
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasi
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75 Chs

Chapter 29 Master Jiang

After leaving the hospital, it was getting late, Yang Haoran thought about it, and then took a taxi back to his grocery store.

  Due to the rotten old woman, the grocery store was closed for a day today, not to mention that there was no income, and a sum of money was spent to go out.

  The reward received from Jiang Zhenzhen was all given to the middle-aged man because he had to break open the door. He didn't tell Jiang Zhenzhen about this, so the money was paid by him personally.

  Perhaps it was because he had a good impression of Jiang Zhenzhen, or because Jiang Zhenzhen gave him a feeling of sympathy, so he was really embarrassed to ask Jiang Zhenzhen for the money.1

  Girls, especially beautiful girls, have a certain advantage in many cases. If it were a man, Yang Haoran might not make more money from him, but the part he posted will definitely ask for it. of.1

  Of course, if it's a girl with a weak temper, no matter how beautiful she is, once she doesn't like her, Yang Haoran will definitely not do such a loss-making business, and she doesn't even bother to take care of such trivial matters.1

  To be serious, Yang Haoran has an inescapable responsibility for Jiang Zhenzhen's matter. He took over the work himself. Since he took over the work and received money from others, the after-sales service must be done well. If there is a problem with the quality of the product, if you don't ask about it, then who will come to him to buy things in the future.

  Back at the grocery store, Yang Haoran immediately came to the statue of the God of Death and worshiped it devoutly.

  The god statue was only invited back the next day, and it was not offered on time, which made him a little ashamed. It was only after eight o'clock at this time, and there was still some time before midnight. He chose to burn incense at this time because he still wanted to After going out for a trip, he was not sure if he could come back before twelve o'clock, so he could only make offerings in advance.

  Doing so is naturally breaking the rules, but Yang Haoran pays attention to sincerity in worshiping the gods. In terms of time, it is best if he can be punctual. If he cannot be punctual due to some special reasons, he can only settle for the next best thing up.

  While burning incense to worship, Yang Haoran explained the reason, it felt like an employee asking for leave from his boss.

  After a while, Yang Haoran picked up his yellow satchel, took a piece of bread and a bottle of drink from the shelf, and rushed out of the grocery store.

  In the taxi, Yang Haoran gnawed on the bread and drank a drink, and after a few gobbles, he finished the two things. Then he took out his mobile phone, found a person's contact information, and sent a message to the other party.

  After a while, Yang Haoran's cell phone vibrated and the phone rang.

  "I am free as the wind..."

  The strange singing made the taxi driver laugh, and Yang Haoran also smiled, but his smile was not so natural at this time.

  Indeed, his smile was really unnatural at this time, because he had something on his mind, something very important, which caused him to feel a little stressed, especially after seeing the caller ID, he was even more nervous.

  Although he was a little nervous, he took a deep breath and picked up the phone.

  "Xiao Yang, I'm free, why are you looking for me in such a hurry?" A middle-aged man's voice rang out from the other end of the phone, full of doubts.

  When Yang Haoran heard that he was free, his expression brightened, and he quickly said: "I didn't make it clear on the phone, I will tell you in person when we arrive."

  "Okay, I'll wait for you." The middle-aged man responded and hung up the phone.

  Listening to the blind voice beeping, Yang Haoran also hung up the phone, and he was relieved at the same time. What he was most worried about was hearing the word "no time" from the other party. Fortunately, the other party did not say Instead of saying these two words, he was told that he was free, which made him unhappy.

  Seeing Yang Haoran's happy expression, the driver on the side couldn't help joking: "Brother, this is going to see my father-in-law, so happy."

  "Brother Driver was joking, I'm single, so where can I find a father-in-law?" Yang Haoran responded with a smile.

  "Don't have any girlfriends? Seeing that my brother is almost 30 years old, I should find one for myself at this age. If you procrastinate, it will be troublesome if you want to find one. Unless you are very rich, otherwise...hehe. "The driver didn't finish his sentence, but if he didn't say the rest, Yang Haoran could guess it.

  "It seems that the eldest brother is someone who has experienced it, and every sentence is true!" Yang Haoran flattered with a smile.1

  This person likes to listen to good things, and this driver is obviously no exception. He laughed loudly when he heard Yang Haoran's flattery, and said proudly: "Of course, bro, I'm almost fifty this year, and I'm still single. It's hard to think about whether you have rich experience in this area, and your strength doesn't allow it, haha!"

  The corner of Yang Haoran's mouth twitched slightly, and he didn't dare to say any more, so he hurriedly said haha.

  "Brother, what are you doing here at night? Are you also a believer in death?" the driver asked.

  Yang Haoran responded with a smile while paying the bill, and did not deny the driver's statement.

  At this time, the place where the taxi stopped was the Temple of Death in Nanhu. Through the cement road under the mountain, the taxi took Yang Haoran to the gate of the Temple of Death.

  To be honest, the current Yang Haoran is really a believer of the God of Death. Before last night, he could only be counted as half. One of the believers of Death.

  However, although he is considered a believer of death, he is not as crazy and obsessed as those believers in the movie.

  He believes in death, but he believes in reason.

  Under the cold moonlight, Yang Haoran stood in front of the Temple of Death. It was not yet nine o'clock, and sometimes people would enter and leave the Temple of Death.

  Those who would enter and leave the Temple of Death at this time, of course, would not come to see the scenery. Not surprisingly, they were all believers of the God of Death, and it was precisely because of this that the taxi driver just now thought Yang Haoran was a believer of the God of Death.

  Not a believer in death, what are you doing here at night?

  Yang Haoran rushed to the Temple of Death in a hurry, so he naturally had his purpose. In the rented house, the young man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks touched him a lot, and he also wanted to become an expert like the young man!

  As long as he can have the ability of a young man, he is willing to make him look like a young man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks!

  He wanted to step into that circle and make himself a truly capable person, but he couldn't get in. There seemed to be an invisible door between him and the young man, separating the two of them into two people. world.

  A young man with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek appeared in his world, but he didn't take him away, and even closed the invisible door. What he wants to do now is to find a way to get close to this door, and then open it with his own hands!

  It was so late, he didn't care about eating or resting, and rushed here because he wanted to find a breakthrough from the temple.

  He doesn't know when the other temples are closed at night, but the Death Temple in front of him will only be closed after the incense is burnt at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, and it will be open all night during the Chinese New Year .

  Yang Haoran rubbed his somewhat dry face, rubbing on the bruise, a sharp pain came, this sharp pain stimulated him, reminded him, made his heart ablaze, he didn't stop because of the severe pain, Still rubbing violently.

  After a while, he felt exhausted, and his whole body seemed much more energetic, but the bruises on his face looked so glaring under the moonlight.

  Looking up at the cold moon hanging above his head, Yang Haoran took a deep breath, stepped into the Death Temple, took out his mobile phone, and dialed a number.

  This number is exactly the one that called him before.

  "Master Jiang, I'm here. I'm sorry to disturb you at such a late hour. Well, well, I'll go over now and trouble you. Thank you very much."

  While talking on the phone, Yang Haoran looked for a direction, and then rushed over in three steps at a time.

  About ten minutes later, Yang Haoran appeared in a cabin.

  The cabin is very simple, except for a wooden bed, an old Eight Immortals table, four bar stools, and some simple daily necessities.

  Yang Haoran was sitting on a wooden bench, and there was a cup of hot tea on the Eight Immortals table in front of him. The tea was steaming, but there was not much fragrance wafting, obviously it was not a good tea.

  As the saying goes, standing has standing and sitting has sitting. At this time, Yang Haoran sat upright, with his hands on his knees, and his signature kind smile on his face. Opposite him was a middle-aged man people.

  The dress of the middle-aged man is different from that of Yang Haoran. He is wearing a black robe. The material of the black robe seems to have nothing special, but on the front of the black robe, there is a lifelike Grim Reaper embroidered on it, occupying the entire body of the black robe. Most of the front.

  The black robe was attached with a hat, which was very big and deep, but facing Yang Haoran at this time, this person did not wear the hat, without any cover.

  The black robe seems mysterious, but there is nothing special about this attire in this Temple of the Death, because all the priests in the Temple of the Death here wear this black robe all day long. It may be the first time you see such a dress. You will find it novel, but if you see it more, there is nothing strange about it.

  The person sitting opposite Yang Haoran is one of the priests in the death temple here. The person Yang Haoran called just now was the Miao Zhu in front of him. The reason why he went to find this Miao Zhu was to see if he could get some useful information from him.

  Actually speaking, Yang Haoran doesn't have a deep relationship with this person in front of him, they are not friends, but they are better than strangers.

  Since returning to Lecheng, Yang Haoran often visited the Temple of Death, and over time he got to know the person in front of him. The Death God pendant lent to Jiang Zhenzhen, including the Death God pendant he just asked for, was the person in front of him. Shine light on him.

  This time, facing the carrion old woman, the death pendant played a very obvious role. It will have such a magical effect. Is it the magic of the pendant itself, or the ability due to the light that has been turned on, or both, He can't be sure of these for the time being.

  However, the main purpose of his coming to see Master Jiang today was not for this.