
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasi
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75 Chs

Chapter 55: The Nightmare Begins

At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, Yang Haoran worshiped the god of death on time.

  Before that, he received a call from Guan Hai. Guan Hai was very worried about him, for fear that something would happen to him. He reassured Guan Hai and told Guan Hai that he would call him if something happened. Then Guan Hai hung up the phone.

  After worshiping the god of death, Yang Haoran washed and went to bed. He didn't go to sleep immediately, but read the book for a while, and at two o'clock in the morning, he closed the book with still unfinished content .

  He wanted to watch it a little longer, but he hasn't had a good rest for the past few days, so he will take a vacation for himself tonight.

  On this winter night, if you want to say where is the most comfortable place, it will naturally be in the warm quilt. Although Yang Haoran's room is extremely simple, being in the quilt still makes him feel full of happiness.

  He is very comfortable in bed now, but Wang Qing is not very happy at this time, because after receiving a phone call, Fatty Qu left in a panic, leaving her alone in the bed.

  This is not the first time she has encountered this kind of situation. Not only did she encounter it many times when she had a room with Fatty Qu, but she also encountered it when she had a room with other men. Otherwise, who would be Willing to leave Ruanxiang at this time.

  "Heh, you are really fast enough to run. With just this little guts, why come out to steal!"

  After Fatty Qu left, Wang Qing cursed in disgust. Her words and deeds at this time were completely different from those when she was crying and begging Fatty Qu.

  Cursing in his mouth, Wang Qing took out a cigarette and lit it. That skilled movement and exaggerated smoking posture did not look like a student. .

  After taking a few puffs of cigarettes, Wang Qing's unhappiness was not relieved, and she cursed again. She threw the cigarette she just lit on the floor of the room, then got out of bed naked, put on The slipper stomped out the cigarette.

  The ashtray was right next to her, but it seemed to her that the ashtray was just a decoration at this moment, and she didn't take a second look.

  "Get out, get out, anyway, this fat man makes me feel sick, hehe, fortunately, he promised me, if he doesn't keep it, then you fat man just wait to divorce your wife, I will let your wife Ions scattered."

  Wang Qing said to herself, and then walked towards the bathroom. After a few steps, she suddenly stopped, and then looked up at the air conditioner.

  Seeing that the air conditioner was on and blowing hot air all the time, she couldn't help frowning.

  "Strange, the hot wind is obviously on, why do I feel cold?"

  Wang Qing looked puzzled, and suddenly felt an inexplicable chill all over her body. This was not the first time this had happened to her. She often felt this way a few days ago. At that time, she thought she was sick. When she was about to go to the hospital for a good checkup, she found that the inexplicable coolness that appeared from time to time had disappeared, and it was not broken until tonight.

  At the bar tonight, that inexplicable feeling of chills reappeared, but she didn't have time to worry about it at that time.

  After leaving the bar, the inexplicable coolness disappeared, but what she didn't expect was that at this moment, this strange coolness actually appeared again.

  Although it was winter, the air conditioner in the hotel was always on. Logically speaking, she wouldn't feel the chill.

  "It seems that there is really something wrong with my body. I must find time to check it out. I hope God blesses me."

  Wang Qing felt a little uneasy, she knew very well how chaotic her private life was, so she was very worried.

  Stepping into the bathroom, Wang Qing washed up and down, but the hot water could only clean her body, but not her dirty heart.

  After leaving the bathroom, Wang Qing didn't wrap herself in a bath towel, but walked out of the bathroom naked. She looked a little flustered, looking around at everything in the room, as if she was looking for something.

  In the bathroom just now, the inexplicable coolness still existed, even if the hot water washed her body, it couldn't dispel the inexplicable coolness.

  Now that she walked out of the bathroom, the inexplicable coolness still existed. This kind of coolness was different from the usual coldness. It was a coldness that originated from the depths of her soul, stimulating her nerves all the time.

  For some reason, this coolness made her feel a kind of fear in her heart. She seemed to feel that there was another person besides her in this room. She couldn't see this person, but the other person was watching him all the time. Follow her!

  Wang Qing couldn't help but shuddered, and then burst into a swear word to embolden himself, and got under the covers.

  Because of some inexplicable fear in her heart, Wang Qing didn't turn off the light, she just covered the quilt and closed her eyes, but she didn't fall asleep immediately, the fear in her heart kept her from falling asleep for a long time.

  However, she was very tired today, having dealt with several men and traveled to several places in a day, especially tonight, dealing with Fatty Qu made her physically and mentally exhausted.

  Physical and mental exhaustion made her feel drowsy gradually, and the drowsiness became more and more intense, slowly covering up the fear in her heart, and when the fear in her heart was completely overwhelmed by sleepiness, she finally fell asleep.

  And...he also had a dream, a very real dream, which made it difficult for people to tell what was a dream and what was reality.

  However, this dream of hers was not a beautiful dream.

  In her dream, Wang Qing appeared on a green grassland, riding a tall horse, galloping wildly.

  The horse seemed to have exhausted all its strength. It fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth, and its limbs twitched.

  Wang Qing, who was still enjoying herself, suddenly fell to the ground under her body, and she also fell hard on her back. She limped up from the ground, and the expression of enjoyment on her face disappeared, replaced by It's full of anger.

  She originally wanted to reprimand the horse, but when she saw the horse fell to the ground, its limbs twitching and foaming at the mouth, she curled her lips and couldn't help cursing: "Useless thing."

  Without looking at the horse again, Wang Qing didn't intend to ask about the life and death of the horse. She rubbed the painful part of her body, and then limped away.

  This dream was so real, Wang Qing didn't realize that she was dreaming at this time, she walked with a limp, feeling her body was full of exhaustion, although riding a horse made her very happy, but it also exhausted her physical strength, plus She fell down on the floor, which made her unable to move, and she was naturally more tired when she walked.

  She didn't know how long she had been walking, she just felt that she was exhausted, and at this moment, a hut appeared in her sight.

  There was smoke curling up from the chimney of the hut, Wang Qing was overjoyed, and a feeling of extreme hunger hit her heart. At this moment, she just wanted to eat to the full in one go, and then have a good sleep to replenish her exhausted energy, so when When the hut appeared in her sight, she didn't even think about it, and walked directly towards the hut.

  She was already exhausted, and she didn't know where the strength came from. Perhaps the appearance of this hut stimulated her a lot, so her potential was stimulated, and she walked with a limp, much faster than before.

  The hut is very dilapidated, giving people a gloomy feeling. If it was normal, she would not step into this kind of hut, would not rest in the hut, and would not eat in it even if Wang Qing was killed. The house gave her a gloomy feeling, and the house was too dilapidated, and she felt that stepping into this kind of house was to lower her worth.

  But right now she has no choice, she was injured by the fall, was exhausted and hungry, and there was no other house nearby except this dilapidated house, so she had no choice but to rest urgently.

  Besides, there was no one around here, even if she stepped into this dilapidated hut, no one would notice.

  Wang Qing didn't knock on the door. She came to the wooden door of the dilapidated house and pushed it hard.

  The wooden door was not locked, and when she pushed it so hard, the wooden door made a creaking sound, and then it was opened with a bang, hitting the wall.

  As the wooden door was opened, the scene in the room came into her sight, she couldn't help frowning, and pinched her nose.

  There was a strange smell in the room, which made her very uncomfortable. In addition, the inside of the room was as dilapidated as its outside, and she didn't like it very much, so she couldn't help frowning.

  However, as a figure entered her line of sight, her brows suddenly relaxed, and a smile appeared on that disgusted face.

  In her line of sight, a strong man appeared. This strong man was shirtless, revealing his strong muscles. His lower body was also extremely bold, covered only by a piece of animal skin.

  The strong man has a good figure, and his appearance is not bad. Before Wang Qing stepped into the room, she felt a strong masculinity rushing towards her. dry.

  Tall, handsome, muscular, and boldly dressed, this style of man is very attractive to Wang Qing. She likes this kind of man very much, but she has never had the chance to taste it.

  At this moment, she even had an urge to fly over and tear the animal skin wrapped around the man into pieces!

  Due to Wang Qing's intrusion, the man's eyes naturally fell on Wang Qing's body, and Wang Qing looked at the man's body in a daze.

  "Honey, would you like to come in and sit for a while?"

  The man's very magnetic voice reached Wang Qing's ears, causing Wang Qing, who was still in a daze, to tremble slightly and regain his senses.

  Invited by the man, Wang Qing didn't even think about it, stepped into the house quickly, walked towards the man, and said, "I'm tired and hungry, and I just want to find a place to stay, it's best to stay here for one night , I don't know if it's convenient for the elder brother?"

  "It's nothing convenient or inconvenient, as long as you want, you can."

  The strong man's reaction made Wang Qing secretly happy. She took a chair handed over by the strong man and sat down, then asked with a smile, "What does elder brother do, why are you here?"

  "This is my home. Of course I'm here. As for what I do, um... I'm a man who harnesses horses." The strong man thought for a while and responded.

  Wang Qing's eyes lit up, and he said joyfully, "The man with the horse is mighty and majestic! Good, very good, this smells domineering!"