
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasi
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75 Chs

Chapter 51 You are rude

The death of his parents did not make Gao Liang wake up. He was just worried about his parents' death, what to do with his living expenses in the future, and where he could find money to pursue Wang Qing.

  After thinking for a long time, Gao Liang came up with a solution, which was to ask his classmates to borrow money. He exhausted all means and borrowed a sum of money from many classmates, but the money was only enough for his living expenses for one month. To buy some gifts for Wang Qing, the money is not enough.

  So, Gao Liang thought of online loans, and he began to borrow money from various platforms, using the money to satisfy Wang Qing.

  According to his understanding, there are many online loans among his classmates, and some female classmates are even willing to take out loans naked for money, while online loans for love are nothing for him.

  As a result, it is conceivable that Gao Liang's classmate's money was not repaid, and he also did not repay the online loan money. He began to be urged by various online loan platforms all day long, and he also received various threats.

  Guan Hai didn't care about his classmate's debt collection, but the debt collection of major online loan platforms gradually made him fall into panic. In the end, he was cornered and chose to end his life.

  He ended his young life by jumping off a building.

  Before he was alive, all he could think about was the scene of having a room with Wang Qing, but when he died, he didn't hold Wang Qing's hand.

  The picture stopped abruptly here, everything in front of him was fragmented, and Yang Haoran suddenly felt a sharp pain in his brain.

  He couldn't help but groaned in pain, then rubbed his head lightly with his hands.

  "Brother Yang, what's wrong with you?" Seeing this, Guan Hai asked quickly.

  The pain came and went quickly. Hearing Guan Hai's voice, Yang Haoran looked at Guan Hai and asked, "How long have I been here?"

  When he asked this, not only did Guan Hai look puzzled, but Wang Qing also looked at Yang Haoran with a mentally ill expression.

  "Brother Yang, you are really humorous. You have just sat down and haven't even taken a sip of wine. Could it be that you are drunk?"

  Yang Haoran couldn't help being stunned by Guan Hai's words, he had just sat down and seen the past of Gao Liang through his ghost eyes, he felt that a long time had passed, but he didn't think that it was just a moment.

  He just thought about it for a while, and he had a guess in his heart. The scenes he saw through the ghost eyes before were actually just a flash, and it was precisely because he was exposed to so much information in a flash that his brain felt a tingling pain. Feel.

  Faced with Guan Hai's doubts, Yang Haoran waved his hands and said, "It's okay, maybe it's because I haven't had a good rest recently."

  Before Guan Hai opened his mouth, Wang Qing immediately laughed when he heard this, and said, "Uncle, you haven't had a good rest, what are you doing out here at night, go back and rest early, isn't it okay to be a light bulb here?" Are you uncomfortable?"

  Yang Haoran couldn't understand the meaning of Wang Qing's words, this Wang Qing thought he was in the way here, told him to get out of here, don't delay her and Guan Hai's relationship here.

  The main purpose of Yang Haoran's coming tonight was to solve Guan Hai's problem, how could he leave just because of Wang Qing's words.

  He ignored Wang Qing, but looked at Gao Liang again, who was the ghost next to Wang Qing.

  At this moment, Gao Liang was staring intently at Wang Qing beside him. Although his entire face was shattered and he couldn't see any expression, he looked at Wang Qing with fascination.

  For this highlight, Yang Haoran has no sympathy at all, and he doesn't want to make any comments on this kind of person. He thinks it is right, but it may be wrong in the eyes of this kind of person. He thinks it is wrong. In the eyes of this kind of person, it may be right. The two sides have different values, so there is nothing to evaluate.

  He is the night watchman in the dark night. His duty is to attract the undead and subdue the evil spirits. What he has to do now is to collect Gao Liang into the Soul Gathering Orb. He didn't even bother to look at solving the troubles on Guan Hai.

  Judging from Gao Liang's current situation, Gao Liang has not devoured other souls, and can only be regarded as an ordinary undead. Aside from frightening people in dreams, this level of undead can only rely on its own Yin Qi Affects targets he stalks.

  Although Yang Haoran has never used the Soul Gathering Orb to collect undead, but against undead of this level, he thinks it should not be a big problem to take down the opponent.

  In his opinion, whether it is the yin energy on Wang Qing or Guan Hai, it is very likely that it is because of Gao Liang. Of course, this is just a guess in his heart. Is this the case? Just ask and you will know.

  If the yin energy on Guan Hai was really due to Gao Liang, then the matter of Gao Liang would be completely resolved if Gao Liang was taken away. Just keep helping him.

  Thinking of this, Yang Haoran began to think of a way, how to take the ghost Gao Liang away without anyone noticing.

  Seeing that Yang Haoran didn't pay attention to her, Wang Qing's expression turned ugly. Yang Haoran's appearance was mediocre, and he could tell he was a poor man with ordinary clothes. She had seen such a man a lot, and whoever looked at her made her eyes straight. It was the first time she encountered someone who ignored her existence like this, which made her feel insulted.

  If Yang Haoran has money, that's all. If he doesn't have money, he still ignores himself like this. Why?

  Unable to figure it out in his heart, his emotions showed on his face. Guan Hai saw Wang Qing's expression reaction in his eyes, and couldn't help frowning.

  However, before Guan Hai could open his mouth, Wang Qing spoke in a strange manner, and of course the spearhead was directed at Yang Haoran.

  "I said, uncle, you must not only be self-aware, but also be polite. When you were in school, didn't your teacher teach you what manners are?" Wang Qing sneered at Yang Haoran.

  She was already in a bad mood, she had a lot of bad luck today, Guan Hai's words and deeds at night also filled her heart, so she naturally took Yang Haoran as a punching bag.

  As soon as she said these words, Wang Qing immediately felt much more comfortable in her whole body. For a person like Yang Haoran, she felt very uncomfortable without saying a few words.

  As for what is polite, at this time it is entirely up to her to decide, if she says you are polite, then you are polite, if she says you are rude, then you are not polite.

  Yang Haoran was thinking about how to put Gao Liang away calmly, when Wang Qing's sarcastic voice came into his ears, interrupting his train of thought directly, this made him very upset, he first put Gao Liang away Put aside the matter, then raised his head to look at Wang Qing.

  Seeing that the situation was wrong, Guan Hai was about to speak, but was interrupted by Yang Haoran waving his hand. He looked directly at Wang Qing, with his trademark smile on his face.

  "Hehe, I don't read much, and I dropped out of school very early." Yang Haoran responded with a smile.

  Hearing this, the smile on Wang Qing's face became more intense. She sneered and continued, "Hehe, no wonder I don't know any manners. I don't have any culture, no education, and I don't even know the most basic politeness. Knowing how you have come here these years, to be honest, don't be angry, I really disdain to sit at the same table with you, because you have lowered my status and made me feel very ashamed."

  The smile on Yang Haoran's face remained undiminished. Just as he was about to fight back, Guan Hai on the side couldn't listen any longer. He frowned and said with an ugly expression, "Wang Qing, what are you talking about?"

  Guan Hai didn't show Wang Qing any sympathy, and just opened his mouth to scold.

  Wang Qing was stunned for a moment, apparently he didn't expect Guan Hai to scold her because of Yang Haoran. She was always pampered by the men around her. He didn't say anything serious, how could he directly scold her like Guan Hai did.

  "Guan Hai, you actually scolded me for this idiot?" Wang Qing lost his smile and became agitated.

  "It's easy for me to scold you for stepping on a horse. If someone else talked to Brother Yang like this, I would throw a wine bottle on his head on the spot. What kind of thing did you step on a horse? Who gave it to you?" Superiority, let me tell you, with your temperament, it is a miracle that you can live past thirty after entering society!" Guan Hai scolded.

  Wang Qing was so angry that the hand pointing at Guan Hai trembled a little.

  "Guan Hai! Ever since we met tonight, I have felt that something is wrong with you! What kind of ecstasy soup did this soil turtle give you! You are actually on his side!" Wang Qing also became emotional.

  "You've only known me for a few days. Don't think that you don't know the heights of the sky and the earth because of your beauty. For a guy like you, I call one by one phone number, and ten calls by ten calls. You really think that if I don't have you, you will starve to death." ?" Guan Hai cursed angrily without giving in.

  The voices of the two were not low, such a commotion immediately attracted a lot of attention, and the attention of other guests gathered at Yang Haoran's table.

  Guan Hai didn't pay attention to the eyes of other guests, but Wang Qing was not a good person either, he also ignored the eyes of others.

  "Guan Hai, we're done!" Wang Qing gritted his teeth and said.

  Leaving this sentence behind, Wang Qing picked up her bag and was about to leave. Before she left, she still couldn't figure it out. She grabbed a bottle of beer and slammed it towards Yang Haoran's position.

  Yang Haoran was sitting right next to the wall. Facing the wine bottle that flew over suddenly, he did not move his body, but tilted his head.

  Snapped! ! !

  The beer brushed past his face and hit the wall behind him. The bottle exploded, spilling beer all over him, and a piece of broken glass cut his face. Blood mixed with beer rolled down his face.

  "Brother Yang!"

  Guan Hai was furious, he didn't even think about it, he also picked up a wine bottle from the table and was about to throw it at Wang Qing, seeing Yang Haoran was injured, he didn't care if Wang Qing was a woman, since he dared to do it, he would Have hands-on awareness.

  It's just that Wang Qing reacted quite quickly. Seeing Guan Hai pick up the wine bottle, she spit at Guan Hai, turned around and ran away.

  Guan Hai was furious, and he was about to chase after him with the wine bottle in his hand. He had just run out two steps before he felt inexplicably weak and almost fell to the ground.

  Yang Haoran saw all this in his eyes, he endured the anger in his heart and did not chase after Wang Qing, nor did he wipe the blood flowing from his face, but immediately took out the Soul Gathering Bead from his satchel.

  Guan Hai has been recruited!