
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 52 are all ruthless people

The reason why Yang Haoran didn't go after Wang Qing was not because he was generous, but because he had more important things to do in front of him!

  Gao Liang's ghost has been sitting next to Wang Qing, Guan Hai and Wang Qing had just quarreled, Yang Haoran did not interrupt Guan Hai, nor interrupted, because his attention was attracted by the ghost Gao Liang.

  Gao Liang, who had been sitting quietly next to Wang Qing, saw Guan Hai and Wang Qing quarreling, and immediately showed strong hostility towards Guan Hai!

  When Guan Hai picked up the wine bottle and chased after Wang Qing, the highlight immediately turned into a cloud of black air and wrapped around Guan Hai's body.

  Although the yin energy on Guan Hai's body was dispelled by Yang Haoran, his body was still very weak. At this time, Gao Liang turned into black air and wrapped Guan Hai's body, and Guan Hai suddenly felt weak all over.

  If it were normal, if Gao Liang entangled the living person in this way, it would not have any effect on the living person in a short period of time, unless it was like this for a long time, the living person would be affected by Yin Qi and become weak and sickly At this time, Guan Hai will feel weak all over, in the final analysis, his body is too weak now.

  Seeing Guan Hai's trick, how could Yang Haoran care about Wang Qing, he immediately took out the Soul Gathering Orb, and then poured Yin spiritual power into the Soul Gathering Orb!

  Yin spiritual power was poured into the soul-gathering bead, and black air appeared on the surface of the soul-gathering bead. Yang Haoran grabbed the soul-gathering bead and rushed in front of Guan Hai. The Soul Gathering Orb was secretly imprinted on Guan Hai's body.

  The black energy that Gao Liang turned into was wrapped around Guan Hai's body. At this moment, he was like a black snake with a human head, swimming around Guan Hai's body.

  When Yang Haoran rushed over, Gao Liang suddenly felt a kind of fear from the depths of his soul. Before he understood what was going on, he felt a huge suction force on his body, as if something was about to come. It's like devouring his body.

  Gao Liang was frightened. Since his death, he had never experienced fear again, but now, he felt an unprecedented fear.

  He wanted to resist and get out of Guan Hai's body, but no one could help him, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't get rid of this powerful suction.

  He uttered a terrified scream, which ordinary people could not hear, but Yang Haoran could hear it clearly.

  Gao Liang's soul body twisted and deformed for a while, and before the screams fell, he was completely sucked in by the Soul Gathering Orb.

  Without Gao Liang's entanglement, Guan Hai felt that his body felt much better, and the feeling of powerlessness disappeared. Yang Haoran quietly put away the Soul Gathering Orb, and then slapped Guan Hai's body with his palm, shaking him again and again. A little of the taint was scattered.

  All this is a long story, in fact it is only a few breaths, when Xiao Mo rushed from the counter to Guan Hai in a panic, Yang Haoran had already done all this.

  Whether it was Xiaomo or other customers in the bar, they didn't see Yang Haoran's action of collecting ghosts, all they saw was Yang Haoran seeing Guan Hai as if he was about to faint, then rushed out of his seat and immediately hugged him off the sea.

  "Brother Guan Hai, are you okay!" Xiao Mo asked anxiously.

  The reason why she was so nervous was because she knew that Guan Hai just fainted last night, and his body is still very weak. He should be resting and recovering in the hospital at this time, but now he appeared in the bar and drank. How can a normal person survive such torture.

  "I'm fine." Guan Hai shook his head, then looked at Yang Haoran.

  At this time, Yang Haoran had already let go of Guan Hai, instead of going out to chase Wang Qing, he returned to his seat and picked up a tissue to wipe the blood on his face.

  "Brother Yang, are you okay!" Guan Hai asked hastily.

  Xiaomo also noticed the blood on Guan Hai's face, and seeing that the wound was still bleeding, she said anxiously: "Let's go to the hospital to disinfect it quickly, so that the wound won't get infected."

  Yang Haoran shook his head, smiled faintly, and said, "It's not that troublesome."

  After the words fell, Yang Haoran picked up a bottle of beer and bit it open with his teeth. First, he drank half of the bottle in one gulp, then took out a few paper towels from the paper box, and poured the remaining half bottle of beer on the paper towels .

  The paper towel was soaked in beer, so Yang Haoran directly applied the paper towel to the wound. Naturally, this way of treating the wound is not formal, but he doesn't pay much attention to this kind of thing, and he doesn't care so much now that he is angry. up.

  "Riding on the horse! I'm going to catch her right now! This matter can't be left alone!" Guan Hai said angrily, and was about to leave the bar, but was stopped by Xiao Mo who was beside him.

  "Brother Guan Hai, you can't go, you almost fainted just now!" Xiaomo quickly stopped.

  "Walking is a problem, so what are you still chasing after? Don't worry about this matter, I have a way to deal with it." After speaking, Yang Haoran looked at Xiaomo and said, "Send Haizi back to rest first, I have some things to deal with."

  Hearing Yang Haoran's words, Guan Hai became anxious, and quickly said: "I got to know this woman recently, she also met some people in Lecheng through selling her body, there are both black and white, I'm just one of them, Brother Yang If you go to him alone like this, I'm worried that you will suffer."

  After speaking, Guan Hai took out his mobile phone, and then continued to speak: "I'll call someone for you, so that your safety will be guaranteed."

  Yang Haoran stopped Guan Hai, still with his signature smile on his face, and said, "Don't bother, I know what's in my heart."

  After leaving the bar, Yang Haoran didn't go anywhere, but directly called a car and rushed back to the grocery store.

  Seeing Yang Haoran leaving, Guan Hai felt a little worried and made several phone calls.

  In a ktv in Lecheng, Wang Qing was doing some indescribable things with a fat middle-aged man. After coming out of Guan Hai's bar, Wang Qing first made a phone call, and then came to this ktv.

  After a while, Wang Qing nestled in the man's arms, her face full of grievances, and tears kept rolling down.

  "You and that kid Guan Hai seem to be getting very close in the past few days, why do you think of punishing him now?" the middle-aged fat man asked Wang Qing with a smile on his face.

  The name of this middle-aged fat man is Qu Gang. He has some influence in the underworld in Lecheng, and everyone on the road calls him Fatty Qu.

  Hearing Fatty Qu's words at this moment, he obviously knew that Wang Qing had been messing with Guan Hai these days, but he didn't look jealous at all, nor did he feel being cheated on.

  Like Guan Hai, this fatty Qu knew what kind of guy Wang Qing was, so neither Guan Hai nor this fatty Qu took Wang Qing to heart.

  "Brother Gang, Guan Hai and I are not what you think. Nothing happened between me and him. Recently, I got closer to him. In fact, I just wanted to make a friend like him, but he didn't know what to do. The broken bar wanted to beat me, if I hadn't run fast, I would have been lying in the hospital by now."

  Wang Qing opened his mouth with a face full of grievances, tears pouring down like rain, he looked so sad, if someone who didn't know the situation looked at the situation, he would think that this girl was being bullied by a large group of men in turn.

  Fatty Qu laughed, but didn't wipe away the tears on Wang Qing's face, and said, "How do you want to deal with that kid Guan Hai, just say a word."

  Wang Qing snuggled into Fatty Qu's arms. Hearing this, his gaze turned icy cold. He gritted his teeth and said harshly, "If possible, I would like to pour sulfuric acid on his face myself!"

  Fatty Qu was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect this Wang Qing to be so cruel, but he quickly reacted and continued to laugh: "Haha! Good! No problem!"

  Wang Qing was overjoyed when he heard that, and then continued to speak: "There is also his friend, the soil turtle surnamed Yang, can Brother Gang help my sister clean up together?"

  Fatty Qu took a sip of wine, then squeezed Wang Qing's chest, and asked with a smile, "How do you want to clean up?"

  "It's best to kill him!" Wang Qing seemed to have made such a decision a long time ago, and replied immediately.

  Fatty Qu was taken aback again, he didn't expect that he still underestimated Wang Qing's ruthlessness, or in other words, underestimated this woman's childishness.

  However, he didn't say anything, but put away the smile on his face, and said with a serious face: "How much hatred, you need to kill him to vent your anger?"

  "I just want him to die, there is no reason." Wang Qing responded.

  "Killing people is not a simple matter. If you want to avoid involving you and me, you need careful planning. Besides..."

  Before Fatty Qu finished speaking, Wang Qing broke free from his arms, knelt in front of him naked, and then became busy with his hands and mouth.

  Wang Qing worked hard, Fatty Qu didn't stop him, he said with a look of enjoyment: "Okay, no problem, but I need some time."

  Wang Qing got Fatty Qu's promise, laughed through his tears, and worked harder.

  Seeing Wang Qing's reaction, Fatty Qu couldn't help sneering in his heart, and said to himself, "It's so stupid, you can believe whatever you say. But it's also good, without this kind of woman, my life will lack some flavoring."

  Fatty Qu and Wang Qing were doing indescribable things in the ktv, while Yang Haoran returned to his grocery store. Unlike usual, when he returned to the grocery store tonight, he had no intention of opening the door for business. , but the door is locked.

  Inside the shop, Yang Haoran was sitting on a chair. At this time, there was no blood flowing from his face, and the cut made by the broken glass was scarred, but it still hurt a little.

  He took out the mirror and looked at it, seeing that the wound wasn't that big, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, his appearance was ordinary enough, if there was another hideous scar, it would be even more difficult to find a girlfriend in the future.

  After putting down the mirror, he took out the soul-gathering beads from his satchel.

  Today's Soul Gathering Orb is no different from usual, but inside the Soul Gathering Orb, there is an extra black thread, and the black thread collides wildly in the Soul Gathering Orb, sometimes changing into a human face, sometimes turning into black gas , as if to knock out a hole in the Soul Gathering Orb.

  This black thread is none other than Gao Liang.

  Seeing Gao Liang hitting like crazy in the Soul Gathering Orb, Yang Haoran couldn't help but think of Wang Qing. There was no anger on his face, but the corners of his mouth couldn't help but raised.

  "It's a good thing for young people to suffer more losses, otherwise they will not be able to grow up in their lifetime, but some losses are unaffordable."

  Talking to himself, Yang Haoran mobilized the yin energy in his body, and then his fingers were breathing black, and he pointed at the Soul Gathering Orb.

  Following his pointing on the Soul Gathering Orb, the Soul Gathering Orb also emitted black air, and immediately after, the highlighted soul in the Soul Gathering Orb seemed to be unbound, and successfully rushed out of the Soul Gathering Orb !

  After rushing out of the Soul Gathering Orb, Gao Liang's first reaction was to run away, but at this moment, Yang Haoran spoke.

  "Do you want to be with Wang Qing forever?"