
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 3 Your toilet is wrong!

Under the leadership of Guan Hai, Yang Haoran came to his friend's house, and his friend was already waiting at home. He had already gone to work, but after receiving Guan Hai's call, he took a leave of absence without any delay and rushed back immediately.

His friend's surname is Liu. He has a fat head with big ears, a bald head, sparse and a few mischievous hairs on both sides, but he was forced to make a hairstyle by this big brother named Liu. It is possible to cover the bald part in this way, but everything is in vain, it is just deception, it is so miserable, it is better to shave the head directly.

Perhaps this big brother surnamed Liu has a different feeling for his hair because of his baldness, so they would rather maintain it in this way than shave it all off. If you can't get it, you want it more. Many people have this problem.

After talking for a while, Yang Haoran also had a certain understanding of this man surnamed Liu. This man is thirty-one years old. He is only one year older than Yang Haoran, but he looks older than Yang Haoran by more than ten years. Perhaps It was because of staying up late and too much pressure that made him look old.

In fact, these have nothing to do with the topic of coming here today, but Yang Haoran still has a detailed understanding of why he did this, which naturally has his reasons.

After some conversation, Yang Haoran wandered around the house of the man surnamed Liu, with his hands behind his back like an expert, walking swayingly, and looked at all the rooms in the whole house.

Guan Hai and the man surnamed Liu followed behind Yang Haoran. Yang Haoran didn't speak, but just watched as he walked. Guan Hai, on the other hand, kept praising the man surnamed Liu as a good-sized house, and the decoration was excellent. The meaning in those words implied that the man surnamed Liu bought this house well.

As for people, nine out of ten like to listen to good things. The man surnamed Liu is not a saint, and he is no exception. When Guan Hai praised him, he was so happy from ear to ear, he kept praising Guan Hai for his young age. But he is very foresighted, knowledgeable, sees problems sharply, and speaks with reason.

Yang Haoran listened to the two people flattering each other behind him, his face remained calm, but he despised them greatly in his heart.

This is a house with three bedrooms and one living room. It didn't take much time for Yang Haoran to browse the house.

To be honest, Yang Haoran wandered around the house of the man surnamed Liu, but he didn't feel any inexplicable coldness on his body. From this aspect, the house is relatively clean.

However, this is not the time to tell the man surnamed Liu. It is hard to get a deal. If he doesn't get some benefits, wouldn't he just go for nothing today? He is a person with professional ethics, and it's not his business. style.

When he returned to the living room again, the man surnamed Liu greeted him immediately. He wanted to see something from Yang Haoran's face, but when he saw Yang Haoran's serious face and said nothing, although he had a smile on his face, There was a trace of apprehension in his eyes.

"Master Yang, look at my room..." Surname Liu asked tentatively.

Yang Haoran didn't speak immediately. Instead, he frowned and remained silent. His reaction gave the man surnamed Liu a bad premonition, and he suddenly became anxious.

"Master Yang, is there...is there something wrong with my house?" the man surnamed Liu asked.

Yang Haoran glanced at Guan Hai, then his eyes fell on the anxious man surnamed Liu, he didn't keep silent, and finally spoke.

"Mr. Liu, since you are Guan Hai's friend and you are one year older than me, I will call you Brother Liu." Yang Haoran answered the question in a serious manner.

The man surnamed Liu was anxious. He wanted to know if there was any problem with his house. He didn't want to hear such nonsense from Yang Haoran. However, the man surnamed Liu had lived for thirty years in vain. This sentence is nonsense, but he absolutely dare not say it out of his mouth, instead he keeps refusing it.

"I can't help it, Master Yang, you are an expert, you are my elder brother. I can't stand you calling me Brother Liu!"

Yang Haoran waved his hand like a master, and continued to speak: "It's just a title, brother Liu doesn't need to be too fussy, let's talk about your house."

The man surnamed Liu originally wanted to refuse, but when Yang Haoran mentioned the house, he immediately stopped talking about the topic, and asked quickly: "What happened to my new house?"

Yang Haoran pointed to the toilet, and said to the man surnamed Liu: "Look, Brother Liu, is there any problem with your toilet?"

Hearing this, the man surnamed Liu walked to the toilet quickly, checked it carefully, and didn't seem to see the reason, he didn't know where the problem was, but he still asked Yang Haoran tentatively: "Is it because of me?" The installed squatting toilet is wrong, do I need to install a toilet?"

The words of the man surnamed Liu almost made Yang Haoran laugh. Fortunately, he was very restrained. Not only did he not laugh, but his expression was still serious, but Guan Hai behind him grinned, showing a mouthful of white teeth.

Under the gaze of the man surnamed Liu, Yang Haoran shook his head, pretended to be condescending and walked a few steps towards the door, then pointed at the door, sighed in a low voice, and explained: "Oh, brother Liu, your toilet is open. For the gate, this is not a good thing, it is a Feng Shui taboo."

But the man surnamed Liu felt a little thumped in his heart. The word Feng Shui taboo sounded very scary. He looked anxious and wanted to say something to Yang Haoran, but Yang Haoran waved his hand to stop him.

From the reaction on his expression, Yang Haoran could see that Brother Liu probably didn't know what he was talking about at all, so he continued to explain: "The toilet is a place to excrete filthy things, which is extremely yin and also bad luck. In a concentrated place, the door is opposite to the toilet, which will affect the fortune and health of everyone in the house, so I would like to ask, Brother Liu and your family, have you been working smoothly recently and are you in good health?"

The man surnamed Liu didn't even think about it, and immediately responded: "It's all good, my luck is not bad, and my family is fine."

The corner of Yang Haoran's mouth twitched slightly, and then he returned to normal. The reason why he asked the man surnamed Liu like this was actually full of routines.

He had talked with the man surnamed Liu before, and he also knew something about the man surnamed Liu. He knew that the man's parents were still alive. The man surnamed Liu was already thirty-one years old. Nine are in their fifties, and may even be older. At this age, it is normal to have some health problems.

Furthermore, people's fortune is even more illusory. No one's fortune will always be good, and there will be some problems. Even if there is no problem with the fortune of the man surnamed Liu recently, then his family members cannot have good fortune. Bar?

Yang Haoran thought this way in his heart, the questioning of the man surnamed Liu was nothing more than digging a hole for him to jump into, but what he didn't expect was that the man surnamed Liu's answer was to slap him hard. It was a burning pain.

However, Yang Haoran is not a vegetarian either. Since he dares to eat this kind of food, he can't do without two brushes. If this small problem can't be solved, then he should stop messing around in this circle. Maybe he can change his career sooner. in time.

He remained calm, with a serious face, nodded after hearing the man surnamed Liu's answer, and then said earnestly: "The situation doesn't seem to be as bad as I thought, you should feel lucky that you just moved in not long ago, So it has not affected you and your family, which is a good thing, but if this matter is not dealt with, it will be hard to say in the future."

"Then what should we do?" The man surnamed Liu asked quickly.

"Well, it's not a troublesome thing to deal with, I just need some things, and then..." Yang Haoran was thoughtful, and deliberately slowed down his speech.

When the man surnamed Liu saw this, he immediately understood, smiled obsequiously, took out a red envelope from his coat pocket, and happily stuffed it into Yang Haoran's satchel.

Yang Haoran frowned slightly, but his heart was full of joy. Not only did he not show the slightest smile on his face, but he deliberately blocked it with his hands a few times, exclaiming in his mouth what are you going to do. It's just that the hand blocking the red envelope didn't use much force at all, and finally the red envelope was "forcibly" stuffed into Yang Haoran's satchel by the man surnamed Liu.

The time of receiving red envelopes is the most critical time. If he expresses the joy in his heart at this time, the image of a master he has worked so hard to create will be completely ruined.

Seeing Yang Haoran "doing his best" to stop him, the man surnamed Liu immediately thought that his red envelope was too small, but after thinking about it carefully, it was wrong. When Yang Haoran refused him from the beginning to the end, he didn't even look at the red envelope. Yang Haoran didn't touch the red envelope when contacting him. Logically speaking, it should be impossible for Yang Haoran to know how much money was sealed in the red envelope under such circumstances, so how could he dislike his small red envelope?

Just when the man surnamed Liu was puzzled and embarrassed, Guan Hai beside him spoke.

"Brother Yang, you know, Brother Liu is my friend, even though we have only known each other for two days, Brother Liu is very fond of me, everyone is a man of temperament, so stop moaning and be straightforward. "

Guan Hai's words were quite level, and he resolved the embarrassment of the man surnamed Liu. At the same time, he also secretly emphasized to Yang Haoran that this friend surnamed Liu has only just met for two days, and you can do whatever you want , don't be embarrassed because he is in the middle, as long as it is not too much, everyone can get by.

Yang Haoran naturally understood the meaning of Guan Hai's words, and knew that Guan Hai spoke at this time to resolve the embarrassment of the man surnamed Liu. However, Yang Haoran still had confidence in his ability, even if Guan Hai didn't speak, He also has a way to make this scene play out perfectly, without embarrassing the man surnamed Liu, and without making him lose his demeanor.

On the other hand, the man surnamed Liu, seeing Guan Hai speak so frankly at this time, couldn't help but feel a little moved. He felt that he had made the right friend, so he immediately gave Guan Hai a grateful look, and punched Guan Hai with his fist. Beating his chest, he said emotionally: "My good brother, my brother really saw the right person, as long as you need it in the future, just open your mouth!"