
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasi
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75 Chs

Chapter 69 Are you not cold?

Wu Xiaoxiao's explanation made Yang Haoran understand why the Wu family was not as enthusiastic about him and Guan Hai as they imagined.

  Think about it too, if you really ask them to help with difficult things, how can you leave the two of them alone.

  But at this time, Guan Hai proposed to leave first, Wu Xiaoxiao became anxious immediately, and begged the two of them not to leave.

  Guan Hai was in a difficult situation. Wu Xiaoxiao was his friend, and Yang Haoran was his close buddy. If he didn't leave him, he was worried that Yang Haoran would be angry, and if he left, he would be afraid that Wu Xiaoxiao would be embarrassed. He looked at Yang Haoran and asked for Yang Haoran's opinion.

  "Let's talk about it after we see the situation. I also want to see who Mr. Wu hired and how capable they are." Yang Haoran said with a smile.

  In fact, Yang Haoran should have thought a long time ago that a rich and powerful existence like the Wu family would encounter some strange things, and there must be a way to find an expert.

  As for whether the expert the Wu family hired is a liar, Yang Haoran has no doubts about it. Mr. Wu has the ability to get to where he is today, and he must have his own way of judging people and doing things. Taking someone out to greet him must have personally seen the other party's ability, otherwise, in his capacity, how could he mobilize the crowd like this.

  Hearing that Yang Haoran had to look at the situation before making a decision, Guan Hai didn't say much, nodded and sat back in his seat, while Wu Xiaoxiao looked happy.

  "Thank you, thank you, let's really get to know my name is Wu Xiaoxiao!"

  Wu Xiaoxiao expressed gratitude, and then extended her hand to Yang Haoran friendly.

  "My name is Yang Haoran." After shaking hands politely, Yang Haoran also announced his name.

  "We'll be friends from now on. I'll call you Brother Yang, and you'll call me Xiaoxiao. I'm so happy to be able to make friends with someone as capable as you."

  Seeing the excitement on Wu Xiaoxiao's face, Yang Haoran's expression remained unchanged, still smiling, but in his heart he sighed that Wu Xiaoxiao was really naive.

  Whether Yang Haoran has real skills, Wu Xiaoxiao has never seen it before, and he believes that he has skills based on Guan Hai's one-sided words. Isn't this naive?

  Furthermore, seeing each other as a friend just after meeting, without even the most basic understanding, is also a kind of naivety.

  However, there's nothing wrong with being naive, you don't need to intrigue, at least you won't be so tired.

  Of course, it doesn't rule out that Wu Xiaoxiao in front of her is duplicity. She looks naive, but in fact she is very rich. The naivety she shows is just a cover-up, the main purpose is to lower the opponent's psychological defense.

  Yang Haoran will definitely not say these guesses in his heart, which is against his usual style of life. As for what kind of person Wu Xiaoxiao belongs to, he actually doesn't care at all.

  "By the way, Xiaoxiao, you didn't want to tell me what happened in your family before, but now that Brother Yang is here, let him analyze it for you. He is a professional, and he is the professional counterpart in dealing with such matters." Guan Hai asked.

  What Guan Hai knew about the Wu family was limited. He only knew that the Wu family was not peaceful recently.

  Yang Haoran is capable, but Guan Hai doesn't know how much Yang Haoran has. The main purpose of asking about Wu Xiaoxiao's Wu family is to let Yang Haoran understand the Wu family's affairs.

  If Yang Haoran can handle this matter, then he can prepare countermeasures in advance. On the contrary, if he can't handle this matter, he can use the reason that the Wu family doesn't value them as an excuse to leave the Wu family and ignore this matter, so as not to get into a dangerous situation and ruin the situation. Shop sign.

  When mentioning what happened at home, Wu Xiaoxiao's face suddenly changed, and a look of fear appeared on his chubby face.

  "It's all my fault, I..."

  Just as Wu Xiaoxiao spoke, footsteps and the sound of communication came from outside the living room. Wu Xiaoxiao paused, and the three of them all looked towards the entrance of the living room.

  Mr. Wu greeted the two of them and walked towards the living room, looking extremely enthusiastic, which was completely different from when he faced Yang Haoran and Guan Hai before.

  There were two people, a man and a woman. The man looked about twenty-three or twenty-four. He was not tall, only about 1.65 meters tall, but he walked with great momentum, and every step he made looked very powerful.

  The woman is very young, about seventeen or eighteen years old, her height is about the same as the man's. She has a pair of straight and slender legs, which is very eye-catching.

  After the three of them, it was the members of the Wu family. Even if it was the oldest brother Wu and the second child Wu, both of them were obediently following the three of them at this time.

  Yang Haoran looked at these two people, and they paused one after another, as if they had sensed something, they also looked at Yang Haoran.

  Seeing the two people stop suddenly, Mr. Wu was a little puzzled, following their eyes, he happened to see Yang Haoran with a smile on his face.

  Mr. Wu's complexion changed slightly, and then he quickly reacted, and smiled at the two of them: "You two, this is my granddaughter's friend, and my granddaughter invited me to visit my house."

  Mr. Wu was not sure about Yang Haoran's ability before, because he went out to greet the guests before he had time to communicate with Yang Haoran.

  However, now, there are obviously three people in the living room, but the two he invited just set their eyes on Yang Haoran, and didn't take a second look at Guan Hai and his granddaughter. This is enough to explain many problems. After so many years in the circle, I still have this vision.

  "Mr. Wu is worthy of being a big shot in Lecheng. He can invite anyone." The man said lightly, then his eyes fell on Guan Hai and Wu Xiaoxiao, and he continued: "You two are next to him. Don't you feel cold?"

  As soon as the man said this, both Guan Hai and Wu Xiaoxiao showed doubts.

  "It's winter, aren't you cold?" Guan Hai asked rhetorically.

  The man didn't answer, but the woman at the side smiled sweetly and said, "Hehe, that's right, it's really cold this winter, especially since the villa is still so cloudy, it's no wonder it's not cold."

  After the words fell, the woman smiled all over her face, and looked at the man beside her with provocative eyes. She said this, as if she was deliberately mocking the man.

  The man didn't respond, but continued to walk with a straight face. Seeing this, Mr. Wu hurriedly followed with a smile, and gave Yang Haoran another look.

  As for Yang Haoran, there was a smile on his face. From the beginning to the end, the expression on his face did not change.

  "Come, come, this way please, let's sit down and talk slowly, the food and drink are all ready, we just wait for the two masters."

  While Mr. Wu warmly greeted the two of them, he was thinking of Yang Haoran in his heart.

  Yang Haoran is ordinary, there is nothing outstanding, but looking at it now, Yang Haoran is definitely not simple, he wanted to see some clues through Yang Haoran's words and deeds, but Yang Haoran has always had that smiling expression, not Talking, which made it impossible for him to know what Yang Haoran was thinking.

  Mr. Wu was sitting at the main seat, with men and women who just came in sitting on both sides, followed by Mr. Wu and Mr. Wu.

  How to sit in this position is naturally decided long ago. The importance of each can be seen from the positions they sit in. However, after Boss Wu sat down, Mr. Wu gave his eldest son a wink.

  Boss Wu is very smart, and he has a tacit understanding with his father. Even if he didn't say anything, just a look, Boss Wu understood his father's thoughts. He just sat down, stood up immediately, and then walked towards Walk to where Yang Haoran is.

  Yang Haoran and Guan Hai were sitting in the least important area. Before, Mr. Wu did not pay much attention to the two of them, he just regarded them as Wu's little friends.

  But now, because of the man's reaction, Mr. Wu's view of Yang Haoran has changed greatly.

  "Two little brothers, you are the distinguished guests of our Wu family. It's not appropriate to sit here. That's your place."

  Boss Wu smiled all over his face, pointed to the seat where he was sitting before, and then winked at Second Wu.

  Although Wu Laoer was extremely reluctant, he had no choice but to snort coldly, then stood up and vacated a seat.

  The Wu family wanted to make amends at this time, but Guan Hai didn't speak. He looked at Yang Haoran who was at the side.

  On the other hand, Yang Haoran stood up with a smile on his face. He didn't even say a word of refusal, nor did he sarcastically ridicule Wu's dog for looking down on others. Instead, he smiled and nodded at Boss Wu, and then led Guan Hai towards Boss Wu. Walk with Wu's second child to the previous position.

  Yang Haoran was so straightforward, but the Wu family was stunned, especially Mr. Wu, the way he looked at Yang Haoran changed a little.

  "What a smart boy, he not only gave me the steps of the Wu family, but also appeared to be very magnanimous. The most important thing is that he didn't even have any emotional changes from the beginning to the end, as if nothing happened. This boy, good So scheming, such a deep city."

  Thinking of this in his heart, Mr. Wu became more wary of Yang Haoran, but with a kind smile on his face, he quickly asked Yang Haoran to sit down, with a warm attitude, and he was a different person from before.

  Yang Haoran sat down with a smile, very natural, not restrained at all, as if this is not Wu's house, but his house.

  Guan Hai was sitting next to Yang Haoran, who was Wu's second child before, and on the other side of Yang Haoran was the long-legged beauty from before.

  As Yang Haoran sat down, the long-legged beauty shivered exaggeratedly, and immediately shouted: "It's so cold, old man Wu, doesn't your villa even have an air conditioner?"

  The long-legged beauty is only seventeen or eighteen years old. She is two years younger than Mr. Wu's granddaughter, but she actually called Mr. Wu Mr. Wu in front of so many people, and called him that It was a smooth word, and the other Wu family members frowned upon hearing it.

  However, Mr. Wu just laughed and said: "Hahahaha, didn't something happen at home, so the house has been very cold during this time, and it is useless to turn on the air conditioner!"

  "So that's what happened. I thought it was influenced by this brother."

  The long-legged beauty looked at Yang Haoran at the side, and smiled sweetly, like a child, with a cute expression, but his words were aimed at Yang Haoran at the side.

  Just now the woman said that the house is very cloudy, and it is normal to feel cold, but now she has said such a thing again, it is completely wrong.

  Yang Haoran knew that the woman's words were aimed at him specifically, and it didn't matter if she said the wrong thing, but the woman's smile was actually provocative, which made him a little strange.

  She provoked the man who came with her before, and now she provokes him again. What is she trying to do?