
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasi
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75 Chs

Chapter Fifty-Three Ins and Outs

In the bar before, Gao Liang focused all his attention on Wang Qing, so at that time, he didn't feel any danger from Yang Haoran.

  He didn't know that Yang Haoran was a dangerous person until Yang Haoran took him into the Soul Gathering Orb. He could not only see him, but also take him in.

  Therefore, when he successfully rushed out of the Soul Gathering Orb, his first thought was not to seek revenge from Yang Haoran, but to escape first.

  However, Yang Haoran's words stunned him who was about to escape.

  It can be seen that Gao Liang has a deep obsession with Wang Qing, even though he has died and become an undead, he still misses Wang Qing.

  He knew that Yang Haoran was very dangerous, but when he heard Yang Haoran's words, he immediately gave up and ran away, which shows how deep his obsession with Wang Qing is.

  Yin Qi condensed in front of Yang Haoran's body, and then revealed a bright figure, but it was no longer the tragic state before death, but his normal appearance in life.

  Yang Haoran didn't see Gao Liang in front of him, but he knew that Gao Liang hadn't left because he could feel Gao Liang's strong yin energy.

  He was very satisfied, but he did not relax his vigilance because of this, but was secretly on guard, once Gao Liang had the motive to escape, then he would use the fastest speed to put Gao Liang into the Soul Gathering Orb again.

  "Ghost eyes, open!"

  With a low shout, Yang Haoran opened his ghost eyes, the world in front of him changed, and the bright soul came into view.

  Seeing Yang Haoran looking at him with a smile on his face, Gao Liang first looked at the Soul Gathering Orb in fear, then at Yang Haoran's ghost eyes in fear, and then spoke weakly to Yang Haoran in an uncertain tone. He asked, " Can you help me?"

  Yang Haoran didn't answer Gao Liang's question immediately, but said with a smile on his face: "I don't like your current appearance very much, but I still like your scary appearance in the bar before."

  Gao Liang was taken aback for a moment, he didn't quite understand the meaning of Yang Haoran's words.

  The reason why he showed the terrible situation before his death that his soul body was useless this time was because he was afraid of angry Yang Haoran, and he would be put into the bead again when the time came.

  But what surprised him was that Yang Haoran took the initiative to restore him to the miserable state before his death.

  How did he know that the reason why Yang Haoran made such a request was that he hoped that he could adapt to the identity of the night watchman more quickly. Only when he saw more scary ghosts could he make himself more courageous, so that he would not be like before. The ghost was so frightened that his legs went limp.

  Although Gao Liang didn't know Yang Haoran's purpose, after he was stunned for a moment, he followed Yang Haoran's instructions and changed back into the terrifying appearance before death.

  Although he was mentally prepared, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch when he saw Gao Liang's terrifying appearance before his death again.

  But in comparison, this time his reaction was obviously much better than when he saw Gao Liang in the bar, and it was several grades better than before he became a night watchman!

  Taking a deep breath, Yang Haoran returned to normal. He has become more and more used to his current status as a night watchman.

  "First answer your question, I can help you, I can let you be with Wang Qing." Yang Haoran said with a smile.

  Gao Liang was overjoyed, although there was no expression on his rotten face, but his eyes were full of joy.

  "Really?" Gao Liang was surprised.

  "Why should I lie to you? What do you have that I can lie to?" Yang Haoran asked back with a smile.

  "Yes, yes, the master is an expert. Not only can he see me, but he can also hear me. He will definitely help me and won't lie to me, because I am like this now, and there is really nothing worth lying to!" Gao Liang Excited.

  Gao Liang is not a smart person, and he didn't have any experience other than gnawing on the old during his lifetime, so he knows the truth about Yang Haoran's words.

  Besides, he is too obsessed with Wang Qing, and all he thinks about is Wang Qing. Hearing that Yang Haoran can help him at this moment, he is so excited that he doesn't want to think too much. He just wants to be with Wang Qing quickly. .

  Yang Haoran smiled unfathomably, he showed his usual ability to fool people, and asked Gao Liang: "Do you know about Yin Er?"

  "I know, I know, I often heard about it from other people, and I saw it in movies, but after I died, I didn't see a ghost, and no one took me to the underworld to reincarnate."

  Speaking of this, Gao Liang was taken aback for a moment, and seemed to think of something, and asked, "Could it be... Could it be that the master is a errand?"

  Yang Haoran nodded, and said: "That's right, I'm a errand, not only can I take you to reincarnation, but I can also fulfill your wishes during your lifetime, but the premise is that you must listen to me."

  It is true that Yang Haoran is not fake, but his main duty is to attract the undead, subdue evil spirits, and fulfill the wishes of the dead, which is completely fabricated by him.

  Gao Liang didn't think too much about it. Hearing Yang Haoran's words, he was so excited that his soul and body became distorted and deformed. His appearance was scary enough, but after his distortion and deformation, he became even more terrifying!

  His parents worked hard for him all his life, and finally he was forced to death by him. In the end, he didn't wake up at all, and he didn't even have a trace of guilt. On the contrary, it was Wang Qing who made him think about it all the time. Never forget.

  "Master, no, big brother Yincha, if you can really help me, you will be my reborn parents, and I will honor your old man like my parents!" Gao Liang was so emotional that he promised Yang Haoran.

  His words almost prevented Yang Haoran from accepting him into the Soul Gathering Orb again. How he treated his parents, Yang Haoran knew in his heart that this was not a promise to him, but a curse on him!

  However, Yang Haoran didn't bother with him about this issue. With a smile on his face, he said to Gao Liang: "I have some questions to ask you, and you must explain it honestly. If there is something that is hidden from me, hehe, I I won't threaten you anymore, and you can make up for it by yourself."

  Yang Haoran smiled very kindly, but this kind smile fell into Gao Liang's eyes, but it gave him a chilling feeling. He felt that his whole soul was about to freeze under Yang Haoran's smile.

  "I'm sure I won't hide it from Brother Yin, don't hesitate to ask me anything you need, I'll tell you everything I know!" Gao Liang quickly promised.

  Yang Haoran sneered in his heart, if it wasn't for the ghost eyes who could only see the past of the deceased before death, but couldn't see what happened after the death of the deceased, why would he need such trouble.

  "Wang Qing and my friend's yin energy are all contaminated from you?" Yang Haoran asked the first question.

  Gao Liang didn't deny it, just nodded and admitted.

  "When I saw Wang Qing for the first time, I saw that he had a lot of yin energy, why now when I see her again, the yin energy on her body has weakened a lot, what's going on?" Yang Haoran asked.

  "I've been following Qingqing since I died, but he couldn't see her. No matter how I called, she couldn't hear me. I just stayed by her side all the time, watching her eat with different men, watching She took a bath with different men, watched her sleep with different men, and because of this, a layer of Yin Qi gradually wrapped around her body, and it became more and more intense. I found that these Yin Qi can affect the living, so Just keep as far away as possible from her, watch her from afar, and love her from afar."

  What a touching love story, but Yang Haoran felt disgusted when he heard it, but he didn't show it, he still listened with a smile on his face, and Gao Liang felt as if he had integrated into his story.

  "I didn't dare to get too close to her. I was afraid of hurting her. Although I suffered myself by doing this, the yin qi on her body became weaker and weaker. I feel very relieved."

  Speaking of this, Gao Liang's scary ghost face actually showed a smile, and the meaning of that smile seemed to be happiness.

  "Why is the yin energy on Guan Hai so strong?" Yang Haoran asked again with a smile.

  When Guan Hai was mentioned, the terrifying happy smile on Gao Liang's face disappeared, replaced by a ferocious expression formed by anger.

  "Guan Hai, that scumbag, I know he's just playing with Qingqing when I look at him, he doesn't really like Qingqing at all, I want to protect Qingqing, of course I won't let him go!" Gao Liang said angrily.

  "How did you do it?" Yang Haoran asked with a smile.

  "I began to want to scare him through dreams, and it would be best to scare him to death. Unfortunately, this kid drank late every night, and was so drunk that he didn't even know who he was. I scared him in my dream. He didn't play any role at all, he wakes up every day as if nothing happened, he doesn't seem to remember that I scared him in his dream." Gao Liang said angrily.

  "So, you thought of being entangled with Yin Qi, using your Yin Qi to influence him, making his health worse and worse?" Yang Haoran asked back with a smile.

  Highlighting his head, he said bitterly: "That's right, every night, I will wrap my soul around him, so that he can be contaminated with yin energy to the maximum extent, if it weren't for the strong lethality of the sun , I dare not come out during the day, I really want to wrap around him for 24 hours and torture him to death!"

  Yang Haoran's face remained unchanged, and he continued to ask: "I'm very surprised, why are you staring at Guan Hai, is there no other man besides Guan Hai in Wang Qing?"

  "Yes, there are many." Gao Liang said helplessly.

  "Then why don't you deal with them?" Yang Haoran was a little curious. Could it be that ghosts can't see handsome men?

  "Qingqing is so outstanding, beautiful and kind-hearted, so many men chased her, from young to old, they were all obsessed with Qingqing. Although I also hated these men very much, but at that time, I had just died not long ago. I know how to deal with this kind of thing, but I can only watch them bully Qingqing and worry about it. In addition, there are too many of them, and I can't do it alone. Until I found that I can scare people in my dreams, and I can use my body to scare people. Guan Hai appeared when his yin energy harmed people!"

  Hearing Gao Liang's words, Yang Haoran wanted to give Gao Liang a slap in the face. Hearing who is beautiful and kind, who is too good, this is really a beauty in the eye of the beholder, shit can be seen as a cake.

  "So, are you going to use Guan Hai for the surgery?" Yang Haoran continued to ask with a smile.

  "That's right, every night when I see Guan Hai bullying Qingqing, I feel a twinge in my heart, so I want Guan Hai to die first!" Gao Liang said murderously.

  Yang Haoran was amused when he heard this, this Gao Liang was completely dead, only his soul body was left, and he felt a pain in his heart when he said this, I'm afraid he didn't think of this problem at all when he said this.

  Gao Liang's words solved the doubts in Yang Haoran's heart, Guan Hai would be contaminated with Yin Qi, and the ins and outs of this matter were finally clarified.

  In other words, as long as this highlight is cleaned up, Guanhai will be safe!

  However, Yang Haoran is not going to win Gao Liang at this time, because he still has a more important thing to do.