
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasi
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75 Chs

Chapter 60 Jiulongpo

Leaving the community where Jiang Zhenzhen lived, the fate between Yang Haoran and Jiang Zhenzhen came to an end.

  Originally, Yang Haoran was planning to chase Jiang Zhenzhen, but since he stepped out of the community, he stopped thinking about it.

  I haven't been in contact with Jiang Zhenzhen for a long time, but Jiang Zhenzhen feels really good to him, so he has the idea of ​​chasing Jiang Zhenzhen in his heart. Although there is a age gap between the two of them, it is not a problem.

  However, he decided to give up.

  Yang Haoran is not a person who gives up lightly, but the situation this time made him have to give up.

  Jiang Zhenzhen chose to resign, chose to move, and did not give him a call, not even a text message, which is enough to explain some problems.

  Either she has a certain amount of resentment towards Yang Haoran, the reason is very simple, it is because of Yang Haoran that rumors spread everywhere, and she hears gossip and pointing from others all day long, so she hates Yang Haoran.

  Either the rumors made her feel embarrassed, she didn't know how to face Yang Haoran, and she didn't know how to face herself, so she simply chose to leave, using this way of evasion to forget slowly, and start again in another place.

  From Yang Haoran's point of view, Jiang Zhenzhen didn't have a phone call or a message, perhaps because of these two reasons.

  As for why Jiang Zhenzhen's cell phone was turned off, it seems that she should have changed her cell phone number.

  No matter what the possibility is, it is understandable for Jiang Zhenzhen to leave Yang Haoran. After all, people need shame and skin, not to mention Jiang Zhenzhen is a woman, even a man can't accept this kind of thing. A middle-aged man is a very Good example, why would he move if the rumors didn't hurt him too much.

  The reason why I chose to give up is only one of the reasons. In addition to this reason, there are two other reasons.

  Having a good impression of Jiang Zhenzhen is just Yang Haoran's wishful thinking. Whether Jiang Zhenzhen will fall in love with him as an uncle is not certain. Maybe the other party has no feeling for him at all. He just treats him as a friend. People, people will not accept it.

  There is another reason, and this reason is the most important!

  Today, he is no longer an ordinary person, but a night watchman. He has a very heavy Yin Qi on him. Anyone who has been in contact with him for a long time will be contaminated with Yin Qi. Over time, it will also affect the other party, and even kill the other party, which he does not want to see.

  In other words, if this problem is not resolved, not to mention that Jiang Zhenzhen will suffer if she follows him, it will be the same for Liu Zhenzhen and Ma Zhenzhen, whoever follows him will suffer!

  While walking with a sad face, Yang Haoran secretly sighed in his heart.

  "If there is a chance to meet again, please apologize to her."

  Thinking of this in my heart, this incident completely came to an end in Yang Haoran's heart.

  Throwing away the cigarette butt and hailing a taxi, Yang Haoran left without looking back.

  In fact, Yang Haoran did nothing wrong in this matter, but the matter finally developed to this point, which made him very helpless, and also made him feel that maybe he and Jiang Zhenzhen really had no fate.

  After leaving the community, Yang Haoran didn't go back to the grocery store immediately, but bought some fruits and daily necessities, and went to the Nanhu Temple of Death.

  He is not the kind of person who crosses rivers and demolishes bridges, so he decided to go to the Death Temple to see Master Jiang and other temples. This time, Master Jiang helped him a lot to become a night watchman. He is not only grateful to Master Jiang, And very respectful.

  When he came out of the Death Temple, it was already noon, Yang Haoran did not stay for dinner, but chose to go back to the grocery store.

  This grocery store is one of his sources of income. If he wanted to earn a few more new coins, he would naturally not let himself idle without opening the door to do business.

  After returning to the grocery store, he opened the door to do business, while flipping through the few books that Master Jiang lent him, very absorbed in reading them.

  With Yang Haoran's current ability as a night watchman, he doesn't have to stay in this dilapidated grocery store, and go out to take a few more orders, the income will be absolutely astonishing.

  However, he didn't do this. Now that he has become a night watchman, he has limited means and limited knowledge. He went out into the rivers and lakes with a rusty kitchen knife, and he didn't know how he died when the time came.

  He naturally understands the truth that sharpening a knife is not a mistake in chopping firewood, and one should not rush into anything, only with complete preparations can one win steadily.

  For seven days in a row, Yang Haoran went to the Temple of Death in Nanhu several times, and drank wine with Guan Hai twice. Other than that, he didn't go anywhere, and spent all his time in the grocery store reading.

  He has read all the books that Master Jiang lent him in these seven days. Although he can't memorize all the contents, he has gained a lot of knowledge and benefited a lot.

  For the time being, he has no intention of returning these books to Master Jiang, because he still wants to read them a few more times from the beginning to the end, and it is best to memorize all the contents in the books.

  Today is the seventh day, Yang Haoran didn't continue to take care of the store as usual, before it was completely dark, he closed the grocery store and called a taxi.

  "Master, Jiulongpo." After getting into the taxi, Yang Haoran reported the destination to the driver.

  Hearing the word Jiulongpo, the driver frowned immediately, and then said: "It's getting dark to go to Jiulongpo, the young man is very courageous, but I'm not as bold as you, I can only take you to Below Jiulongpo, if you want to go up, then go up by yourself."

  Yang Haoran smiled and only replied with a good word.

  The reason why the driver had such a reaction was because Jiulongpo was a cemetery on the outskirts of the city, and it was getting dark now. Of course, the driver would not have a good face if he went to the cemetery at this time.

  Yang Haoran understood the mood of the driver, so he didn't force the driver to take him to the destination, and he went downhill as soon as he was sent, and it didn't take a long time to walk up.

  Half an hour later, the driver stepped on the brakes, and the taxi stopped at the foot of Jiulongpo.

  It was already dark at this time, and Jiulongpo looked particularly gloomy under the night.

  Maybe it's too cold in winter, or maybe it's because Jiulongpo is too cloudy, the driver can't help shivering.

  "Hurry up, I don't want to stay in this place for a second." The driver urged,

  Yang Haoran nodded with a smile, expressing his understanding, and quickly paid and got off the car.

  The driver master took the money, cursed in a low voice, and then ran away without a trace.

  The reason why Yang Haoran chose to come to Jiulongpo this evening was not because he came here to experience the spooky atmosphere, but because he had two things to do.

  The first thing is that Jiulongpo is a cemetery, and the existence of undead is indispensable here. Yang Haoran, a night watchman, came here at night, of course, for the sake of these undead. It is his duty to collect these undead.

  The second thing is that today is the seventh day after Wang Qing's death, which is the so-called first seven days among the people. After seven days of condensation, Wang Qing's soul will condense into an undead tonight, and he will accept Wang Qing.

  Yang Haoran didn't know whether Wang Qing was a local, but he found out that Wang Qing was buried in Jiulongpo Cemetery after her death. For some reason, her parents didn't take her ashes home for burial.

  This is exactly what Yang Haoran wanted. If Wang Qing's parents really took Wang Qing's ashes home for burial, then it would be difficult for him to collect Wang Qing's dead soul.

  Naturally, no one went to Jiulongpo to worship at this big night, but if someone insisted on going to Jiulongpo to worship, usually no one would bother.

  Walking on the uphill road, Yang Haoran's expression was calm under the gloomy environment, and there was no trace of fear on his face.

  If it was the past, letting him come to the cemetery at night would be worse than killing him. He would rather die than come to such a ghostly place.

  However, it is different now, he is no longer the swindler who used to be, he is a person with real skills, so his courage has also grown.

  Going up this way, although the environment is very gloomy and the breath is very cold, Yang Haoran did not feel the existence of the soul body.

  Since there is no soul body, he naturally has no reason to be afraid.

  After going up Jiulongpo, Yang Haoran couldn't help but wrinkled his brows, showing a puzzled expression.

  In his opinion, since Jiulongpo is a cemetery, there must be the existence of undead here, but what he didn't expect was that he didn't feel the existence of any souls in this cemetery.

  "how so?"

  Yang Haoran looked contemplative, and then thought of a possibility, the undead in this cemetery should be cleaned up at any time, that's why this place is so clean.

  In addition to this possibility, of course there are other possibilities, but in Yang Haoran's view, this possibility is the greatest.

  As for who came here to clean up the undead, Yang Haoran felt that it should be done by night watchmen like him, after all, this kind of thing is compatible with their night watchman's profession.

  Yang Haoran is not the only night watchman in Lecheng, but there are sixteen people in total. If he can think of coming to the cemetery to collect the dead, how can other night watchmen not think of it?

  Unable to feel the existence of other undead, Yang Haoran could only temporarily give up the idea of ​​making a fortune here, and later ask Master Jiang if this cemetery is a cooperative unit of the Temple of the Dead.

  The idea of ​​collecting other undead was shattered, so Yang Haoran could only look for Wang Qing's tomb first. Counting the time, Wang Qing's undead should be condensed and formed soon. He must find her tomb as soon as possible, and then collect her undead to avoid accidents.

  Not long after, Yang Haoran stopped, and his eyes fell on the tombstone in front of him.

  This is Wang Qing's tombstone, and there is a photo of Wang Qing on the tombstone.

  Looking at the tombstone in front of him, Yang Haoran showed a smile on his face, took out a cigarette and lit it, and waited quietly.

  Before finishing a cigarette, Yang Haoran frowned, as if he had sensed something.

  "Ghost eyes, open!"