
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasi
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75 Chs

Chapter 71 - Die Sincerely

There was an old man Wu on Ma Ling's left, and another old man Wu, which made the rest of the Wu family feel very uncomfortable. In their opinion, Ma Ling's personality was too wild, and she had no family education at all.

  In Lecheng, a few people met their Wu family members who were not polite, and they respected their old man very much. They had never met someone who was not aggressive like Ma Ling.

  Ma Ling had a bad attitude towards Mr. Wu before, and the Wu family put up with it, but now this wild girl is still like this, and the rest of the Wu family, including Wu Xiaoxiao, can't help it.

  However, before these Wu family members had time to explode, they were suppressed by Mr. Wu with a look.

  "Haha, don't worry, Miss Ma Ling, no matter whether the three of you deal with it alone or together, as long as you handle the strange things at home properly, the negotiated price will not be less, and it will be sent to you In the hands of the three of them." Mr. Wu said with a smile, looking very grand.

  Looking at the seemingly happy smile on Mr. Wu's face, Yang Haoran couldn't help sighing in his heart that this old guy really has experienced big storms and is very good at hiding his emotions.

  Before Wang Yiming and Ma Ling appeared, his face was full of gloom. At that time, he didn't take Yang Haoran seriously, so he didn't deliberately hide his inner emotions, but after the two appeared, he didn't He showed a sad face again, but he was always cheerful.

  From Yang Haoran's point of view, the reason why Mr. Wu is always cheerful is that he doesn't want to show his true inner feelings to outsiders. In fact, his heart should still be very anxious.

  When Ma Ling heard Mr. Wu's words, she was a little unhappy, and said: "I work, and they get the same money, which is very unfair! Oh, forget it, it's a trivial matter anyway, let the two of them follow I'll pick it up cheap."

  Listening to Ma Ling's words, this matter is just a trivial matter in her eyes, Wang Yiming frowned and didn't say anything, Yang Haoran still smiled and said nothing.

  "It's time for dinner. Let's eat first, and then tell the three of you in detail. In order to receive the three of you, I asked the chef to prepare a lot of good things." Mr. Wu said with a smile.

  "It doesn't matter, it's the same while eating and chatting." Wang Yiming said with a straight face.

  Mr. Wu smiled, and instead of responding to Wang Yiming immediately, he looked at Ma Ling.

  "It's okay to chat while eating. I just happen to be hungry too. It doesn't matter what I eat, as long as there is wine."

  Ma Ling licked her lips cheerfully. Seeing her like this, she seemed to be a drinker.

  "Haha, don't worry, there is wine, and it's my treasure, you can drink as much as you want!" Mr. Wu laughed.

  "Then I'm fine, you can ask him." Saying that, Ma Ling pointed to Yang Haoran who was beside her.

  Mr. Wu's eyes fell on Yang Haoran, he smiled and asked, "Little Brother Haoran, what do you think?"

  "The guest is up to the owner, I will listen to the old man." Yang Haoran replied.

  "Okay then, let's chat while eating."

  Mr. Wu didn't ask the other people what they thought. After asking Yang Haoran and the three of them, he made a decision, and then called the butler to arrange the meal.

  At the dining table, after Mr. Wu asked all the servants to leave, he ate and told in detail what happened at home recently.

  He spoke in great detail, and sometimes Wu Xiaoxiao would make supplements.

  It turned out to be like this...

  Wu Xiaoxiao is currently attending university in other places, and the Chinese New Year is coming soon. The school is on holiday, so Wu Xiaoxiao returned to Lecheng.

  Although the Wu family also has villas in other places, Lecheng is the root of their Wu family. At Mr. Wu's age, he only wants to spend his later years in Lecheng.

  Mr. Wu is the backbone of the family and the elder of the family. If he stays in Lecheng, the whole family will definitely stay in Lecheng on special days like Chinese New Year. It is precisely because of this that Wu Xiaoxiao also returned to Lecheng city.

  Wu Xiaoxiao is very lively, but sometimes she is very capricious. Besides, she also likes to find some excitement, and find pleasure in the excitement, especially some things related to supernatural beings, which she is particularly interested in.

  So, after returning to Lecheng, she was bored, so she played the pen fairy game that was always popular in school in this villa.

  When she was in school, she also played pen fairy with her classmates. Besides, she also played some other spirit games, and never had any problems. But what she didn't expect was that this time she played pen fairy alone. Fairy, something went wrong with the game.

  "Pen Fairy Pen Fairy..."

  Wu Xiaoxiao was wearing a loose pajamas, holding a pen in one hand, playing the pen fairy game alone in the bedroom, chanting the spell to summon the pen fairy.

  However, what puzzled her was that after the spell was finished, the pen in her hand did not respond and remained motionless. There was no scientific explanation about what would happen to her hand after it was suspended in the air for a period of time.

  She was puzzled, so she closed her eyes and said the spell a few more times, but it still had no effect.

  "It's strange, even if I don't invite a pen fairy, I should have a reaction with my hand hanging like this, even if it's a cramp!"

  Wu Xiaoxiao complained in her mouth, she did not give up, and recited the spell a few more times, still as before, the pen held by her remained motionless.

  "Could it be... that Bixian can't be alone?"

  Looking at the pen she was holding, Wu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but guess in her heart, but then she overturned the guess in her heart, because she had heard a long time ago that a person can also be a pen master.

  Tried again, same result, still no response from the pen.

  Wu Xiaoxiao was a little angry. She wanted to call out the pen fairy to ask if she could lose weight this year. She wanted to buy a pair of shoes with laces to wear, but she didn't expect that she had chanted the spell over and over again. Xian did not appear, not even a sign of appearing at all!

  "Didn't you say that as long as you die with sincerity, the pen fairy will definitely come out? It seems that this is a rumor and a fake, just like love."

  Talking dissatisfiedly, Wu Xiaoxiao was going to put down the pen and go to sleep. When she woke up, she would have the strength to lose weight tomorrow, but then she was pleasantly surprised to find that the pen she had been holding was as sticky as a dog skin plaster. in her hands.

  That's right, it was a surprise, not a panic!

  She always thought that the pen fairy was not invited, so she felt very disappointed, but when she found that the pen in her hand magically stuck to her palm, she realized that she was wrong, the pen fairy should have been invited.

  She wanted to invite the pen fairy wholeheartedly, seeing this scene, it can be described as bright and beautiful, she was naturally pleasantly surprised.

  She looked at the pen in the palm of her hand, in order to confirm whether the pen fairy had really come, she excitedly pulled out a few times with her other hand, the pen remained motionless, as if it was connected to her palm.

  Wu Xiaoxiao was so excited that she jumped up and felt sleepless for a while. Not only did she not feel scary, but she found it very fun and exciting.

  "Pen Xian Bi Xian, can I lose weight next year?"

  With the excitement and excitement in her heart, Wu Xiaoxiao held the pen again, then stood on the paper, and asked the first question, which was the question she was most concerned about.

  It is said that Bixian has the ability to predict the future, so Wu Xiaoxiao, who has been eating, drinking, sleeping and never exercising, wants to know whether he will lose weight next year if he continues like this.

  In fact, she didn't need to play with the pen fairy at all for this question, she could know the result by looking at the pigs, so why did she need to ask the pen fairy for such trouble.

  However, she wanted to lose weight in a Buddhist style, and she wanted to know if a miracle would happen. In addition, she was already bored by herself, so she thought it was the best way to pass the time by playing this nerve-stimulating game.

  However, the pen... still didn't move.

  Wu Xiaoxiao thought this was strange, looked at the pen he was holding tightly, and said to himself: "Could it be that the question I asked was too tricky?"

  Thinking of this, she decided to ask a simpler question.

  "Pen Xian Bi Xian, can I find a boyfriend next year?"

  The pen still doesn't move.

  Wu Xiaoxiao was a little angry, she rarely loses her temper, but at this moment, the eldest lady's temper suddenly flared up.

  "It's all standing up! You are motionless! Do you want me to do it yourself! What are you doing? You! Just don't do it!"

  Wu Xiaoxiao was very angry, and threw the paper on the table out, and then used the other hand to pull the pen sticking to the palm of her hand.

  However, no matter how hard she tried, the pen in her hand could not be removed.

  Gradually, hot sweat broke out on her forehead, the excitement and excitement in her heart gradually dissipated, and fear slowly crept into her heart.

  After pulling hard for half an hour, the pen was still not removed from the palm of her hand, but her palm was stinging after she pulled it.

  At this moment, Wu Xiaoxiao began to panic, and also felt a little regretful.

  If she had known that something like this would happen early on, she would never have committed suicide like this.

  However, what she didn't expect was that the fact that the pen stuck to the palm of her hand and couldn't be removed was just the beginning. The truly terrifying thing that made her feel desperate was still to come.

  Ten minutes later, Wu Xiaoxiao's chubby face was covered with beads of sweat, and she was panting heavily, obviously very tired.

  She tried all means and couldn't remove the pen from her palm, so she finally had to give up and planned to wait until tomorrow to go to the hospital to see if the doctor could do anything.

  Thinking of this in her heart, suddenly, there was a piercing pain in her palm. This sharp pain made her body tremble uncontrollably!

  She quickly looked towards the palm, and saw that the pen sticking to the palm was embedded into the flesh at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  There was no wound, no blood flowed out, the pen slowly melted into it like a red-hot iron rod falling into the ice.

  The severe pain caused Wu Xiaoxiao's entire face to contort. She let out a scream and pulled the pen in her palm like crazy!

  At this moment, she was not even a little bit excited at all, but only frightened, unprecedented frightened!

  Immediately afterwards, a scene that made her even more terrified appeared. The piece of paper that she had thrown out had returned to the table at some point. Under her horrified eyes, a picture slowly appeared on the paper. .

  ps: If you think you can still read it, please bookmark it. There are more than 200,000 words in it, and it's only 40, which makes me so happy.

  The author's ability is limited. If the work is not to my liking and I really can't stand it, I hope you don't scold me, understand a lot, and just leave in silence. I will appreciate that you are a good person.1