
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasi
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75 Chs

Chapter 67: Lecheng Wu Family

After meeting with Guan Hai, Yang Haoran and Guan Hai didn't go to see the client immediately, but two big men went shopping.

  The time agreed by the client was at noon. Since it was still early, the two felt that if they went too early, they would not look like a master, so they decided to wait until the agreed time.

  According to Guan Hai, this time the client is a big client and very rich, so Yang Haoran has to tidy up himself and dress himself up to be more valuable, so that he can earn more benefits after the matter is completed.

  This person relies on clothes, Yang Haoran thinks about it too, with his outfit, let alone outsiders making fun of him, even Deng Feng, the boss, thinks he is very funny, especially the yellow satchel.

  The me now is different from before, and I am a person with real ability. If this is the case, what's wrong with dressing more high-profile?

  Guan Hai's proposal gave Yang Haoran a thought to change himself, so while there was still time, he decided to shed some blood and tidy himself up.

  At eleven o'clock, Yang Haoran was sitting in Guan Hai's car, and Guan Hai was driving towards the client's house, while Yang Haoran took out a mirror and looked at himself carefully.

  At this time, Yang Haoran has a completely new look, with a white shirt and black suit, he looks decent. Before, he looked ordinary, as inconspicuous as the sand in the desert. Now he is dressed like this, hehe, he is still ordinary. Ordinary, but relatively speaking, it is better, with a little more temperament.

  On the little finger of his left hand, there is now an extra ring, and above the ring is inlaid with a very small thing, which looks like a gem, but it doesn't look like it.

  In addition, he also changed to a more mature hairstyle, of course, not the bald one.

  The current appearance looks a bit like a successful person. Yang Haoran didn't pay much attention to clothing in his life, mainly because he didn't have the energy to pay attention to it. In his life, he has never dressed as decently as he is today.

  Seeing Yang Haoran looking in the mirror with a self-indulgent expression on his face, Guan Hai couldn't stand it any longer, and couldn't help joking: "Don't look, you're very handsome, why didn't You realize that you are so narcissistic before."

  Yang Haoran didn't put down the mirror, still looked left and right in front of the mirror, replied nonchalantly: "I'm not narcissistic, I just want to get to know myself at a close distance and see myself clearly, that's all "

  Guan Hai looked contemptuous, he wanted to talk to Yang Haoran about the client this time, but seeing Yang Haoran's dedication, he had no choice but to give up and not mention this matter for the time being.

  Twenty minutes later, Guan Hai stepped on the brakes, and the car stopped steadily.

  "You guy, when will you see, do you want to make money?" Guan Hai said helplessly.

  Yang Haoran reluctantly put down the mirror, and said with regret on his face: "I have lived for thirty years, but I have never found a mirror so beautiful. Do you want to take a look? If you look carefully, you will find that the mirror worth two yuan Really good value for money."

  "It's worth it to your sister! Do you want to buy a house? Do you want to get a wife?" Guan Hai asked impatiently.

  Yang Haoran chuckled, and did not argue with Guan Hai, because he had already discovered that the car was parked outside a villa.

  He knew that this was not the time to argue with Guan Hai, otherwise, the two of them would inevitably have another war of words.

  "Whose house does this villa belong to? It's so big!" Yang Haoran was a little surprised.

  The whole morning, Yang Haoran was in a state of excitement, and it was inconvenient to go shopping, so Guan Hai did not tell Yang Haoran about the identity of the client in detail.

  I wanted to tell Yang Haoran in the car when I came here, but this guy was so focused on looking at his face that he couldn't be more ordinary, so Guan Hai could only concentrate on driving without disturbing him.

  It is precisely because of this that Yang Haoran still does not know the specific identity of the client when they are at the door of the client's house. He only knows that the client this time is quite rich.

  Judging from the villa in front of him, Guan Hai did not lie to him, the client this time was indeed quite rich, but he was very curious, who exactly was this client?

  "You should know the Wu family in Lecheng, this villa belongs to the Wu family." Guan Hai responded.

  "The Wu family?" Yang Haoran's face flashed with surprise, and then the smile on his face became thicker, his eyes narrowed like crescent moons.

  Although Lecheng is poor, it does not mean that there are no rich people in Lecheng. As long as there are people, there must be rich and poor.

  The reason why the rich are rich is only one aspect, and there is a more important aspect, which is their mind and hard work.

  The reason why the poor are poor is that the starting point also accounts for some factors, but this is not the main reason. The main reason is brains and hard work.

  Maybe some poor people have brains, but they don't work hard enough. Some have worked hard, but their brains are not enough, and their efforts are in the wrong direction. These are the main reasons why they have difficulty turning over.

  In Le City, the number of poor people is astonishing, but there are also many rich people, and the Wu family mentioned by Guan Hai at this time is definitely one of the best in this Le City.

  The Wu family's business is very extensive and involved in many fields, not only in Lecheng, but also in several other large and small cities around Lecheng. money.

  Yang Haoran didn't expect that the client this time would be the Wu family, so he was a little surprised, but the reason why he smiled later was simple, because in his opinion, the Wu family was a fat sheep. If this matter is handled well, there will definitely be a lot of benefits for himself and Guan Hai.

  "It's ok, Haizi, you don't open for one month, you can wait for half a year!" Yang Haoran couldn't help but joked with a smile.

  During this period of time, Guan Hai didn't get him any business, and he didn't expect that it would be the end of the month soon, and Guan Hai would actually catch him a big fish.

  Guan Hai was not as optimistic as Yang Haoran, he said with a wry smile: "Brother Yang, if this matter is handled well, there will definitely be a lot of benefits, if it is not handled properly, you and I will be in danger, although I have some connections , but such a behemoth as the Wu family is not something that I can provoke, if I don't know that you are a person with real skills, I would not dare to take this job for you even if you are killed."

  "Hey, if I don't have the real skills, even if you accept it, I won't dare to do it! But I'm curious, how did you take over this big business? Could it be that you and some young lady from the Wu family or something like that Is there an ambiguous relationship?" Yang Haoran asked curiously.

  Hearing Yang Haoran's words, Guan Hai's body couldn't help trembling. He thought Yang Haoran knew something, and quickly explained: "I just know her, don't talk nonsense!"

  Yang Haoran showed a smile that any man could understand. He didn't ask further, but he knew in his heart that the reason why Guan Hai was able to take over the business was probably related to the "she" he mentioned.

  Yang Haoran's smile made Guan Hai feel a little nervous. He knew that Yang Haoran must have misunderstood him. He wanted to explain again, but at this moment, an old man led two strong men out of the gate of the villa. He walked towards the spot where their car was parked, which forced him to give up explaining.

  "Hello, Mr. Guan Hai, I am the housekeeper of the Wu family, and I welcome you." The leading old man came to the car window and said with a smile.

  This smile is very precise, it will not make people feel flattering, nor will it make people feel domineering.

  At the invitation of the butler, Yang Haoran and Guan Hai got out of the car. As for Guan Hai's car, the butler asked a bodyguard to park it.

  "Earlier this morning, Miss said that Mr. Guan Hai would come, and she also showed me Mr. Guan Hai's photo. Old man, I will arrange people to keep an eye on the outside of the villa."

  While walking towards the villa, the old man smiled at Guan Hai. At first, Guan Hai was still wondering how the butler knew him. He was sure that he had never seen him before. Hearing what the butler said, he Then I understood the reason.

  In front of this old man, Guan Hai spoke extremely cautiously, and the two of them stepped into the villa while chatting.

  As for Yang Haoran, he didn't speak from the beginning to the end. He looked around, lamenting the luxury of this villa, but also lamenting how dark this villa is.

  Although Yang Haoran didn't open his ghost eyes, he could clearly perceive the yin energy in the villa. Yinsi's unique ability to sense yin is unmatched by any other sect, absolutely accurate.

  When the car was parked at the gate of the villa before, Yang Haoran was inside the car. At that time, he sensed the strong yin energy of this villa, but he didn't mention it.

  The means need to be revealed little by little to bring shock to others, and if all the means are revealed at once, the effect will be greatly reduced.

  But if Yang Haoran wants to gain more benefits from the Wu family, he will definitely not immediately say that there is a problem with your family, and then tell the other party that I can fix this matter in minutes. What he wants to do is to let himself Every word and deed has the greatest value.

  Under the leadership of the butler, Yang Haoran and Guan Hai came to the living room, but after stepping into the living room, the scene in front of them surprised them slightly.

  There were quite a few people in the living room, some of them were sitting, and many of them were standing respectfully. It was a grand occasion.

  The butler smiled apologetically at Yang Haoran and Guan Hai, and then hurriedly went over to bow and salute the few sitting people, and then introduced the sitting people to Yang Haoran and Guan Hai.

  The people sitting here are all from the Wu family, the reason why Yang Haoran and Guan Hai were surprised was because they both thought that the Wu family was waiting for them.

  All the Wu family members were waiting for the two of them, how could they not be surprised, but what happened next made them realize that they were wrong.

  These Wu family members were not waiting for the two of them at all, but for other people.

  However, regarding Yang Haoran and Guan Hai, the Wu family did not deliberately neglect them. Under the introduction of the housekeeper, the Wu family knew that Guan Hai was Wu's little friend, and Yang Haoran was Guan Hai's friend.

  This Wu Xiaoxiao is the young lady that the housekeeper says is the only daughter of the boss of the Wu family. In this Wu family, Wu Xiaoxiao is definitely a jewel in the palm of his hand.

  Knowing that Guan Hai was a guest invited by Wu Xiaoxiao, Mr. Wu invited the two of them to sit down first, and then asked the housekeeper to invite Wu Xiaoxiao, while their family continued to wait for someone.

  The attitude and reaction of the Wu family made Yang Haoran feel suspicious. Didn't he say that he was asked to catch ghosts? What does this mean?

  With doubts in his heart, Yang Haoran looked at Guan Hai, only to see that Guan Hai also had a bewildered expression, not knowing what was going on in the Wu family.