
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 68: Wu Xiaoxiao

The Wu family can have a huge family business today, and the old man of the Wu family played a major role. He started from scratch and brought the Wu family to where he is today step by step. It is said that when he was at his worst, he relied on street stalls for his livelihood. Who would have thought that a street vendor Poor ghosts can own such a huge family business now.

  In Lecheng, this old man of the Wu family is a legendary figure, but now he is seventy years old. Although he is still in good health, he has lost the drive he used to. Now he is relegated to the second line, and all the business is entrusted to him The eldest son is taking care of Wu Boss.

  Mr. Wu has two sons, Mr. Wu and Mr. Wu.2

  Boss Wu is forty-five years old this year. He has inherited his father's talents and is quite capable. Coupled with the solid foundation laid by Mr. Wu, he has managed the family's business in an orderly manner, and the more he does it, the better he becomes. The bigger it is, the more imposing it is like Mr. Wu was back then.

  Compared with Mr. Wu, Mr. Wu is quite a prodigal. Mr. Wu is 30 years old and spends his days drinking and making troubles. Relying on his family's wealth and power, he walks sideways in the whole Lecheng. Anyone who dares to provoke him , Those who provoke him are very few.

  At this time, Yang Haoran saw that among the Wu family, Mr. Wu and his two sons were there, but they did not pay attention to Yang Haoran and Guan Hai. Judging from their appearance, they seemed to have no idea The purpose of Yang Haoran and Guan Hai's visit today.

  Yang Haoran originally wanted to ask Guan Hai for some information, but when he saw that Guan Hai also looked confused, he knew that this matter was a bit embarrassing, and Guan Hai definitely didn't know why it happened.

  The atmosphere in the hall was a bit depressing, the Wu family had something on their minds, so everyone's faces were not very good-looking, and Yang Haoran also felt uncomfortable all over in this atmosphere.

  Just when Yang Haoran was about to go to the toilet and wanted to talk to Guan Hai, at this time, the butler appeared.

  A woman walked in front of the butler, while the butler bowed and followed behind. The appearance of this woman immediately attracted everyone's attention.

  The woman is very young, about 20 years old, and looks like 1.7 meters. This height is about the same as Xu Meijing. A woman with such a height is already very good.

  Her skin is very white and tender, it can be broken by blowing, like a baby's skin, and it is very shiny. It can be seen that it is well maintained.

  There is nothing to say about her height, and her skin is impeccable, but... her figure is shocking, like a ball, a big ball of 1.7 meters!

  With a bloated figure and crowded facial features, it feels like her body is inflated, bulging, and she wobbles like a penguin when she walks, and the ground under her body is trembling.

  The corner of Yang Haoran's mouth twitched inadvertently. The woman walking in front of him weighed at least two hundred catties. If it fell into the sea, it would cause a tsunami.

  "Xiao Xiao, come to Grandpa."

  Before Yang Haoran had time to guess who this woman was, Mr. Wu opened his mouth. His stern face also showed a smile because of this woman's appearance.

  "Wu Xiaoxiao? Is she Wu Xiaoxiao? Miss Wu Family?"

  Yang Haoran's heart turned upside down for a moment, and he couldn't help looking at Guan Hai, who happened to be looking at him at this moment.

  Yang Haoran gave Guan Hai a thumbs up, and only said two words, admire!

  As for Guan Hai, the expression on his face was wonderful. He wanted to explain to Yang Haoran, but Yang Haoran seemed to believe that he had an affair with Wu Xiaoxiao, so he turned his head away without giving him a chance to explain. .

  "Wu Xiaoxiao...Wu Xiaoxiao..."

  Yang Haoran recited the name silently in his heart, and his expression was a bit exciting. Judging from the name, this Wu Xiaoxiao should be petite and lovely, but he did not expect that the facts were far beyond his expectations. Apart from Wu Xiaoxiao's facial features being squeezed by flesh In addition to being small together, there is no part of the whole body that has anything to do with the small print.

  What made him even more unbelievable was that Guan Hai actually had an ambiguous relationship with Wu Xiaoxiao, and he couldn't help but have a thought in his heart that he wanted to get to know Guan Hai again.

  Mr. Wu opened his mouth, a happy smile appeared on Wu Xiaoxiao's compact face, he called out Grandpa, and ran over, Yang Haoran obviously felt the vibration coming from the ground.

  However, although Wu Xiaoxiao has grown a little fatter, her voice is very pleasant. As long as her voice does not show her face, she can attract many fans just by her voice.

  Wu Xiaoxiao also seemed to know that she was an important person, so she didn't act like a baby and threw herself into Grandpa's arms like other girls. If she did this, maybe she could collect the corpse of Grandpa Wu directly.

  "Your friend is already here, please treat him well and don't be negative. Grandpa still has honored guests here."

  Mr. Wu pinched Wu Xiaoxiao's chubby face, then looked at where Guan Hai and Yang Haoran were, and said to Wu Xiaoxiao.

  Wu Xiaoxiao followed Mr. Wu's gaze to see Guan Hai, so she called out Brother Guan Hai with a smile, and then looked at Yang Haoran beside Guan Hai. She didn't know Yang Haoran, but she also nodded with a smile, It was a greeting.

  Yang Haoran naturally understood the meaning of Mr. Wu's words. He asked Wu Xiaoxiao to take them away. Since they are Wu Xiaoxiao's friends, Wu Xiaoxiao will receive them, and their family needs to receive other distinguished guests .

  If some arrogant people listened to these words, they would definitely feel displeased, but Yang Haoran didn't react much, he didn't say anything, and he didn't intend to leave immediately, instead he smiled back at Wu Xiaoxiao.

  Wu Xiaoxiao also understood the meaning of her grandfather's words, she turned her eyes away from Yang Haoran and looked at Mr. Wu.

  "Grandpa, I know that I have caused a big disaster this time, but don't worry, I can deal with the trouble I caused myself. I invited them two to deal with the trouble at home." Wu Xiaoxiao said.

  Hearing Wu Xiaoxiao's words, the faces of the Wu family, including Mr. Wu, all changed, and they couldn't help looking at Yang Haoran and Guan Hai again.

  "Don't make trouble, little one, hurry up and take your friends to play, you can play anywhere, if you have enough pocket money, mom will give you some more."

  Wu Xiaoxiao's mother just glanced at Yang Haoran and Guan Hai, then looked away and said to Wu Xiaoxiao.

  "Mom! What I said is true! I invited them to deal with the family's troubles! I didn't lie to you! I want to help you too! You have to believe me!" Wu Xiaoxiao said quickly.

  "Help us? You've only been back for a few days, and you can see that you've made the house a mess. Just take it as a good deed and stop making trouble, okay?"

  Wu Laoer had a cigarette in his mouth, and looked at Wu Xiaoxiao's yin and yang and said, his expression was full of impatience.

  "You don't have the right to criticize others, take care of yourself first." Mr. Wu glared at Mr. Wu and reprimanded him.

  The only one in this family who dared to say that about Wu's second son was Mr. Wu, who was very unconvinced when his father reprimanded him.

  "Dad, this little girl has been spoiled by you. You are also very responsible for this kind of thing happening at home. If you hadn't spoiled her to the sky since she was a child, how could she be like what she is now?" Dare to do anything." Wu Laoer said very unhappy, puffing out a cigarette.

  "Xiaoxiao is only twenty years old. What does a girl know at this age? You are already thirty years old and I have to worry about it. How dare you talk about others!" Mr. Wu scolded in a stern voice.


  Wu Er Er wanted to say something, but Mr. Wu glared again, Wu Er Er snorted coldly, and closed his mouth very unhappy.

  In this family, or in this entire Lecheng, he, Wu's second son, was never afraid of anyone, except for Mr. Wu, who was afraid of Mr. Wu from the bottom of his heart, and usually only spoke back one or two words. The old man was angry, but Wu Er Er still didn't dare to speak.

  However, it can be seen from the current situation that Mr. Wu really dotes on Wu Xiaoxiao, and through the conversation between them, Yang Haoran also knew that the strange things happened in the Wu family should be related to Wu Xiaoxiao.

  "Xiao Xiao, you're not kidding, you two friends, do you really have the ability?" Old Master Wu asked with a serious expression, and he was no longer as pleasant as before.

  Wu Xiaoxiao nodded emphatically, then pointed to Yang Haoran, and said, "My friend is a capable person, he will definitely be able to deal with the strange things in our family."

  Wu Xiaoxiao pointed to Yang Haoran, not Guan Hai. From this point, it can be seen that Guan Hai had already passed Yang Haoran to Wu Xiaoxiao when he accepted the business.

  Seeing Wu Xiaoxiao mentioning himself, Yang Haoran stood up and smiled politely at Mr. Wu. He just wanted to introduce himself properly, then show his ability to fool people, and finally show a little trick, Not to mention that he will definitely make a big man like Mr. Wu completely trust him, but at least he won't underestimate him like he is now.

  However, before he could speak, Mr. Wu's phone rang. Seeing this, he had no choice but to shut his mouth and swallowed back the words that came to his mouth.

  Mr. Wu smiled apologetically at Yang Haoran, and then connected the phone.

  After a few good words, Mr. Wu hung up the phone with an excited expression on his face, and then greeted the others and hurried out of the living room, as if he was going to meet some important person.

  As soon as they left, there were only three people left in the hall, besides Yang Haoran and Guan Hai, only Wu Xiaoxiao was left.

  Wu Xiaoxiao looked embarrassed, then smiled apologetically at Yang Haoran and Guan Hai, and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't tell other people the main purpose of inviting you here, so they all thought you were invited by me. Those who are guests at home have neglected you, please don't take it to heart."

  Wu Xiaoxiao still knows etiquette very well. Although her family is rich, she doesn't feel a little domineering, but gives people a feeling of being easy to get along with.

  Regarding this, Yang Haoran and Guan Hai hurriedly said that it was all right, since everyone else said so, the two big men naturally couldn't care less about it.

  "Xiao Xiao, didn't your family invite distinguished guests today? If it's not convenient, we can come back another day." Guan Hai said.

  "No, no, don't go, they are just like you, they came here to deal with a series of strange things that happened to my family recently, but they were invited by grandpa, and you were invited by me, so the treatment is a bit..."

  Although Wu Xiaoxiao didn't finish his sentence, both Yang Haoran and Guan Hai understood.

  "Don't go, really, I beg you, I've been scared out of my wits recently." Wu Xiaoxiao was afraid that Yang Haoran and Guan Hai would turn around and leave, showing a pitiful look.