
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 2 Love Saint Guan Hai

The man was not surprised by Yang Haoran's sudden enthusiasm, but sat down on the chair under him carelessly.

As soon as the buttocks fell, the man jumped up and said dissatisfied with Yang Haoran: "You are so hot, you are so coquettish, do you have hemorrhoids, will it be contagious?"

In normal times, when the man said this, Yang Haoran would definitely make fun of him, but now, not only did Yang Haoran not sarcasm the man, but his enthusiasm remained undiminished. He hurriedly took out a cushion and put it on the chair, saying: "Hey, look Look at me, I'm always so careless, I should have thought of the problem, but I ignored it because you were too excited about your arrival."

The man chuckled and didn't point it out, then sat down again with great satisfaction, crossed his legs, and smoked a cigarette leisurely.

The man's name is Guan Hai, he claims to be a lover, and he is one of Yang Haoran's friends in this city. He is 25 years old this year, and is five years younger than Yang Haoran. This guy doesn't know what virtue he has accumulated in his previous life. Handsome face, cheerful and eloquent, especially in front of women, his mouth is like a machine gun, what shoots out is not bullets, but the arrows of his goddamn Cupid, which makes those girls scream, plus he is handsome The face is very popular with girls. 2

It's just that Guan Hai is very playful. Yang Haoran and Guan Hai realize that now, he can't remember how many girlfriends Guan Hai has changed. The embrace of the sea. 1

Almost all the girls who seek out Guan Hai for a relationship know about Guan Hai's brilliant achievements in love. When Guan Hai is not around, they scold happily, wishing to kill this kind of scumbag and get rid of this social cancer. And swore that it was impossible for him to have any contact with this kind of scumbag in his life.

However, the reality is that once these girls come into contact with Guan Hai, they all love him so much that they wish to give their hearts to Guan Hai. Some girls even risk their lives to be with Guan Hai forever. Threats to Guan Hai, such as jumping off a building, cutting his wrists, and drinking pesticides, all of these are bloody in Yang Haoran's eyes, but they make him envious and jealous. 2

Compared with Guan Hai, Yang Haoran's appearance is ordinary, and his figure is also ordinary. How can he compare with Guan Hai? This is a flaw. For the three characters Gao Fu Shuai, Guan Hai has the other two characters except the middle character Fu, but Yang Haoran doesn't have the three characters very happily.

Yang Haoran is not rich, and Guan Hai is not rich either. Every penny Yang Haoran used was earned by himself, and it was the result of his energy and sweat. Every penny used by Guan Hai is also his hard-earned, and it is also the result of his energy and sweat, but the source of their wealth is fundamentally different. Yang Haoran's wealth comes from outsiders , both men and women. Guan Hai's wealth comes from his own people, who are all the women around him. 1

The women around Guan Hai are willing to spend money for him and support him, which is very shameful in Yang Haoran's view, but he has to admit that this is also Guan Hai's ability, not all men can do it up to this point.

Besides, how much better would it be for him to be cheated and cheated by a magic stick? The two of them are the same as hell, so there is no right to blame each other.

Birds of a feather flock together, people are divided into groups, two people can become good friends, naturally it is not simply because of fate, the key is that their personalities are compatible with each other, and that both of them are poor.

At this time, Guan Hai was lying on the chair very smelly, smoking a cigarette leisurely with Erlang legs crossed, while Yang Haoran took down a bottle of Macho brand functional drink from the shelf, and handed it to Guan Hai cheerfully. He smiled and said, "Brave Man, the more you drink, the more violent you are, your favorite."

Guan Hai shook his head, did not take the drink handed over by Yang Haoran, and said solemnly: "I heard that drinking too much of this kind of drink can lead to poor function, so I quit."

Hearing this, Yang Haoran was overjoyed, and said with a smile: "It is said that mobile phones radiate a lot, why don't you put your mobile phone in your jacket pocket instead of your trouser pocket, if it is mutated by radiation, it will be good or bad. It's hard to say."

Although he was joking, Yang Haoran still took back the macho brand functional drink, and then handed Guan Hai a bottle of mineral water.

Guan Hai took the mineral water, not only did not get angry because of Yang Haoran's words, but smiled at Yang Haoran expressively, as if I understood you, and said: "You are driving faster and faster, and the speed is slower. I can't stand it anymore." 1

Hearing this, the two looked at each other and smiled, everything was kept silent.

After Guan Hai unscrewed the bottle cap and took a sip of water, Yang Haoran rubbed his hands, smiled obsequiously, and asked, "Do you want to smoke another cigarette?"

Guan Hai gave Yang Haoran a blank look, and said: "Just treat the guests without killing chickens, you didn't even take out a cigarette, you made it clear that you didn't intend to ask me to smoke another one, in this case, you said I should say To, or not to?"

"Hey!" Yang Haoran slapped his thigh fiercely, as if he had just come to his senses, and said apologetically, "Look at me, I really don't care about the details, and I didn't notice it."

After speaking, Yang Haoran immediately took out another cigarette from the cigarette case, and handed it to Guan Hai with both hands.

"Get out, it's not just acquaintance, don't pretend to be in front of me, let's talk about business." Guan Hai scolded with a smile, and didn't take the cigarette handed over by Yang Haoran.

Yang Haoran chuckled, put the cigarette into his mouth very naturally, lit it, and took a deep breath.

Amidst the smog, Guan Hai explained the business to Yang Haoran in detail.

It turned out that a friend of Guan Hai recently bought a house in Lecheng and spent hundreds of thousands of new coins. Now that the house has been renovated, he could have moved in with his bags, but this friend of Guan Hai believed in ghosts and gods. I forgot to check with my husband before buying a house, and wanted to make up for it afterwards, so that he would feel at ease when he lived in it.

After Guan Hai learned about this, he immediately took over the job for Yang Haoran, and praised Yang Haoran fiercely in front of his friend, calling Yang Haoran a rare master in the world He knows fortune-telling, Feng Shui, demons and demons, understands yin and yang, knows life and death, is awesome, and speaks in a miraculous and orderly manner. Hearing that his friend was so excited, he sincerely troubled Guan Hai on the spot. Be sure to invite this master to sit in his home.

Of course, Guan Hai had no reason to refuse this friend's request. He patted his chest to assure that there was no problem, so Guan Hai rushed to see Yang Haoran immediately.

Originally, this matter could be clarified by making a phone call, but Guan Hai still decided to make a trip in person. There was no other reason, the main reason was that he was too free. He didn't have a job at all. He usually just ate, drank and played, but today he didn't He had an appointment with a poker buddy, and he simply made the trip himself since he had nothing to do.

After learning about the matter in detail, Yang Haoran quickly ran behind the green curtain without saying a word, and came out after a while, with a satchel made of yellow cloth on his shoulder. There was a Tai Chi stitched on the front of the satchel, and a stitch on the back. A gossip is very conspicuous.

This satchel is Yang Haoran's tool for committing crimes, oh no, it is a tool for hunting ghosts. The inside of the satchel is bulging, obviously it contains a lot of things.

"Let's go, since I'm your friend, no matter how busy I am, I have to find time to go there. I can't lose your face. You call him quickly and tell him that Master Yang will be here soon. Tell him not to panic, everything There is me." Yang Haoran rushed out with his satchel on his back, and said to Guan Hai in a hurry.

Looking at Yang Haoran, who was pretending to be serious, Guan Hai couldn't help laughing, and said, "Thank you, Master Yang, for giving my brother such a big face, but I really didn't see where you are busy, and..."

After speaking, Guan Hai pointed to the shiny green curtain cloth, and said with a smile: "Also, can you change the color of your fig leaf, it's already green to this color, don't you feel panic when you look at it?"

Yang Haoran did not directly answer Guan Hai's question, but opened the shutter door and said nonchalantly, "It is not only a fig leaf, but also a beautiful landscape in my life."

The shutter door was closed with a clattering sound. Guan Hai joked with a smile, "You bastard is getting more and more venomous, and you don't even let yourself go. You're a ruthless person."

Yang Haoran smiled, but did not answer Guan Hai's question. After locking the shutter door, he stepped into Guan Hai's car.

Guan Hai's car is very good, it seems to have cost more than 300,000 new coins. Of course, Guan Hai, a poor man, can't afford that much money. This car was his ex-girlfriend's birthday celebration. gave it to him when.

I don't know what ecstasy soup Guan Hai gave that girl. Even after breaking up, this beautiful and rich girl still misses Guan Hai. Not only did she not ask for the car back, but she even bought it for Guan Hai A lot of famous brand clothes, even after the breakup, she didn't think Guan Hai was a scumbag, instead she took all the responsibility on herself, saying that it was all her fault, she was sorry for Guan Hai, if Guan Hai could She changed her mind, and she was willing to exchange everything she had.

When Yang Haoran met this woman by chance not long ago, he almost fainted from anger when he heard what she said to him. This woman is really stupid once she becomes stupid.

Sitting in Guan Hai's car, Yang Haoran couldn't help feeling a little emotional, this man, why is there such a big gap, he is a fucking poor ghost, why Guan Hai lives in a beautiful life, even if the scenery is only superficial But it doesn't feel bad sometimes, does it?

In fact, Yang Haoran knows the answer to this question without even thinking about it. Guan Hai lives more comfortably than him. He shuttles back and forth among the flowers every day with ease. It's not as good as Guan Hai, who is a high match and he is a low match. It hurts people, but it is reality.

However, Yang Haoran has more confidence in himself when it comes to talking about it. Whether it is speed or skill, he believes that he will never lose to Guan Hai in this aspect. If he has the opportunity, he even wants to fight with Guan Hai Let's compete in Guanhai!

Of course, the so-called verbal skill refers to speaking, how to speak, what kind of words you meet, how to control your own speaking speed, how to master skills, etc. When Yang Haoran sighed, he almost thought wrong