
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasi
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75 Chs

Chapter 4 Acting and Doing a Complete Set

After accepting the red envelope, Yang Haoran will of course solve the trouble for the client. The trouble is actually very simple to solve, but in order to make the man surnamed Liu feel that the money is not wasted, he naturally has to use his verbal skills.

  That is flickering, flickering vigorously!

  "Brother Liu, don't worry, since I agreed to Guan Hai, I will definitely handle your matter properly." Yang Haoran assured the man surnamed Liu.

  Hearing Yang Haoran's words, the man surnamed Liu immediately burst into a smile from the heart, and he kept thanking him.

  Yang Haoran was still unsmiling, and waved his hands, realizing that the man surnamed Liu thanked him enough, there was no need to continue talking, the man surnamed Liu understood, and immediately shut his mouth.

  "To solve this problem is both easy and difficult. The reason why it is simple is that you only need to find a curtain to cover the toilet door. Bead curtains or curtains are fine. You just need to cover the toilet door. Stop, then the filthy smell in the toilet will not leak out." At this moment, Yang Haoran possessed his body with a magic stick, speaking clearly.

  The man surnamed Liu looked puzzled, then hesitated, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't dare to say it.

  Yang Haoran noticed the reaction of the man surnamed Liu, frowned slightly, and asked: "Brother Liu, just say what you want, don't hide it in your heart, I'm here to solve your troubles, not only to solve your house troubles , and at the same time solve your doubts in your heart, so you don't have to be polite."

  Hearing what Yang Haoran said, the man surnamed Liu heaved a sigh of relief, then pointed to the toilet door, and said weakly: "Master Yang, look, my toilet has a door, can this door not be able to isolate your so-called filthy Qi?"

  Yang Haoran scolded this guy for being troublesome in his heart, but his expression still didn't change. He explained calmly: "The filthy gas is not an ordinary gas, so ordinary methods can't stop it. Your toilet door can block it." For all the foul smells in the toilet, special means are needed to block the filthy air, and the method I just mentioned can block the filthy air."

  The man surnamed Liu seemed to understand, but Yang Haoran struck while the iron was hot, and continued: "The reason why the gate cannot face the toilet is because the gate can bring good luck to the owner, which is what we commonly call luck. When luck collides together, luck will be affected, and if it is serious, luck will even turn into bad luck, which will lead to bad luck for the owner of the house and his family, do you understand now?"

  The man surnamed Liu nodded quickly, and he seemed to understand it, but whether he understood it or not, I am afraid only he himself knows.

  "Brother Yang, what you just said was the simple aspect, so what's the difficult aspect?" Guan Hai spoke at this time, and the timing was well grasped.

  Yang Haoran praised in his heart, but sighed in a low voice, and said: "The difficulty is that we need to nail three long nails on the top of the toilet door. These three long nails seem to be used to hang bead curtains or curtains, but there is a lot of particularity in it, if you don't understand the doorway and do it randomly, not only will you not be able to solve the problem, it may even make the problem more serious."

  After finishing speaking, Yang Haoran searched in his satchel under the eyes of Guan Hai and the man surnamed Liu. After a while, he took out three spikes from the satchel. The spikes were ordinary, except Other than the rust, there's nothing special about it.

  "Don't look at these three long nails. They are full of rust. They are good things. They are town house nails after I sacrificed them in a special way. They have a miraculous effect on restraining this filth. You just need to put these three town house nails If the nails are nailed above the toilet door, even if no bead curtains or other objects are hung, it can still block the filthy atmosphere, and if the bead curtains and other coverings are hung, the effect will be even better!"

  At this time, Yang Haoran had fully entered the role. He carefully handed the three so-called town house nails to the man surnamed Liu. It was crackling and rummaging in the satchel again, and took out something.

  What Yang Haoran took out this time was a compass.

  After taking out the compass, Yang Haoran looked at the wall above the toilet door, carefully observed the compass, and continued to say: "Town house nails are treasures, but only when they are nailed to the right position can they be used to their full potential. Power, otherwise I will waste my three treasures and nail the town house."

  As soon as he finished speaking, Yang Haoran's face brightened, his eyes flashed, and he said, "I found it!"

  Guan Hai didn't know, so of course the man surnamed Liu was even more puzzled. Yang Haoran didn't care about the two of them. He put the compass in his satchel, then took out a pen from the satchel, and stared at it for a while. The stunned man surnamed Liu said, "Take a stool here."

  The man surnamed Liu responded, without thinking, he immediately took a stool and handed it to Yang Haoran, who then stepped on the stool and made three marks on the top of the toilet door with a ballpoint pen in his hand.

  "Three nails for the town house can be nailed in these three positions respectively. I have seen it with a compass just now, and these three positions are the best. Come out with a hundred!" Yang Haoran put the ballpoint pen back into the satchel while talking, and then jumped off the stool.

  The man surnamed Liu was awakened by the sound of Yang Haoran jumping off the stool. He had a smile on his face and a look of gratitude.

  "Thank you, Master Yang, thank you, Master Yang, today you have solved a huge problem for me." While talking, the man surnamed Liu took out a cigarette, issued one to Yang Haoran, lit it himself, and then He sent one to Guan Hai who was at the side and lit it himself. In the end, he lit one for himself. The three of them swallowed clouds and smoke, and the room was suddenly filled with smoke.

  The play is not over yet, so Yang Haoran naturally won't play a half set, if he wants to play, he has to play the whole set, so that spending money is comfortable, and receiving money is also comfortable, why not do it?

  Although he didn't know how many red envelopes the man surnamed Liu stuffed into his satchel, whether it was more than the full set or not enough for half the set, Yang Haoran was ready to play the full set, because he was a principled person.

  "To be honest, Brother Liu, your house is not bad. I wandered around your house before, seemingly looking around, but actually I was feeling yin." Yang Haoran took a deep puff of his cigarette , and then slowly spit it out, and said solemnly.

  The man surnamed Liu became interested, and quickly asked: "Master Yang, what is this Yin feeling?"

  Yang Haoran chuckled, and said: "It's yin, just to see if there is any dirty thing in your room, congratulations, there is none in this room, the only unsightly place is your toilet, as long as you follow my instructions, put Knock three town house nails in, and then hang bead curtains or curtains, and your suite will be perfect. Let alone the glory and prosperity in the future, as long as you work hard and don't sit and wait for death, the days will definitely pass by. OK, I promise."

  This person, as long as he works hard, except for not encountering any serious diseases, the days will naturally be better, but it has nothing to do with his mother's house nails, but at this time the man surnamed Liu has already fallen into the trap, yes Yang Haoran's flickering is absolutely convinced, and Yang Haoran's words can be considered nice, the man surnamed Liu laughed so happy that he couldn't close his mouth.

  Seeing this, Yang Haoran felt that the play was almost done, so he decided to wrap it up.

  "Acquaintance is fate, I will take a closer look at your apartment for you, so that you can feel at ease." Yang Haoran said.

  Hearing this, the man surnamed Liu became even happier. What is this? Is this an extra service?

  Yang Haoran didn't talk nonsense, with a cigarette in his mouth, he took out the compass from the satchel again, and then held the compass in his hand, carefully inspected the whole house, it looked good, and from time to time gently Nodding, this inspection took half an hour.

  Half an hour later, Yang Haoran put away the compass, let out a heavy breath, and showed a rare smile on his face, but this smile seemed very tired.

  "I've confirmed again, brother Liu, there is absolutely nothing wrong with your house, you can really feel at ease now!" Yang Haoran said with a tired face.

  "Brother! Oh no! Master Yang! Brother Yang! Thank you! Thank you so much!" Because he was so happy, the man surnamed Liu was a little incoherent. He enthusiastically took Yang Haoran's hand and said excitedly: "I will be here soon Reserve a seat at the hotel, we'll go now, I must thank Brother Yang tonight, we won't go home until we're drunk!"

  It was evening now, and it happened to be time for dinner. Yang Haoran wanted to refuse. After all, he felt ashamed to some extent. After taking other people's money, eating other people's food, and drinking other people's wine, he felt a bit embarrassed. Not too kind, but before he could speak, Guan Hai's voice sounded.

  "Okay! Alcohol is a good thing! If you want to enhance the relationship between each other, you have to drink!"

  Yang Haoran knew what was going on in Guan Hai's mind. If there were only the two of them, he would have to sarcasm Guan Hai, but in this situation, it is obviously impossible, just like Yang Haoran was busy with "business" before. At that time, Guan Hai would not try to dismantle his platform.

  In desperation, Yang Haoran could only agree, and the man surnamed Liu carefully put away the three town house nails, and the three of them left, heading towards their destination.

  The man surnamed Liu was driving his own car, and Yang Haoran was naturally in Guan Hai's car. As soon as he got in the car, before Yang Haoran opened his mouth, Guan Hai said excitedly: "Look quickly, how much brother Liu has sealed for you?" ?"

  Yang Haoran also had the same idea, seeing that Guan Hai was more excited than him, he gave him a blank look, and took out the red envelope from his satchel without saying anything.

  Before opening the red envelope, just pinching it, Yang Haoran's expression changed, and then a wry smile appeared on his face, and he threw the red envelope to Guan Hai, saying: "I'd better give it to you, this job is yours after all. Take it for me."

  Seeing Yang Haoran like this, Guan Hai was stunned for a moment, the red envelope was thrown to him before it was opened, the Yang Haoran he knew was not so generous, unless...

  Seemingly thinking of something, Guan Hai picked up the red envelope and rubbed it gently with two fingers, his expression changed immediately.