoring Meng Suyin as they attacked her General.

Meng Suyin who saw this was worried at first but saw that Feng Mingli was able to handle himself. He had already cut down 7 or 8 soldiers and was still going strong.

Seeing this Meng Suyin called out to Li Huo and said,' I feel like somethings wrong. Xiao Fan should have been back with help by now. Why isn't he?'

Li Huo appeared beside her with a little girl who was yawning and rubbing her sleepy little eyes.

The little girl who looked pretty similar to Li Huo lowered one of her hands and smiled as she saw Meng Suyin.

Li Huo ignored Meng Suyin's confused look and answered her earlier question," They can't make it because there's still a traitor in the base who is making trouble and slowing our soldiers down."

Meng Suyin nodded and said,' Ok, then do you know who this traitor is?'

Li Huo nodded and said," I do, but I'm not telling you."

Meng Suyin glared at Li Huo about to yell at him when the little girl beside him said," It's Xiao Fan. He's a spy the enemy Commander sent."

Meng Suyin looked at the little girl and smiled as she said,' Thank you, I'm Shen Li, or that used to be my name before I woke up inside this body. Now it's Meng Suyin. What's your name?'

The little girl smiled and said," I know. My name's Li Nui. I'm Li Huo's twin sister. I wasn't able to meet you until now because I needed to recover the energy I used to transport us to your world. I used the last of my energy to help my brother bind your soul to us."

Meng Suyin looked at Li Nui confused as she said,' Wait a minute. I have a few questions. You said your name was Li Nui. Did you name yourself or did you already have a name, and if you already had a name then why didn't your brother? Lastly, you call him your twin brother but Li Huo said that he's a God system so how are you siblings if you're both part of a system. Do you call each other that since you're both part of the same system, or is there another reason?'

Li Nui scowled at her brother and said," Didn't you tell her your name when you first met. Also, why didn't you tell her about me? She should've known who I was as soon as I appeared."

Li Huo looked back at Li Nui and said," I didn't tell her my name because I didn't want her to know it, but somehow she still guessed it. And, I didn't tell her about you because I couldn't be bothered to explain more than I had to. I figured you tell her when you woke up. And you did, so I did everything right." 

Li Nui and Meng Suyin both glared at Li Huo annoyed but before they could start another argument Li Nui turned and screamed.

Meng Suyin and Li Huo both turned to see what had scared Li Nui and saw that Feng Mingli was still fighting off enemy soldiers. There were dozens of defeated soldiers at his feat, but what he didn't notice was that Jin Xiabo had managed to slip behind him and was about to attack him.

Meng Suyin gasped when she saw this and before her brain could comprehend it she was running in their direction. It almost seemed to play in slow motion. Jin Xiabo shifting to the side as he brought his spear back ready to thrust it in Feng Mingli's heart. Feng Mingli turning around trying to defend himself since he felt a presence behind him. Jin Xiabo's spear gradually nearing Feng Mingli's heart, but was stopped abruptly by something else. That something being Meng Suyin. More exactly, her left shoulder.

Feng Mingli looked at Jin Xiabo and saw his spear pointed at him. Then he looked down and saw Meng Suyin standing before him with her arms spread out. He looked down further and saw the spear inserted into the flesh on her left shoulder. 

Meng Suyin was in so much pain. It hurt even more than when she died in her original world. Suddenly there was a ding and a robotic voice spoke in her head and said, ' Plus 20 points. New affection level: 0.' 

Li Huo and Li Nui appeared in front of her. Li Huo looked at her smugly as he said," I turned on the automatic notifications for the affection level. Now you'll know when his affection level increases or decreases without me having to say anything. I can't be bothered to do such a thing anyway."

Meng Suyin felt the urge to hit him but stopped when she remembered the spear lodged in her shoulder. Luckily Li Nui did it for her by hitting him on the head and said," Don't worry about him. This is good news. You're no longer in the negative."

Meng Suyin wanted to smile and agree with her, but that was when the spear was forcefully pulled out of her shoulder. She screamed and grabbed her shoulder with a few tears threatening to fall. 

Feng Mingli saw that Jin Xiabo was about to attack again and quickly pulled her away. He stood in front of her and took a defensive stance.

Jin Xiabo saw this and scoffed as he said," No need to protect her. I wasn't aiming for her in the first place. She wouldn't have gotten hurt if she didn't try and protect you."  

' *DINGS* Plus 5 points. New affection level: 5.'

Feng Mingli didn't respond, but Meng Suyin knew that he felt a little guilty about it since his affection level increased. This made her happy since she knew she didn't protect him in vain. She didn't plan to increase his affection level like this but her body moved before her brain could comprehend what she was doing.  She thought it might have had a little something to do with the original owners feelings toward Feng Mingli and her own thoughts about him might have been affected slightly by the original Meng Suyin's memories. So she couldn't just stand there and watch him die. 

Meng Suyin watched as Feng Mingli stood defensively in front of her and a small part of her felt touched. She didn't have long to dwell on it though as Jin Xiabo made a move to attack Feng Mingli again. 

Feng Mingli easily blocked his attack. Jin Xiabo took a step back and swung his spear at him again. The attack was blocked and Feng Mingli moved forward and slashed his sword at Jin Xiabo's chest. The attack was blocked and the fight continued on like this for a couple of minutes. Until finally Feng Mingli managed to leave a scratch on Jin Xiabo's arm as he wasn't able to dodge his sword completely in time. 

Angered Jin Xiabo was about to attack again when he was stopped by Feng Mingli's reinforcements. Feng Mingli's soldiers joined him and quickly fought off Jin Xiabo. 

When it looked like it was over and Jin Xiabo was about to be captured, one of the enemy soldiers appeared and blocked Feng Mingli's soldiers as Jin Xiabo ran. The enemy soldier didn't last long and was soon killed but he still bought enough time for Jin Xiabo to escape. 

Relieved Meng Suyin started to relax. Soon though, the blood loss got to her and she started to wobble on her feet. Feng Mingli turned around and saw her as she started to fall to the ground. He managed to catch her before she hit the ground though. 

The last thing Meng Suyin saw was Feng Mingli looking down at her with worried eyes.