
The God System.

Shen Li woke up bound to the God System one day. She would have to go to various other worlds before she could have any wish of hers granted. Follow her on her journey as she discovers secrets from her past and finds true love in each of the worlds.

Reina_Black · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Doctor Xie

Meng Suyin woke up to find herself laying on a cot. She looked around and saw that she was in a different tent then from the one she awoke in earlier. The tent was bigger then hers. A lot bigger. There were multiple cots lined up next to her. Across from her was a glass cabinet filled with medicines. This much told her that she had woken up in a military treatment tent.

So she looked around but she saw no sign of a doctor. Li Huo and Li Nui appeared in front of her. Li Huo looked calm as usual while Li Nui was looking at her worried with tears almost threatening to fall.

Li Nui floated up to ber. A bit too close for comfort as she said," Are you okay. We were so worried."

Meng Suyin nodded as Li Huo scowled and said," We? Don't you mean you? You were the one who was panicking the whole time. I wasn't worried at all. It was only a spear to the shoulder. Not a big deal."

Li Nui and Meng Suyin both glared at Li Huo, but Li Nui quickly remembered about Meng Suyin and turned back to her. She inched closer and floated all around her trying to see if she was really okay, and not just pretending.

Meng Suyin sighed and leaned back a little as she said, " I'm fine. Really, I'm not pretending."

Li Nui was about to say something when suddenly a voice spoke," You're fine. You don't look like it considering you're talking to yourself. Doctor get in here and take a look at her."

Meng Suyin turned towards the voice and saw that it was Feng Mingli. Beside him stood a girl wearing what looked like a military doctor uniform.

The Doctor approached Meng Suyin and started to examine her. After finishing the examination and making sure everything was okay she looked back at Feng Mingli and said," She's fine there's nothing wrong with her head. She was probably just talking to herself because she was bored. Lord knows I get bored sitting by myself in this tent all day when there's nobody who needs treating."

Feng Mingli nodded and said," Ok, what about her shoulder?"

The Doctor quickly glanced at her shoulder and then back to him as she said," The damage wasn't too bad. The spear was pulled out as soon as it was inserted so it didn't make too big of a mess out of her shoulder. The wound is pretty neat but it's still deep enough to where I had to give her stitches. So she'll need to recover for four months before she can return to the army. Even then she'll still need to take it easy on that shoulder so she doesn't overexert it."

Feng Mingli nodded and looked at Meng Suyin deep in thought. While he was thinking the Doctor turned toward Meng Suyin and said," You heard me just now, it'll take four months of recovery before your body can return almost to normal. So first I'll write up a report and send it to our Commander at headquarters and help you ask for a medical leave. While we wait for his approval you'll stay here and let that shoulder heal up some before you get sent home for the rest of your recovery."

Meng Suyin nodded and said," Yes Doctor...um, sorry I don't know you're name."

The Doctor smiled and said," It's fine my names Xie Chen."

Meng Suyin smiled back and said," Thank you Doctor Xie."

Doctor Xie just shrugged and said," You're fine it's my job to take care of you since you're hurt."

The calm and casual feeling the Doctor gave off disappeared and in its place appeared a serious expression on her face as she said," Now lay down and rest. You're injured."

Meng Suyin nodded and layed back down. She watched as the Doctor went over to Feng Mingli and started talking to him. The two would glance over at her from time to time and she wondered what they were saying but she soon gave up this thought as tiredness rushed in and her eyes began to close on their own. And, not even a few seconds later, Meng Suyin was fast asleep.

Hours passed and when Meng Suyin awoke, the tent was once again empty. Seeing this she called for Li Huo and Li Nui again.

The two appeared, one grumpy and the other cheerful.

Meng Suyin chuckled when she saw them and said," Wow your personalities are really different."

Li Nui looked at Li Huo and shook her head as she said," Not always, in the past he was just like me always smiling and jumping around wanting to play. Then something happened and we were forced into becoming the God System."

Meng Suyin started to sit up but stopped and winced as she felt a pain in her shoulder but she still looked at Li Nui and said," Wait. So the two of you weren't always a system. Then what were you?"

Li Nui was about to speak but was interrupted by Li Huo as he said," We can't tell you the whole story, and to be honest I don't want you prying into our past lives. The only thing you need to know is that we're the God System, and for right now we're bound to you. Everything else is irrelevant."

Meng Suyin felt offended and was about to respond when suddenly the tent's flap opened and Doctor Xie and Feng Mingli walked in.

Doctor Xie smiled when she saw Meng Suyin and said," Oh good, you're awake. You're military leave request has been accepted and you're scheduled to go home today with General Feng."

Meng Suyin thought about it and looked at Feng Mingli with stars in her eyes as she said," I'm going home with Feng Mingli?"

'*DINGS* Minus 5 points. New affection level: 0.'

Feng Mingli frowned and said," You will call me General Feng or just General, but never by name. Are we clear?"

Meng Suyin nodded and said," Yes General."

Feng Mingli nodded in approval and quickly said," Anyway, I'm just accompanying you home while I visit my fiancée. The Commander thought it best since we're going to the same place."

Meng Suyin scowled when she heard that he was only going with her to see her sister. Ever since she saw the original owners memories related to her sister, Meng Suyin has grown to hate her.

Feng Mingli saw her expression and frowned.

' *DINGS* Minus 5 points. New affection level: -5.

Meng Suyin quickly erased the scowl off her face as she thought to herself, ' This guy is seriously petty he keeps deducting points over the littlest things. First it's the name and now it's my facial expression.'

Meng Suyin slumped her shoulders and looked down at the ground as she said," I see, well I'm sure my sister will be happy to see you."

*DINGS* Minus 5 points. New affection level: -10.'

Meng Suyin froze and thought angrily, ' What the hell is wrong with this guy. His affection points keep going down. This time I don't even know what I did wrong.'