
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasi
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75 Chs

Chapter 46 Do you believe in brother?

At this time, the woman Yang Haoran locked his eyes on was none other than the female college student Wang Qing!

  Guan Hai was haunted by yin and fainted in the hospital. Yang Haoran thought of this woman, because the first time he saw this woman, he felt chills all over his body. At that time, he didn't understand what was going on. After becoming a night watchman, he knew that the reason why Wang Qing made him feel cold all over was because she had too much yin energy on her body.

  Therefore, after Guan Hai's accident, he thought of Wang Qing, a woman.

  Although he reminded Guan Hai repeatedly that night to keep him away from this woman Wang Qing, based on his understanding of Guan Hai, since Guan Hai became interested in this woman, he would definitely not give up easily, and he must have contacted this woman afterwards.

  Now Wang Qing is in the ward, Yang Haoran feels that his guess is correct, Guan Hai really has an indescribable relationship with this woman.

  Thinking of this, Yang Haoran frowed a little bit, he was about to enter the ward, but then he was taken aback.

  Although he sensed Yin Qi from Wang Qing's body, the Yin Qi on Wang Qing's body was not the heaviest. The strong Yin Qi he felt actually emanated from Guan Hai's body.

  At this time, Guan Hai was lying on the hospital bed, and the yin qi emanating from his body not only did not weaken, but intensified, and this yin qi was at least several times stronger!

  Although he didn't open his ghost eyes, Yang Haoran's ability to sense yin exists. He couldn't see the yin qi wrapped around Guan Hai's body clearly with his naked eyes, but he could clearly sense whether the yin qi was weakening thening or strengthening .As long as he sensed how much, he knew it in his heart.

  He had only left for a while, and Guan Hai had undergone such a big change. While Yang Haoran was puzzled, he also felt worried. He really wanted to open his ghost eyes to see what was going on with Guan Hai, but in broad daylight, With so many people in the ward, if he opened his ghost eyes, he would be easily spotted by others. At that time, he would frighten these people and get himself into a lot of trouble.

  Just thinking of this, Xiaomo in the group of women found Yang Haoran at the door. She was being torn apart by these women, when she saw Yang Haoran, it was like seeing a savior.

  As if sensing Xiao Mo's gaze, Yang Haoran looked towards Xiao Mo's position, and seeing Xiao Mo's helpless expression, he understood what the other party meant.

  However, he did not enter the ward, but disappeared at the door of the ward under Xiaomo's surprised gaze.

  After a while, a burly figure appeared outside Guan Hai's ward, blocking the door of the entire ward. It was the fat nurse from last night!

  "This is a hospital, and you have been making noise here, affecting the rest of other patients, so please get out now!"

  The fat nurse's words were as domineering as her figure, and she yelled, immediately quieting down the ward.

  After a short period of silence, there was a burst of cursing. Even though they were all women, scolding was like fighting on the battlefield. It was bloody, and if you were a little careless, you might fall behind. A doomed end.

  At this time, there were more women in the ward than last night, and many of them were kicked out by the nurse last night. They were already angry, but now that the nurse came to kick them out again, the anger in their hearts naturally became stronger. As a result, these women not only did not leave, but quarreled with the fat nurse.

  The noise in the ward could be heard throughout the corridor, attracting many patients and family members to watch, and at the same time, it also attracted nurses and doctors.

  Patients and their families are naturally watching the fun, but nurses and doctors must be on the side of fat nurses. This is not only because of the relationship between colleagues, but also because of their reasoning.

  This time it was so violent that they almost called the police. In the end, there was no accident, and these women were kicked out of the ward again.

  Yang Haoran leaned against the door of the ward, watching beautiful figures walk out of it, as if they were being investigated. If there were policemen standing here at this time, it would be even more similar.

  Yang Haoran knew some of these women walking out of the ward, and some didn't, but they didn't say hello to Yang Haoran. I don't know if it was because they didn't see them, or because they were in a bad mood and didn't want to speak.

  Wang Qing was also kicked out of the ward, when she passed by Yang Haoran, she found Yang Haoran, and Yang Haoran also looked at her.

  Wang Qing's mental state is not very good. Although she wears heavy makeup, she still can't hide the tiredness on her face. On her body, Yang Haoran senses some yin energy, but it is very weak, not as strong as Guan Hai.

  Seeing Yang Haoran looking at her, Wang Qing frowned, with disdain on his face, and scolded, "Who are you! What are you looking at? You can see but you can't eat, don't you feel uncomfortable?"

  After leaving such a sentence, Wang Qing raised her head proudly and strode past Yang Haoran. Judging from her reaction, she didn't seem to recognize who Yang Haoran was.

  That's right, Yang Haoran looks ordinary, and he can't even find a hair in the crowd. This Wang Qing has only contacted him once, and the lights in the bar are too dim. It's normal for people like Wang Qing not to remember him.

  Whether the other party remembers him or not, Yang Haoran doesn't care at all, but if someone provokes him, under normal circumstances he will not let the other party do what he wants, but right now, he didn't say anything, just watched Wang Qing leave with a frown .

  "Strange, why is the yin energy in her body much weaker than when I first met her that night?"

  Wang Qing had disappeared from sight, Yang Haoran looked away with a puzzled look on his face.

  Unable to understand this question for the time being, Yang Haoran put this question aside first, and then entered the ward to see the situation of Guan Hai.

  In the ward, the other two patients were full of regret and pity at this time, especially the old man, who seemed to be coughing non-stop because of being too emotional.

  Of course, Yang Haoran didn't have time to deal with these two people, he went straight to Guan Hai's hospital bed, at this time Guan Hai's situation made him unable to help but his expression changed slightly.

  Guan Hai was in a very poor state at this time, very weak, but the yin energy in his body had weakened a lot.

  This so-called weakening is only compared to what happened just now, and compared to Yang Haoran's departure in the morning, Guan Hai's yin energy is still a little bit heavier.

  Yang Haoran looked serious and puzzled, he pondered for a moment, and thought of a possibility for what happened to Guan Hai, but he was not sure yet.

  Seeing Yang Haoran's serious face, Guan Hai smiled weakly and said, "Whoever owes you money will put on a dirty face as soon as he comes back."

  The voice was weak, not like a young man in his twenties, but more like an old man in his seventies or eighties, very light and weak.

  Hearing this, Yang Haoran looked at Guan Hai who had a weak smile on his face, then his frowning brows relaxed, and his signature smile appeared on his face again.

  He didn't answer Guan Hai, but said to Xiao Mo who was beside him: "Xiao Mo, go and help him complete the discharge procedures, we will leave immediately."

  As soon as these words came out, not only Xiao Mo was startled, but even Guan Hai who was lying on the hospital bed was startled by his words.

  "Brother, don't you see that I am very weak now, let me be discharged from the hospital now, you might as well send me to the crematorium directly." Guan Hai said with a wry smile.

  "Yeah, brother Yang, I think Guan Hai's condition has not improved, but has gotten worse. He is in urgent need of treatment at this time. If he leaves..."

  Xiao Mo looked worried, but before she finished speaking, Yang Haoran interrupted her with her hand.

  Yang Haoran knows that Xiao Mo will listen to Guan Hai, as long as Guan Hai asks, Xiao Mo will definitely follow suit, so what he has to do now is to convince Guan Hai.

  Yang Haoran may not have much confidence in convincing others, but he still has some confidence in convincing Guan Hai.

  "Haizi, do you believe in brother?" Yang Haoran asked with a smile.

  Without even thinking about it, Guan Hai cursed directly: "I believe, I believe you bastard, are you trying to kill me and inherit my bar!"

  When Yang Haoran heard this, with a smile on his face, he raised his hand and wanted to pull it towards Guan Hai's body, but the hand did not fall, and he retracted it in the air.

  "Your sister, I'm serious, get out of the hospital and leave here with me, I can save you." Yang Haoran said angrily and amusedly.

  "Can you save me?" Guan Hai looked at Yang Haoran, then shook his head weakly, and replied with certainty: "I don't believe it, you definitely want to kill me."

  "I'm messing with you, uncle, you're full of yin, I'll deal with it when you go back, don't you always want to know if I have real skills, this time I'll let you see!" Yang Haoran cursed with a smile, and then opened his mouth Said.

  Guan Hai, who originally had a weak face, his eyes lit up when he heard Yang Haoran's words, as if he was aroused by interest.

  "Okay! We're discharged!" Guan Hai's answer was straightforward.

  Xiao Mo on the side didn't plan to interrupt at first, and let the two of them pinch each other, but when Guan Hai agreed, she couldn't help but change her face, and quickly persuaded: "No, Brother Guan Hai, your body... "

  "It's okay, I can't die, if it becomes more serious when I go back, just send me back then." Guan Hai said indifferently.


  Before Xiaomo finished speaking, Guan Hai interrupted him again, Guan Hai looked at Xiaomo affectionately, and asked softly, "Xiaomo, do you believe in brother?"

  Without even thinking about it, Xiaomo immediately nodded her head and said, "I believe it! I believe it!"

  Seeing this, Yang Haoran almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood. What he said to Guan Hai, Guan Hai used it on Xiao Mo in turn, and the effect was quite different. Looking at Guan Hai's affectionate With his pulse, he really had the urge to slash this guy Guan Hai to death.

  In the afternoon, Guan Hai was forcibly discharged from the hospital with Yang Haoran's support, while Xiao Mo cleared the way ahead with his things.

  After leaving the hospital, they hailed a taxi, and the three went straight to the community where Guan Hai was located.