
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 61 The Cemetery Collects Souls

The ghost eye opened, and there was a figure in front of him. This person was none other than Wang Qing.

  At this time, Wang Qing has become an undead, she no longer has a body, floating in the air.

  She looked around with confusion, and when her eyes fell on Yang Haoran, her expression changed suddenly.

  "It's you, you bastard! Why are you here! Where am I!"

  Wang Qing cursed as soon as she opened her mouth, with an angry look on her face, but she couldn't hide the panic in her eyes.

  Here she only found Yang Haoran, the first thing she thought of was that Yang Haoran brought her here, she had a conflict with Yang Haoran, the other party must have no good intentions to bring her here!

  However, when she found Yang Haoran's ghostly eyes, her facial expression froze, and then she showed a look of horror.

  "Your...your eyes! What the hell are you!"

  Saying this in his mouth, Wang Qing conditioned himself to step back, but was horrified to find that his body was very light, and his whole body was floating in the air.

  "This... this... what's wrong with me!" Wang Qing panicked, and then yelled at Yang Haoran: "What did you do to me! What did you do to me! Believe it or not, I'll find the Someone hacked you to death!"

  Yang Haoran had a smile on his face, seeing that Wang Qing was so excited, he touched the scar on his face that had disappeared, and said: "It seems that you still don't know that you are dead, that's right, you are still alive during the cohesion of the soul body. Without consciousness, now that the soul body has just successfully condensed, you have not had time to discover the fact that you are dead."

  Hearing that he was dead, Wang Qing was stunned for a moment, then shook his head in panic, and said: "Impossible, absolutely impossible, you are not dead yet, how could I die, you are lying to me! You are lying to me right wrong!"

  "I'm lying to you?" Yang Haoran laughed dumbfounded, and said, "Have you never watched a ghost movie? Look at what you look like now, whether it's a ghost or something, tell me what you are now?"

  Wang Qing couldn't refute, but her expression became even more flustered.

  Yang Haoran kept smiling, and continued: "Look at the pajamas you are wearing again, touch it, does it have texture?"

  Hearing this, Wang Qing grabbed the pajamas he was wearing, as if he was grabbing the air, without feeling anything.

  "I... Am I really dead?"

  Wang Qing's voice was full of disbelief and unwillingness, she suddenly remembered that night, she had a lot of nightmares, one after another, one after the other, each scarier than the last!

  In the end, she lost consciousness, and when she woke up again, she was like this.

  "That's right, you died, you were scared to death." Yang Haoran said with a smile.

  "Fart your mother! I'm alive and well! You're the one who died! You're the one who was scared to death!"

  Wang Qing cursed, unable to accept this fact, she showed a look of madness, and then rushed towards Yang Haoran, as if she was going to strangle Yang Haoran to death.

  Yang Haoran didn't evade, and watched Wang Qing jump towards him with a smile!

  Wang Qing's soul directly passed through Yang Haoran's body, her attack had no effect on Yang Haoran, she was just an ordinary undead, she didn't have any attack power at all, but she didn't know this at this time.

  Seeing her body passing through Yang Haoran's body, Wang Qing was stunned for a moment. In this scene, even if she didn't believe that she was dead, the facts were in front of her eyes, and she couldn't help but not believe it.

  It's just that she, who was sure that she was dead, became even more angry for a while, she bared her teeth and claws, and rushed towards Yang Haoran again.

  Yang Haoran seemed to have lost his patience, and slapped Wang Qing viciously towards the rushing Wang Qing.

  The undead has no entity. It stands to reason that Yang Haoran's slap couldn't slap Wang Qing, but it was different when he mobilized the Yin Lingli. His palm was covered by Yin Lingli, and he slapped Wang Qing hard. On the face, Wang Qing was slapped away.

  Yin Lingli has a strong restraint on the soul body, Yang Haoran's slap immediately made Wang Qing scream, and the soul body faded a lot.

  Wang Qing's soul body has just condensed, and the soul body at this stage is quite weak. Yang Haoran's slap has the blessing of Yin Lingli, not to mention Wang Qing's soul body is weak, even if the soul body is not weak, he will still be attacked by him. The slap flew away.

  "Does it hurt?" Yang Haoran asked with a smile.

  Wang Qing looked at Yang Haoran in horror, without the previous arrogance, this slap seemed to wake her up.

  Seeing that Wang Qing didn't answer him, Yang Haoran was not angry, and continued to smile and said, "Do you know who scared you to death?"

  Wang Qing shook her head, she really didn't know who scared her to death, she only knew that she was having nightmares repeatedly, and there was a man in each nightmare, but the men in each nightmare were different.

  "Do you still remember Gao Liang?" Yang Haoran asked.

  When Gao Liang was mentioned, Wang Qing's expression suddenly changed, becoming terrified.

  "What are you afraid of? You are also a ghost now. What else is there to be afraid of? That's right, you were scared to death by Gao Liang. He came back to ask for your life."

  Leaving this sentence behind, Yang Haoran ignored Wang Qing's expression, and took out the Soul Gathering Orb from the satchel on his waist.

  Without talking nonsense with Wang Qing, Yin Lingli was poured into the soul-gathering bead, and a huge suction came, covering Wang Qing's body directly.

  This huge suction force kept pulling Wang Qing's soul body. Although Wang Qing didn't know what was going on, she was sure that it would definitely not be a good thing!

  Therefore, she struggled with all her strength, just to get rid of this terrifying suction.

  It's just that her struggle didn't have any effect, no matter how much she struggled, her soul body was still moving closer to the Soul Gathering Orb bit by bit.

  "no, do not want!!!"

  Wang Qing yelled in horror, her soul body had become distorted and deformed under the strong suction force.

  "Please let me go! I know I'm wrong! I know I'm wrong!"

  Yang Haoran was unmoved, and responded with a smile: "If an apology is useful, what do we need the police to do?"

  With a horrified scream, Wang Qing was taken into the soul-gathering bead. Originally, there was only Gao Liang's ghost-gathering bead, but now there was another one.

  Undead are capable of devouring undead to strengthen themselves, but in the Soul Gathering Orb, due to the suppression of the Soul Gathering Orb's power, they cannot devour each other.

  In addition, in the Soul Gathering Orb, the voice of the undead cannot be transmitted to the outside world, and similarly, your voice from the outside world cannot be transmitted to the Soul Gathering Orb.

  Looking at the extra soul strands in the Soul Gathering Orb, the smile on Yang Haoran's face became thicker, Gao Liang seemed very excited, and kept chasing Wang Qing, while the latter seemed terrified and dodged in a panic.

  Two ghosts were chasing and fleeing one by one in the soul-gathering bead, Yang Haoran lost interest in continuing to watch, put away the soul-gathering bead and ghost eyes, and left the cemetery.

  There were two purposes for coming to the cemetery tonight, but only one of them was achieved. As he walked towards the bottom of the cemetery, he took out his mobile phone and called Master Jiang, asking why there were no dead souls in the cemetery.

  Master Jiang's answer surprised Yang Haoran. He knew that the undead in the cemetery had been cleaned up, but he didn't know who did it for the time being, and he didn't ask.

  I didn't expect to get such an answer, but Master Jiang didn't even know about it, so he could only temporarily put this question aside, and wait until he has a chance to find out later.

  At the foot of Jiulongpo, Yang Haoran hung up the phone, and when he was worrying about how to get a car to go back, a person walked towards him.

  She was a tall woman, at least 1.7 meters tall. She was wearing a windbreaker on her upper body and a pair of jeans on her lower body. She had her hands in her pockets, and she walked very imposingly.

  When he suddenly met such a woman outside the cemetery, the first thing Yang Haoran thought of was whether she was a ghost or not.

  However, he didn't feel the presence of Yin Qi on the other party, that is to say, the other party was not a ghost.

  However, the woman's hands in her pockets looked familiar, but he couldn't remember who she was for a while.

  Just when he was wondering about the identity of this woman and what she was doing here at night, he passed her by. The two of them stopped at the same time, and then turned around to look at each other.

  "It's you!"

  "It's actually you!"

  Unexpected voices came out of the mouths of the two at the same time, the sky was too dark, and there was a certain distance just now, so the two of them couldn't see each other's appearance clearly.

  However, as the two approached, especially the moment before they passed each other, both of them could clearly see each other's face.

  A hideous face!

  No matter in Yang Haoran's eyes or in the eyes of women, the face of the other party is so hateful.

  The woman's face is very beautiful, but she is arrogant and contemptuous. Her whole body exudes an aura of being a queen. She looks at Yang Haoran with contempt, which makes Yang Haoran very upset.1

  As for Yang Haoran's face, it is ordinary and has no characteristics. It is too ordinary to be ordinary.

  It's fine if it's just like this, but the signature smile on Yang Haoran's face made the woman feel sick. The person she hates the most in her life is this kind of person who hides a knife in his smile.

  The four eyes met, and before they could speak, sparks had already collided, and a smell of gunpowder permeated the area between the two of them.

  "Come to the cemetery at night, who died in your family?"

  The first sentence the black-haired woman uttered choked Yang Haoran, and he cursed in his heart, this woman's words are really vicious, and she has no intention of keeping any words.

  However, Yang Haoran has never been the kind of person who is submissive. If someone speaks against him like this, of course he will fight back.

  "Yes, my father-in-law is dead. If I knew you were going to see him, we should go up together." Yang Haoran said with a smile.

  "Hmph, it's none of my business if your father-in-law died!" the black-haired woman said with a cold snort.

  "He is your father, you are an unfilial son." Yang Haoran cursed with a smile.

  As soon as he said this, the black-haired woman was stunned for a moment, and then became furious. This guy not only cursed his father to death, but also took advantage of her by the way.

  "Turtle son! Today I will tear your mouth apart!"

  The black-haired woman was furious. She wanted to vent her inner anger, but found that Yang Haoran had left.

  Seeing Yang Haoran gradually disappearing into the night, the black-haired woman had an urge to chase after Yang Haoran and beat him up, but she seemed to have something important to do, so she could only look ruthlessly unwilling He glanced at Yang Haoran's back.

  "You wait for me!"

  After leaving this cruel sentence, the black-haired woman turned around and walked up Jiulongpo.

  When the black-haired woman stopped, she actually came to Wang Qing's tomb. Looking at Wang Qing's tomb, she couldn't help showing a puzzled look on her face.

  "Strange...why is it gone?"