
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasi
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75 Chs

Chapter 40

When he came out of Master Jiang's cabin, there were some extra things in Yang Haoran's specially made yellow satchel, soul-gathering beads, and a few thick books.

  After leaving the wooden house, Yang Haoran didn't leave immediately, but as usual, he helped out with odd jobs in the temple, doing some trivial things.

  Master Jiang also told Yang Haoran that there was no need to do this as usual, but it had no effect. Master Jiang, who really couldn't beat Yang Haoran, could only let Yang Haoran do this in the end.

  Due to the change of identity, Master Jiang also told Yang Haoran some secrets that he did not know before. According to Master Jiang, all the temple priests in this Death God Temple are night watchmen under Deng Feng's command. There are only six masters Shang Jiang, men, women and children.

  Although the Death God Temple managed by Master Jiang is not very big, it is definitely not something that six people can take care of. Fortunately, besides the six of them, there are many people who have lived in the Death God Temple for a long time time. The believers, who are mainly middle-aged and elderly people, volunteer to help with some trivial matters in the temple every day, which makes them have less work at hand.

  To become a night watchman, one must be a believer of death, this is the premise. However, a night watchman does not have to be a priest, but the priests in the Temple of the Death God are definitely night watchmen.

  Master Jiang is naturally aware of how many night watchmen there are in Le City, not only him, but all night watchmen, of course, the new night watchman Yang Haoran is an exception.

  Before Yang Haoran became a night watchman, there were 15 night watchmen in Lecheng, and now including Yang Haoran, there are sixteen.

  Among the sixteen night watchmen, apart from Kaimiao Zhu, there are only two non-miaozhu night watchmen, and Yang Haoran is one of them.

  This was not the case in the past. At first, many Miaozhu were like Yang Haoran, they were night watchmen but not Miaozhu, but as the job of night watchman continued for a long time, they gradually became Miaozhu.

  Although Lecheng is only a small city, the Temple of Death is not the only one in Nanhu, but the Temple of Death in Nanhu is definitely the largest temple of Death in Lecheng, so there are also the most temples in Nanhu Temple of Death.

  Of course, in addition to the Temple of Death, there are many other temples in Lecheng, and some temples are even much larger than the Temple of Death in Nanhu.

  Compared with night watchmen like Master Jiang, night watchmen like Yang Haoran who are not from temples have a lot of advantages, because they usually have to take care of the affairs of the temple, so they have much less time to go out to collect souls . But Yang Haoran is the opposite. Apart from sleeping and resting, he has the whole day to search for the undead and collect their souls.

  However, although Miaozhu doesn't have much time to go out to search for the dead, they usually contact a lot of believers. Many believers even go up to the mountain to ask Miaozhu for help because of weird and evil things. of thing, as long as it is not a special situation, Miaozhu Usually, comers are not rejected, not only helping believers deal with problems, but also collecting souls, killing two birds with one stone.

  During the whole morning, Master Jiang was teaching Yang Haoran the experience, but the two of them were not idle, they were doing different things.

  At lunch time, Yang Haoran was sitting with other priests, Master Jiang announced Yang Haoran's identity to the temple priests, and several people congratulated Yang Haoran for becoming a night watchman.

  Originally, I had a good impression of Yang Haoran, but now Yang Haoran has also become a member of the night watchman, and has become a member of their group. Invisibly, the distance between them has naturally narrowed, and some even invite Yang Haoran To become a throne The Miaozhu of their temple, anyway, recently Yang Haoran has no difference from Miaozhu, the only difference is a set of black robes of Miaozhu.

  For this kind of invitation, Yang Haoran of course refused, he has no idea of ​​becoming a Miaozhu yet.

  Believers of the god of death do not need to taboo, so the lunch at noon is not bad, there are big fish and meat, and there are even a few bottles of good wine.

  During this time, Yang Haoran ate lunch and dinner here except for breakfast, but he has never seen such good food, today is an exception.

  Yang Haoran knew that this should be arranged by Master Jiang, the reason for it is self-evident, and the other priests here are also not stupid, they also knew in their hearts that this must be to celebrate Yang Haoran becoming a member of the night watchman, so they decided to The food has been improved, making it look like a holiday.

  I had a very happy lunch, because there were many things to do in the afternoon, so no one drank too much, but several priests, including Master Jiang, had a drink alone with Yang Haoran and expressed their congratulations again.

  After lunch, Yang Haoran really wanted to leave the Death Temple first, and then go back to his grocery store to study the soul-gathering beads and the thick yellow books, but he didn't do that, but Suppressing the curiosity and excitement in his heart, he was busy in the temple for another afternoon, and it was not until the sky gradually darkened that he bid farewell and left the Temple of Death.

  It was already dinner time when we returned to the grocery store, Yang Haoran didn't have the nerve to stay in the temple for dinner, now that he returned to the grocery store, he immediately made a bucket of instant noodles for himself.

  Junk food like instant noodles, try not to eat as much as possible, but Yang Haoran has no choice. At this time, he is hungry, has no time to make dinner, and is not in the mood to make dinner, so he can only use instant noodles to satisfy his stomach up.

  Of course, even if he eats instant noodles, he is still very particular. He only eats the taste he likes, and then he must add a large ham sausage and a marinated egg. In his words, this is the royal family. Supreme Instant Noodles.

  After soaking the instant noodles, he couldn't wait to take out the soul-gathering beads, looked left and right, his face was full of surprise, he couldn't put it down.

  In fact, this soul-gathering bead is a transparent bead the size of a fist. If there is a ghost inside, it is still worth seeing. After all, it is interesting to see ghosts change into grimaces. It's scary, isn't it, but now his soul-gathering orb is empty and has nothing to look at, but even so, he looked at it for an entire hour with a face full of surprise.

  When he realized it, the soaked instant noodles really turned into instant noodles, looking cold and without any appetite.

  Looking at the obviously over-soaked instant noodles in front of him, Yang Haoran wanted to throw it away and make another bucket, but seeing the eggs and ham sausage inside, he hesitated, and decided to warm it up and eat it.

  "Anyway, it's the same in the stomach, maybe it's more disgusting than this." Yang Haoran comforted himself like this, and then continued to talk to himself: "Mother, when I have money, I will make instant noodles every day. Eat ham but not noodles!"

  After hastily finishing dinner, Yang Haoran opened the door to do business, and then took out a few books that Master Jiang lent him and began to read.

  The book is very thick, Yang Haoran just flipped through a few pages, and was attracted by the contents of these books.

  "Good guy, Master Jiang didn't lie to me, these few books will really help me a lot in the future!" Yang Haoran looked happy.

  There are many things recorded in these thick old books, including anecdotes, ghosts and gods, other religions, various treasures, various magical abilities, and so on.

  Although Yang Haoran has now become a member of the night watchmen, his knowledge is limited, it is almost a blank sheet of paper, and he has limited knowledge of the world he has just stepped into now, and the few days that Master Jiang lent him This book just makes up for that.

  Master Jiang asked Yang Haoran to memorize all the contents of these books. Although he didn't refute at the time, he still murmured in his heart. Just kidding, how long would it take to memorize such a thick book!

  But now, even if Master Jiang didn't ask him to memorize all the content in the book, he would take the initiative to do so, because this knowledge is of great help to him!

  If a person wants to memorize something, it is actually very fast, but this must be based on the fact that he likes it from the bottom of his heart. If he doesn't like it, memorizing it by rote is quite time-consuming. On the contrary, if he likes it, Not to mention never forgetting, but there is not much problem in achieving twice the result with half the effort.

  The sky is getting darker, and there are fewer and fewer pedestrians on the street. At this time, night owls have begun to come out for activities. From time to time, drunken alcoholics will come to Yang Haoran to buy cigarettes, and from time to time there will be people who are going out Happy men and women come to buy some things, but almost all of them are cigarettes.

  For these customers, Yang Haoran certainly welcomed them in the past. He wished that the more customers would come, the better. But tonight, with his whole body immersed in the world of books, facing one customer coming in and another customer coming in a while, He became very impatient in his heart, not for other reasons, but because he was disturbed.

  However, although he felt bored in his heart, he still didn't show any face to the customers, and still had his signature smile on his face, satisfying the needs of customers while also allowing himself to make a little money.

  Before he knew it, it was midnight and when the alarm clock rang, Yang Haoran withdrew from the world in the book. He was completely immersed in the world of the book, and he even forgot to be tired, and he didn't even feel sleepy at all.

  At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, it was time to worship the god of death. Without any hesitation, Yang Haoran entered behind the green curtain with the book in his arms.

  He put the book down carefully, washed up, and then began to burn incense on the statue of the god of death and worship devoutly.

  After paying homage to the god of death, Yang Haoran was going to read for a while, and let the grocery store open for a while. Although there were fewer customers at this time, if he was lucky, he could still sell some things.

  Besides, most of the customers who come to buy things at this time are drunks. guests.

  Originally, Yang Haoran was going to take the Soul Gathering Orb for a walk to see if he could find the undead, and then collect them into the Soul Gathering Orb. After all, whether he could become stronger was directly related to the number of souls he conquered.

  But after thinking about it in a blink of an eye, he still thinks it's better to take it easy tonight. After all, he was almost scared to death in the ghost building last night. Now, as long as he thinks about everything that happened in the ghost building, he can't help but shudder. a shudder.

  The experience in the haunted building made him a lot more courageous, but the change of roles also requires process and time, just like eating, you need to eat one bite at a time, don't be in a hurry, once you are in a hurry, you will only choke to death.

  In his opinion, now he needs to slow down and digest, and he needs some time to adapt to his new identity.

  However, many times fate likes to play tricks on people like this. The more you think about something, the more it will come.

  As soon as he picked up the book, the phone in his pocket rang.

  "I am free as the wind..."

  The phone rang with a strange tone, Yang Haoran showed some doubts on his face, and then took out the phone from his pocket, and looked at the caller ID, it turned out to be Guan Hai.