
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 72: The Red Dress

The painting on the paper was quickly formed under the gaze of Wu Xiaoxiao. It was a room, and there was a girl in the room. The girl was very fat...

  Although Wu Xiaoxiao was full of panic at this time, she was not completely frightened. She could tell that the room in this painting was the room she was in at this time. The layout and everything in the room were incomparable to her. so she will not admit mistakes.

  And the girl in the room with a terrified face, who else could it be, she is so familiar with her fat figure and compact facial features.

  Looking at the painting in front of her, she couldn't help feeling like she was looking in a mirror.

  There was no one else in the room, and the paper used to play with the pen fairy was just a plain white paper without any painting on it, but right now this painting appeared in front of her eyes strangely, No matter how nervous she was , she still felt cold all over her body.

  If it's just like this, it's fine. What scares her the most is that there is an extra person above her head in the painting.

  This person was wearing a skirt and hung above her head.

  Wu Xiaoxin's heartbeat accelerated violently, her breathing became short of breath, her fat body trembled, and then she slowly raised her head to look above her head.

  However... nothing!

  Wu Xiaoxiao, who was already on the verge of collapse, suddenly saw this scene, and was stunned for a moment, with a frightened expression frozen on her face. She thought she would see the scene in the painting, but she didn't, which made her tense My nerves got a little relaxed.

  At the same time, the sore spot on the palm suddenly disappeared. She looked at the palm and found that everything was back to normal. The pen that had been fused into the flesh and blood unexpectedly fell off from the palm and fell to the ground , making a sound.

  "Is... all of this just an illusion?"

  Wu Xiaoxiao couldn't help guessing that, instead of picking up the pen rolling on the ground, she looked at the white paper on the table again.

  There are no pictures on the paper other than the words to be written in advance for playing the pen fairy game.

  Everything in front of her eyes seemed to prove that what she experienced before was just an illusion, not real.

  Wu Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief. She was sure that everything before was an illusion. As for why the illusion occurred, she attributed it all to the pen fairy game.

  But now everything has returned to normal, and her tense nerves have been relaxed. Only then did she realize that the pajamas she was wearing were wet with sweat, sticky and quite uncomfortable.

  Picking up the pen that fell on the ground, she was going to take a bath, she would definitely not be able to sleep with such stickiness.

  But... just as she bent down to pick up the pen, before she had time to straighten herself up, she suddenly felt something dangling on top of her head, rubbing her hair.

  She was puzzled in her heart, and looked up at the top of her head, but there was still nothing, which made her doubts even stronger.

  But at this time, there was a sudden cold feeling in her hand, and she subconsciously tightened her hand, but it gave her a slippery touch, which made her look at her hand involuntarily.

  Seeing this, Wu Xiaoxiao almost fainted from fright, only to see that the pen she picked up in her hand turned into a colorful poisonous snake at some point. Body, a posture to attack her.

  Wu Xiaoxiao's expression froze, and three seconds later, she suddenly realized, let out a scream full of horror, and then threw the poisonous snake in her hand away!

  After that, she wanted to turn around and escape from this room. This room gave her a really weird feeling tonight. If she didn't escape from this room immediately, she was worried that she would die in it.

  However, just as she turned around, she seemed to bump into something, and when she looked closely, it turned out to be a red dress that was as bright as blood!

  This red dress gave people a very scary and wet feeling, as if blood might drip out at any time.

  Under the red skirt, there was a pair of pale, bloodless feet, which were hanging in the air like clothes hanging on a clothes rail, swinging in the wind.

  Wu Xiaoxiao screamed again in fright, she didn't even have the courage to raise her head to see the original appearance of the owner of the red dress clearly, she fainted from the scream.

  Waking up the next day, Wu Xiaoxiao found herself sleeping on the floor. She was a little dazed. After a while, she rubbed her head. Everything that happened in this room last night began to emerge in her mind, and it became more and more clear.

  She thought of all the weird things that happened in this room last night, and she couldn't help showing a look of fear on her face.

  However, as her eyes scanned the room, she found that there were no poisonous snakes or hanged ghosts in the room, as if everything that happened last night was just a dream.

  Is it really just a dream?

  Wu Xiaoxiao wasn't sure, so she hurried out of the room, found other people living in this villa, and asked about the situation last night.

  Last night, no one else in the villa heard her screams, so no one came to ask about her situation.

  However, according to her understanding, almost all the people who lived in the villa last night, whether they were members of the Wu family or servants, encountered some strange things or had strange dreams.

  In the next few days, strange things continued to happen in this villa, and the feeling became more and more frightening and terrifying.

  First of all, cats, dogs and some small animals from unknown sources will die inexplicably in the villa. Animal corpses will appear in the yard, living room, kitchen, toilet, and even bedrooms!

  I don't know how they appeared. No one has seen these small animals inside or outside the villa. When they found them, they were already cold.

  There are no wounds on their bodies, but their eyes are wide open, full of fear, as if they were frightened to death, extremely weird.

  Later, in the middle of the night, the lights in the unoccupied room will automatically turn on, the books will be automatically flipped through, and the stool will move by itself, but no one can be seen.

  As of last night, the strange things were not limited to this. After midnight, there would be bursts of crying in the villa from time to time. The crying was full of desolation, like a fat man who likes to eat meat and can only eat steamed buns all day long. miserable.

  In addition to crying, there are occasional laughter, very happy and excited, like a piece of cooked pork belly hanging around the neck of a fat man who likes to eat meat all the time, making him happy and satisfied.

  In the past few days, the strange things that have happened in the villa are not limited to this. Apart from Wu Xiaoxiao, other Wu family members and servants have also experienced similar experiences to Wu Xiaoxiao's that night.

  Because of these strange things, some of the Wu family's servants have resigned. They don't want to stay in this villa and worry about it. The remaining servants are paid a lot of money by the Wu family.

  For the remaining servants, although the strange incidents that happened in this villa recently are horrifying and terrifying, it will be even more terrifying for them to have no money. Knowing that the villa is currently very weird, they still chose to stay.

  Besides, none of the Wu family, including Mr. Wu, left the villa. They were not afraid. As servants, they had nothing to be afraid of.

  It's not that all the Wu family members don't want to leave this villa. To be precise, among all the Wu family members, only Mr. Wu doesn't want to leave this villa. Except for him, everyone else can't wait to live in another place immediately.

  With their Wu family's financial resources, changing a villa is as simple as changing a pair of chopsticks for ordinary people to eat, and there is no pressure at all, but Mr. Wu is unwilling to leave, and they have to stay even if they want to.

  Mr. Wu is unwilling to leave this villa easily because this villa is the first villa Mr. Wu bought, which has a different meaning to him. A villa with feelings.

  However, he has seen the strange things that happened in the family recently, so in order to solve this problem, Mr. Wu is going to spend a lot of money to hire someone to deal with it.

  Having been in a high position for a long time, Mr. Wu has a large circle, so he also knows some high-level people, and Wang Yiming and Ma Ling are two of the high-level people he knows.

  Therefore, Mr. Wu personally contacted the two, hoping that they could come to his villa to deal with the strange things that happened recently.

  When Mr. Wu contacted Wang Yiming and Ma Ling, Wu Xiaoxiao was depressed, so he went to Guan Hai's bar to drink.

  The reason why they chose Guan Hai's bar was because the two had known each other for a long time, otherwise, as Wu Xiaoxiao, how could it be possible for him to go to such a small bar opened by Guan Hai for consumption.

  The eldest lady Wu Xiaoxiao came in person, Guan Hai would definitely go to accompany her, and because of this, Guan Hai learned from Wu Xiaoxiao that there have been many strange things going on in Wu's villa recently, although Wu Xiaoxiao didn't write the novel in detail, But Guan Hai knew that Wu's villa should be haunted.

  Therefore, Guan Hai thought of Yang Haoran, and started talking about Yang Haoran with Wu Xiaoxiao.

  However, Wu Xiaoxiao did not make a statement at the time, and Guan Hai did not have much to say about it. Until this morning, before he woke up, he received a call from Wu Xiaoxiao, and then Yang Haoran received a call from Guan Hai. , and came here with Guan Hai.