
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
75 Chs

Episode 1 The Magic Stick

Yang Haoran is exactly 30 years old this year. The reason why his parents gave him this name is to hope that when he grows up, he will have a noble and upright spirit. If he doesn't ask him to be more capable, at least he will not become a cancer of the society. His parents There is no culture, and this name was given by a gentleman who spent a few new coins and a basket of eggs, but it was not a teacher, but a fortune teller.

The fortune teller said that he was short of water in his fortune, and he added the word "Hao" to fill in the water. His parents thought it made sense and thanked him very much, so Yang Haoran's name was decided like this.

However, Yang Haoran's parents never dreamed that their precious son would not only have no righteousness when he grew up, but instead embarked on the road of deceit and abduction, relying on pretending to be a magic stick to make a living. If he knew, he would be beaten to death This unfilial son can't do it.

This world is called Xinshijie, which is a big and magical world, and the county where Yang Haoran is located is called Lecheng, which is a relatively poor town. Because of poverty, people who believe in ghosts and gods want to There are more than some big cities, which is one of the reasons why he chose to stay in this city after wandering for more than ten years, because here, his source of customers is relatively wider.

There is another reason why he chose to stay in Lecheng. Yang Haoran was originally from Lecheng, but he was not from the county seat, but from a village in Lecheng.

In today's world, there are far more people who don't believe in ghosts and gods than those who believe in ghosts and gods. This makes Yang Haoran's business very sluggish. After all, he has no real talent and learning, and he relies on his mouth and pretending to be a ghost to attract customers. Very few, and the rewards earned are limited, so naturally it is difficult to move forward.

However, there is a large population in this world. Although there are far more people who do not believe in ghosts and gods than those who believe in ghosts and gods, there are still quite a few of them. Yang Haoran also understands that they have real talents in this industry Masters, the income is still very considerable. Sometimes a single pay is enough for a guy like him to live for several years, but he doesn't have that ability, and he doesn't dare to take on such a big job. If he dares to take it, it's almost It's all yin.

The word ganyin sounds a little mysterious, as if it is very powerful, but if you know what ganyin is, I am afraid no one will think how powerful it is.

The so-called yin sense, to put it more professionally, is to use one's body to sense whether there is yin energy in the area where one is. To put it bluntly, it means whether standing there will feel cold.

The former sounds a bit mysterious. As for the latter, it's just a slap in the face. Just stand there and feel whether it's cold or not. In Yang Haoran's opinion, everyone knows it.

In the eyes of experts, the real sense of yin exists, and its effect is not small, but it has completely changed when it comes to Yang Haoran, a magic stick.

In addition to feeling yin, Yang Haoran can also exorcise ghosts. Of course, this is only in the eyes of outsiders, because he knows in his heart that his so-called exorcism is to burn a pile of paper money, light three sticks of incense, light a pair of red wax, and then mutter about it. There are a lot of things, and he often doesn't know what he reads, and sometimes he even brings in all the swear words without knowing it.

Relying on the tricks he learned from the movies, coupled with his superb acting skills, he is really like a master, watching houses and exorcising ghosts for others, and he does it with style. Although he hasn't been in this business for a long time, he is quite well-known in their street. We all know that this guy is a godsend. As for whether he has the ability, everyone has his own opinion.

Yang Haoran rented a small store in Lecheng. What he sells is not funeral supplies, but a small shop selling miscellaneous things.

It stands to reason that he is in the current line of business, and it is more appropriate to sell some funeral supplies, which is more worthy of his identity, but he did not do this, because his heart is also empty, don't look at him in front of outsiders. Nagging, he looks like a master of exorcising ghosts. In fact, he is in awe of ghosts and gods. He dare not sell those things, because he still wants to live here.

The small store is divided into two areas by Yang Haoran. The outside sells miscellaneous things, and the inside is his residence. The middle is separated by a green curtain, very green curtain.

This store is not big in the first place, after being divided into two areas, Yang Haoran's residence is naturally smaller, inside the green curtain is a wooden bed, a foldable small wooden table, and a rice cooker is placed on the wooden table Pot, a pair of bowls and chopsticks.

There is nothing to say about this pair of bowls and chopsticks, they are very ordinary, and have no major function except for eating, but this rice cooker is different, and its function is much stronger than this pair of bowls and chopsticks. Come to cook, boil water, make hot pot and so on.

Due to his poor family, Yang Haoran dropped out of school very early, and was forced to leave his hometown to wander around at the age of fourteen. He has experienced a lot and suffered a lot in the past ten years, but he has also learned a lot. Of course, he is thrifty. Also saved a sum of money.

This money is not much, but it is his hard work and sweat, so he cherishes it very much. He does not dare to use it indiscriminately in the bank. He plans to save enough to buy a house in Lecheng, and then find a wife to live a good life. Mom took her into the city to hug her grandson and enjoy the blessing.

In order to achieve this goal as soon as possible, he has been working very hard and saving money, which is why the accommodation is so poor. However, so far, he is still a long way from this goal. No matter how frugal he is, he still has a lot of money to buy a house. This is not the worst thing, but the worst thing is that he doesn't have a girlfriend at all.

It's hard for a smart woman to cook without rice. A single dog who doesn't even have a girlfriend, no matter how much he plans for the future, it's useless. This is like a computer. The system is the latest, but the configuration is so poor that you can't bear to look at it directly, and you can't play it at all.

Yang Haoran's current life is like this, with a lot of ideas, but the hardware is not strong enough, making it difficult to move an inch. Fortunately, this guy has also experienced ups and downs. He is only disappointed but not desperate about this. He is even more angry and working hard to achieve his goal.

Today, Yang Haoran is the same as usual, running the canteen, waiting for business to come to his door. He was sitting on a chair, sliding his mobile phone in his hand, and covering the screen of the mobile phone with his hand intentionally or unintentionally, watching with great relish and fascination, he didn't know what he was looking at, as if he couldn't see the light.

It was also because he was watching so engrossed that he didn't notice anyone approaching at all. Caught off guard, a hand suddenly appeared and grabbed the phone in his hand.

Yang Haoran was watching with relish, when this happened suddenly, he was startled, and immediately raised his head to look in front of him.

At some point in front of Yang Haoran, a man appeared, a handsome young man. Judging from his appearance, he was probably in his mid-twenties. He was looking at Yang Haoran cheerfully. With a smile that all men understand.

"In broad daylight, you sneakily watch it so fascinated that you want to put your eyes into the screen. Which teacher makes you so addicted that you don't care about the time and place."

The man smiled, and then looked at the mobile phone in his hand. Seeing this, Yang Haoran didn't snatch the mobile phone, but just looked at the man with contempt, without doing anything else.

From Yang Haoran's reaction, it can be seen that the man should be familiar with him, otherwise the man would not be so unscrupulous, and Yang Haoran naturally would not let the other party act wildly.

"Tch, I thought you had something new to discover, but I didn't expect you to be watching these nonsense things." The smile on the man's face that all men could understand disappeared, and he threw the phone to the chair with a bored expression. Yang Haoran sitting on the top.

He originally thought that Yang Haoran was looking at some indescribable things, but he didn't expect that Yang Haoran was browsing all kinds of information about subjugating demons and eliminating demons. Naturally, he suddenly lost interest. After all, he has always been interested in the theory of ghosts and gods. Not very cold.

Yang Haoran gave the man a blank look, and while continuing to swipe the phone, he said in an old-fashioned way: "You know what, do you know what it means to never get tired of learning? Do you know what it means to learn from time to time? Brother Yang and me Although I have some skills in exorcising ghosts, I never think that I am invincible in the world, there are still mountains, and learning more is only good for me and not bad."

Yang Haoran's words were flawless, his expression was on point, his tone was on point, not to mention the man in front of him, even he himself was fooled by these words, thinking that he was a master of exorcising ghosts. A man of great patience.

I can't fool myself, how to lie to others, ever since I started this line of work, this sentence has become Yang Haoran's motto, reminding him and motivating him all the time.

In terms of exorcising ghosts, Yang Haoran has no skills in the first place. He has never even seen what ghosts look like. The reason why he read these ghost exorcising materials with relish is because of his interest, and because of his current occupation. If he doesn't learn these tricks of exorcising ghosts from the Internet, what will he use to fool others, regardless of whether these methods on the Internet are useful or not, as long as they are used well, it is still possible to fool people, and what Yang Haoran wants is that simple.

The man was taken aback by Yang Haoran's words, then he reacted and scolded with a smile: "You kid is pretending to be a ghost all day long, and you look like a demigod. If you are really capable, when will you let me see what you do? If you It can really make me see ghosts, let alone call you Brother Yang, it's fine to call you Uncle Yang!"

Yang Haoran scolded the man in his heart, but he didn't show the slightest dissatisfaction on his face. He was still the same old-fashioned way. While pretending to look down at the information on the phone, he said lightly: "Every line is like a mountain, you don't understand , I don't blame you. Tell me, what do you want from me?"

"Hey, my friend bought a new suite. He heard me mention you, and he plans to trouble you to go and have a look."

As soon as the man's voice fell, Yang Haoran, who was sliding his mobile phone, paused, then immediately stood up, put the mobile phone into his pocket with his left hand, quickly took out a pack of cigarettes from his right trouser pocket with his right hand, and handed it to him with a smile on his face. He took one from the man, and said with a smile: "Smoking, smoking, smoke first."

While talking, Yang Haoran found that the man's buttocks were empty, and then he gave a sorry expression, put the chair under him under the man's buttocks, and said: "Look at me, study the art of exorcising ghosts." I didn't even notice this detail, you sit and smoke a cigarette first, we'll talk about it later, by the way, do you want to drink something, are you still the same?"