
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasi
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75 Chs

Chapter 59 The Terrible Rumors

In the morning, Yang Haoran did not continue to open for business, but put his yellow satchel on his back, closed the door and left the grocery store.

  When he went out this time, the destination turned out to be the neighborhood where Jiang Zhenzhen lived.

  Since Jiang Zhenzhen couldn't be contacted, he wanted to go to Jiang Zhenzhen's residence to see if he had encountered any troubles during this time.

  Thinking of the arrogant and domineering look of the landlord he saw in the hospital that day, and Jiang Zhenzhen's character, he felt that Jiang Zhenzhen must have encountered some trouble.

  Arriving at the community where Jiang Zhenzhen lived, Yang Haoran went up the building with ease, and came to the door of the house that Jiang Zhenzhen rented.

  The gate is closed tightly, but this anti-theft door is no longer the same one. The previous anti-theft door was cut by the middle-aged man opposite the door with a chainsaw that night.

  Yang Haoran knocked on the door a few times, the knocking sound echoed in the corridor, but the door did not open, nor did he hear any response from the room.

  Frowning, Yang Haoran knocked a few more times, but the result was the same, the door was still closed.

  After thinking for a while, Yang Haoran took out his mobile phone and dialed Jiang Zhenzhen's phone number. Just like the previous few times, the phone was turned off.

  Yang Haoran frowned even tighter, and for some reason, he had a bad feeling in his heart.

  However, at this moment, the door of the middle-aged man's house suddenly opened.

  "Be careful, be careful, this is fragile, don't let me break it."

  "Take these things away first, go downstairs and pay attention."

  "Take it easy! Take it easy! Don't mess around, you'll have to pay for it if you break it!"

  There was a crackling sound in the room, as if something was being moved, Yang Haoran was not very familiar with this voice, but after thinking about it for a while, he could still recognize the owner of this voice, it was the middle-aged man.

  I saw a few people moving things out of the middle-aged man's house one by one. Looking at it like this, it seemed that they wanted to move. Yang Haoran was worried that no one could find out about Jiang Zhenzhen's situation. When he saw the middle-aged man at home, he suddenly became aware of it. .

  The middle-aged man lived opposite Jiang Zhenzhen, and he might know something about Jiang Zhenzhen's situation, so Yang Haoran wanted to learn about the situation from him.

  As soon as such an idea came into his mind, the middle-aged man walked out of the house. He was still instructing the workers to carry it, and suddenly discovered the existence of Yang Haoran, and his expression changed suddenly!

  "Stinky boy! I haven't settled with you yet! You have come here on a horse!"

  The middle-aged man cursed, then immediately rushed into the house and took out a chainsaw.

  This chainsaw is still fresh in Yang Haoran's memory. That night, the middle-aged man used this chainsaw to easily cut open the anti-theft door of Jiang Zhenzhen's house. It was so sharp.

  The big reaction of the middle-aged man startled the porters. Some workers even dropped the things in their hands and hurriedly hid aside for fear of being hurt by the chainsaw.

  However, Yang Haoran didn't react at all. He smiled and watched the middle-aged man rushing to him with an angry face, and then pulled the chainsaw fiercely.

  hum! ! !

  The sound of the chainsaw startled the workers hiding aside. At this moment, their first reaction was that they were about to die.

  "Not good! Call the police! Hurry up and call the police! Something big is going to happen!"

  A worker yelled in panic, and quickly took out his mobile phone to call the police. His reaction made the middle-aged man anxious.

  "Why call the police! Who dares to call the police!"

  The middle-aged man roared, his vicious look really startled the buddy who took out his phone.

  The buddy was taken aback for a moment, then with a flattering smile on his face, he decisively threw the phone out, and then spread his hands at the middle-aged man with a cowardly expression. The message conveyed by that appearance to the middle-aged man was only one , I lost my mobile phone, if you have a grudge, it has nothing to do with me.

  The middle-aged man didn't pay attention to this buddy any more, his eyes returned to Yang Haoran, and he stared fiercely, his eyes were bloodshot due to being too emotional.

  The reason why Yang Haoran didn't dodge or retreat was not that he wasn't afraid of chainsaws, but that he wasn't afraid of this middle-aged man.

  Having been in contact with this middle-aged man twice, although he dare not say that he has a thorough understanding of his character, Yang Haoran knows that he is definitely putting on airs at this moment, and he dare not cut off the chainsaw.

  Under the panicked cries of several porters, the middle-aged man held a chainsaw and slashed at Yang Haoran's forehead. Looking at him like this, it seemed that he was going to split Yang Haoran in two.

  Using a chainsaw to neatly divide a person into two is a technical task that cannot be done without professional training. After all, this is reality, not acting in a movie, let alone a novel.

  Judging from the trembling hands of the middle-aged man, he should not have this skill, not only that, he doesn't even have the courage to learn this skill!

  Because, seeing that the chainsaw was about to fall on Yang Haoran's head, seeing Yang Haoran standing there with a smile on his face, with no intention of dodging at all, the middle-aged man immediately stopped!

  At this time, the middle-aged man was very panicked. He just wanted to scare Yang Haoran, but unexpectedly, Yang Haoran didn't like him at all. He knew very well that once his chainsaw really fell into Yang Haoran's hands body, then his life is completely over.

  Yang Haoran was also very flustered, although his expression did not change, in fact he was just pretending to be calm, he was sure that the middle-aged man would not dare to fall off the chainsaw, but he was not sure if there would be an accident, in case His hands were shaking, if the middle-aged man didn't control the chainsaw well, then he would explain it here today.

  "You who are on a horse, you can't do this in the future. This is simply putting your own life on the show. It's not suitable for my character, which is sure to fight and win."

  Thinking of this in his heart, listening to the buzzing sound of the chainsaw above his head, Yang Haoran couldn't see the slightest panic, smiled lightly, and stepped lightly towards the side, avoiding the chainsaw.

  "Brother, what hatred, what resentment, why are you so excited?" Yang Haoran asked with a smile.

  The middle-aged man just wanted to scare Yang Haoran. If Yang Haoran ran away, he would chase after him with a chainsaw to vent his anger.

  But Yang Haoran didn't play the cards according to the routine, which ruined his plan, and he seemed angry and embarrassed at the same time.

  "Get out! I don't want to see you! If you don't get out again! Don't blame my chainsaw for not having eyes!" The middle-aged man roared, trying to forcefully save face.

  "I want to ask you something, and I'll leave after asking." Yang Haoran said with a smile.

  "Inquire about something? Inquire about your uncle! Are you going to get out!" The middle-aged man didn't cooperate and still roared.

  Yang Haoran smiled without saying a word, and also had no intention of leaving. Both of them looked directly at each other, feeling a sense of tension.

  "You are too deceitful to ride a horse!!!"

  The middle-aged man was furious. Seeing this, several porters thought that the middle-aged man was going to run away violently, but they didn't expect the middle-aged man to smash the chainsaw in his hand to the ground!

  Snapped! ! !

  The chainsaw was broken by the middle-aged man. He stared at Yang Haoran with a ferocious face, and roared, "Ask! Get out of here after asking!!!"

  After a while, Yang Haoran walked out of the corridor, but his expression was complicated.

  He successfully obtained the information he wanted to know from the middle-aged man, but it was precisely because of this that his expression at this time became complicated.

  It turned out that after the carrion old woman incident that night, rumors spread in the community. The middle-aged man was said to be Jiang Zhenzhen's father, and Yang Haoran was said to be the criminal who broke into the house. killed the middle-aged man, but also insulted Jiang Zhenzhen.

  Although this is just a rumor, many people are like this. They would rather believe the rumor than the fact. It even spread more and more. Not only the people in this community knew about it, but also the residents in nearby communities heard about it.

  The middle-aged man and Jiang Zhenzhen returned to the community one after another, but their return did not stop the rumors, but only changed the version.

  This version is like this, neither the middle-aged man nor Jiang Zhenzhen died, the middle-aged man is no longer Jiang Zhenzhen's father, Jiang Zhenzhen is no longer the middle-aged man's daughter, the two are lovers, and Yang Haoran, then He became Jiang Zhenzhen's boyfriend.

  Yang Haoran, the boyfriend, was very angry when he knew that his girlfriend had become the mistress of the middle-aged man opposite him, and planned to arrest the two of them together, so he made a big fuss in the rental house and almost killed him.

  After this version was spread, more people believed it than the previous version, because some people thought that since the first version was a rumor, then the second version is likely to be true.

  In addition, in today's society, this kind of thing is simply too common, and similar incidents are often reported in the entire Lecheng, so naturally more people believe it.

  Affected by rumors, whether it is Jiang Zhenzhen or a middle-aged man, they will be pointed at by others all day long. Jiang Zhenzhen, a little girl, can't stand these gossips, so she chose to move out of this community .

  After Jiang Zhenzhen left, it seemed to others that she had a guilty conscience, which made them feel that the rumors were true, so they spread them even more.

  The power of rumors is really strong. The middle-aged man had no intention of moving out of this community, but no matter how he explained to others, not many people believed him, and they all thought he was covering up. He Stepping on the back road of Jiang Zhenzhen, she decided to leave this community and start a new life.

  In the eyes of the middle-aged man, this incident happened entirely because of Yang Haoran. Without Yang Haoran, he would not have been involved that night, and he would not have ended up in the current situation.

  Therefore, he hated Yang Haoran to the core, coupled with the grievances with Yang Haoran in the hospital that day, he wished to kill Yang Haoran.

  It was precisely because he hated Yang Haoran in his heart that he reacted so strongly when he saw Yang Haoran.

  Jiang Zhenzhen moved out of the community. As for where she went, the middle-aged man didn't know.

  Yang Haoran has been to the jewelry store. He learned from that sister Li that Jiang Zhenzhen had resigned. I have also heard these two versions of the rumors, that's why I looked at him with such a strange expression.

  Now it seems that Jiang Zhenzhen has not only resigned, but also moved, and may even have left the city.

  Standing at the gate of the community, Yang Haoran lit a cigarette, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

  Rumors are terrible, they can easily destroy a person, or a group of people.

  Compared with the rumors themselves, those who make rumors are more terrifying and hateful. No matter what their reasons are, they are unforgivable.

  As for those who spread rumors, they are used as gunmen and do things without thinking through their brains. They are no different from fools.

  Taking a puff of his cigarette, Yang Haoran took one last look at the location of Jiang Zhenzhen's rental house, then sighed, and walked away with a look of disappointment.